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Tale from The Fitting Room - The Next Chapter - a bit long

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  • Tale from The Fitting Room - The Next Chapter - a bit long

    Hello All! Back again with tales from what I consider the soul-sucking fifth level of Hades - The Fitting Room! *cue spooky music*

    So, yesterday, Friday - I had a mid-day shift which sucks because my job is to sell, Friday is one of our peak days and when I'm at Fitting Room, I'm not allowed to sell. All of the hundreds of hours that my company has invested in training me and my own personal educating on the products we sell is for naught. I get to stand there, count the number of items a customer takes into fitting room and clean up their mess when they're done because...

    Suck Number One - Because there *is* a fitting room attendant, most customers don't even ATTEMPT to rehang the product they just tried on. Time after time, customers take in their items - thank goodness we can limit them to six (which is the next suck) - come out a short time later and leave clothes literally turned inside out on the floor in a pile. And speaking of which, why exactly does someone turn 3 pairs of jeans inside out???

    Suck Number Two - Yes, we have a limit of six items. No, a two piece swim suit doesn't count as one, it counts as two. No amount of huffing or rolling of eyes will change that. I promise, it won't kill you.

    Suck Number Three - The Fitting Room is NOT a phone booth. I had one woman who as soon as the door shut behind her, I heard a cell phone go off. She spent the next 40 MINUTES gaily chatting with someone about her work, her home, her weekend plans. All for me to listen to because these fitting rooms are flimsier than balsa wood. So good of you to share your mother's health issues for everyone at the fitting room. I needed to know that much about IBS. Yech...

    Suck Number Four - No, I will NOT be responsible for your children. I had a lady try to leave a TODDLER (guessing 2-3 year old CUTE little girl) outside the fitting room she went into. It's not like you're going to be cramped in there - our fitting rooms are generous enough for a customer and one of those giant megalo double kiddie strollers. Getting snippy with me and telling me, 'It will only be a moment...' doesn't change my request for you to take your daughter in with you. See also, suck number three - because I know that while you're in there, you'll get an IMPORTANT phone call you must take...

    And finally, the capper of the shift...

    SUCK NUMBER FOUR - or 'Dude, you seriously tried to scam me???'

    A young man (guessing about 16-17 years old) comes up and tells me he wants to try on *two* pairs of shorts. Or, more specifically, he walks up and grunts 'unnnhhhh... two...' at me. My procedure is to take the items from the customer, physically COUNT them, get the item number tag and then put them in the room. Young man has his hand wrapped around the tops of these two hangers and doesn't want to seem to hand them to me. I smile and say, 'I need to count these (already my 'spidey-sense' is tingling). He begrudingly lets go and I pull apart the two hangers, when, shocker-of-shockers, another pair of shorts falls OUT from inside one of the pairs of shorts (these were the big, billowy 'basketball' style. We both look at the shorts (sans hanger) that have fallen on the floor and I smile, look at this little punk dead in the eye and say, 'So, THREE then?' as I pick up the formerly hidden third pair of shorts. I know the game is up, he knows the game is up - but he forges forward and enters the fitting room.

    Only to exit point 5 seconds later, mumbling that they didn't fit - there is no WAY he actually tried them on - and beat feet quite quickly toward the door. I call my manager and get security on his sticky-fingers, but he actually had some sort of brain (or at least a flight response) and got out of Dodge.

    Best part, he was wearing a school/team t-shirt with his LAST NAME on the back - obviously part of the large contingent of folks we have in town for State Baseball Tournament. So his school's going to get a little call from mall management about how their athletes are acting when they're in town...

    At least there's a little karma involved. Stay tuned for more Tales from The Fitting Room....*exit dramatic music*
    Just to cut off any helpful suggestions: This woman was not blind, nor disabled. She was just a bitch. - Boozy

  • #2
    Quoth MiddleofNowhere View Post

    Best part, he was wearing a school/team t-shirt with his LAST NAME on the back - obviously part of the large contingent of folks we have in town for State Baseball Tournament. So his school's going to get a little call from mall management about how their athletes are acting when they're in town...

    At least there's a little karma involved. Stay tuned for more Tales from The Fitting Room....*exit dramatic music*
    Probably did it either on a dare, or thought he could get away since "no one know me here!"

    Sad to say, in 30 years, these people will be writing our laws.
    Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


    • #3
      Quoth AriRashkae View Post
      Sad to say, in 30 years, these people will be writing our laws.
      You can't write laws if you are incarcerated.
      "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


      • #4
        Ha I am soo going to do a Tales from a really sucky fitting room in Dublin. Give it an international flavour, they suck this side of the Atlantic too!


        • #5
          Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
          You can't write laws if you are incarcerated.
          LOL!! I doubt that guy will be incarcerated for that. JMO.


          • #6
            Count yourself lucky they only get to take in six...we have a maximum of TEN. And there's always somebody who is too busy and/or important and/or stupid to put them back all on the hangers.

            A couple of recent gems:

            #1 Yesterday, a woman handed me two off-hanger garments and said she was sorry but could I hang them back for her? I looked at her questioningly (after all, I assume if one has the ability to try on clothes unaided then one has the ability to hang them up again). She smiled apologetical, and said, as way of reply, "it's really hot".

            Yep. You've been in this un-conditioned changing room for about five minutes; I've been here half an hour. But yes, YOU'RE the hotter one.

            #2 I don't know how many other places do this, but we have to close the fitting rooms 15 minutes before close to clear them up properly. About ten minutes before close some woman comes along and rattles the barrier.

            Me: "I'm sorry, the fitting rooms are closed".
            Her: "But I want to try this on."

            OH, I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to perform some sort of blood sacrifice in one of the cubicles. We don't allow any of that after 5.45. Clothing triers are still welcome!


            • #7
              This makes me happy I don't buy clothes more then a couple times a year.
              Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

              Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

              Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


              • #8
                Quoth kibbles View Post
                LOL!! I doubt that guy will be incarcerated for that. JMO.
                no but if he continues the way he's going he will eventually be incarcerated for SOMETHING.
                "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                • #9
                  ITA on that! Hopefully the close call gave him a scare.


                  • #10
                    Well, we just had someone take a piss in one of the fitting rooms. Second time in a week.

                    What kind of a raging fucktard does that?! God I wish I could catch them, rub their nose in it, and humiliate the hell out of them. There is NO fucking excuse!

                    And I just LOVE those idiots who try to smuggle other items in, and they get busted. "Oh, I didn't want that!" Mmmmhmmm.
                    "I'm not even supposed to be here today!" Dante-"Clerks"


                    • #11
                      Quoth MiddleofNowhere View Post
                      No, a two piece swim suit doesn't count as one, it counts as two.
                      This seems pretty dumb. Unless top and bottom can be purchased separately, I would assume it would count as one item too. Not that it would be a concern to me, what with me being male, and all.
                      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                      • #12
                        Two piece swimsuits normally have the Top on a hanger and the bottom on a hanger (in my experience anyways). And you can mix n match too if you want to.
                        Altho, it does kind of seem funny - I mean, shoes come in pairs too but they count as one item, yes?
                        The report button - not just for decoration


                        • #13
                          One former trainee of mine had a second job part time working afternoons/early evenings at a tanning salon.

                          Some girl actually peed in the garbage in one of the rooms. There are bathrooms there. Maximum time allowed in a medium tanning bed is 20 minutes. Maximum time allowed in high tanning beds is 15 minutes. She must have really, really had to go.

                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            Quoth Samaliel View Post
                            This seems pretty dumb. Unless top and bottom can be purchased separately, I would assume it would count as one item too. Not that it would be a concern to me, what with me being male, and all.
                            I'm not sure about other places, but around here at least, most two pieces come on separate hangers and you have to buy each piece individually, so it does count as two. =/
                            Pit bull-

                            There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


                            • #15
                              Having worked at the fitting rooms at Target for over year (don't work there anymore thank god), I feel your pain. Our limit was six as well. Needless to say I hated Bathing suit season with a passion. *sighs* I had a lady furious with me because I told her she couldn't take all 24 2-piece swimsuits in. So yeah a total of 48 pieces all together. As it was I had to hang up each and every one that came out since she tossed em my desk.

                              Lets see, our fitting room were routinely used as bathrooms, someone left a used feminine napkin attached to the wall (!) and stole things left and right after we were told we couldn't pat down the clothes before they went in.
                              "I try to take reality one day at time, but sometimes several days attack me at once."

