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One for Argabarga

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  • One for Argabarga

    I saw a truly uplifting sight today. It may seem as if I didn't, when I start to explain, but bear with me.

    I had just crossed a street where everyone parks. It's a one-way street (though, on the other side of the cross street, it's a two-way street). On the right side of the street, people park at an angle to the curb, as if it's a parking lot. On the left side, they parallel park. There's enough room for one line of traffic. Also, on the left side, some areas are strictly no-parking, and they are market not only with yellow lines on the asphalt, but also with traffic cones that are chained together. One such no-parking zone is next to a fire hydrant, for obvious reasons - well, obvious to all of you, and to me, but not to everyone.

    So I had just crossed the street when I noticed a large truck just sitting there. Not parking, not waiting for someone to leave. The driver was sitting there because some genius had parked right next to the no-parking zone and had left the car with its flashers on. This is what made me think of Argabarga and his recent remark that those flashers should show a tiny car being towed by a tiny truck.

    I would have paid money to see the driver of the truck (it was a Mercedes dump truck) simply roll right over the car and continue on his merry way, but the cops were there already. One was photographing the car. The truck sat there, with a line of cars behind it, unable to go anywhere.

    Just as I was about to photograph this scene, three guys ran to the car. One had a guilty, please-don't-kill-me smile on his face. Yep, he was the driver. One of the cops moved the cones and gestured for the guy to park there, which he did, enabling the truck driver to head on down the street. The last I saw, the cops were busily taking down the driver's information.

    This kind of creative parking happens far more often than even Argabarga might think. But maybe he would.

  • #2
    One hopes the driver got more than just a chewing out...


    • #3
      Quoth eltf177 View Post
      One hopes the driver got more than just a chewing out...
      When the PD have you stay instead of yelling at you to move it, then it usually results in more than just a tounge lashing. I'm hopeful the officer was going throughnhis mental list of 'things I can ticket this idiot for'.
      Life: Reality TV for deities. - dalesys


      • #4
        Quoth mhkohne View Post
        I'm hopeful the officer was going through his mental list of 'things I can ticket this idiot for'.
        I love to see the rap sheets of id10t errors who run from the police.

        Every illegal turn, every sudden stop/quickly speeding up, every stop sign/red light ran. Every infraction and crime is added to the rap sheet, increasing the time the id10t spends in jail and the amount of fines. Gives me warm and fuzzies.
        I might be crazy, but I'm not Insane.

        What? You don't play with flamethrowers on the weekends? You are strange.


        • #5
          And of course, the whole time they're writing him up, he's whining about how it was "just a minute" and he was "leaving soon" and on and on and on.

          You either get that your actions have a negative effect on others, or you don't.

          I've pointed out to people like this the line of cars forming behind them, or, physically counted one by one, adding them up, how many people can't get in/out of their parking spots because they're now blocked in, and they STILL don't get why the world can't just wait for them to do their business.

          I recall following a car down an alley once, a narrow one-lane alley, and it suddenly stopped in front of me, the driver got out, no flashers, no nothing, and started walking away. I got out and yelled at him to move the car, he said "but I have to be here" pointing at a nearby building, I pointed at my car and, the two that had rapidly come up behind me, and said "and exactly where are WE supposed to go? You're holding up traffic!"

          He moved, fortunately, but he just didn't GET why that was a problem....
          - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


          • #6
            Like the several delivery drivers blocking my driveway. That happens to lead to a courtyard of about 20 residences

            "But I have to do a delivery"

            "Well get the f*ck out of my way Aaand let me get home/to work"


            • #7
              Quoth prjkt View Post
              Like the several delivery drivers blocking my driveway. That happens to lead to a courtyard of about 20 residences

              "But I have to do a delivery"

              "Well get the f*ck out of my way Aaand let me get home/to work"
              The UPS and FedEx drivers seem to think it's fine to just park in the middle of everything in our parking lot. One time I counted about 10 people the UPS guy blocked in one time. And he was there for a good 15 minutes. I know this because I was wanting to leave and couldn't. Yelled at him when he came back and he just completely ignored me. While I didn't have his name, I did have the plate number of the truck and sent that along with the date and time in a message to UPS.

              Not that it did any good because it still happens on a daily basis. This is also the same idiot that I saw throw a package up onto a 2nd floor balcony.
              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


              • #8
                Quoth Pagan View Post
                Not that it did any good because it still happens on a daily basis.
                Report it to your local police non-emergency number. The police *love* ticketing UPS, it's a continuous cash cow for them.


                • #9
                  I was blocked in by UPS just last week. Making the situation even more infuriating, was that if he'd stopped a mere 15 feet from where he was stopped, he would't have blocked anybody in. It was early morning and the parking lot was nearly empty, save about 5 cars that were all bunched up together (including mine).
                  At the conclusion of an Irish wedding, the priest said "Everybody please hug the person who has made your life worth living. The bartender was nearly crushed to death.


                  • #10
                    From what I remember, UPS just pays the tickets because it's easier to deal with the ticket than customers complaining about not getting stuff on time.
                    My Guide to Oblivion

                    "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


                    • #11
                      You can add to this list the morons who park RIGHT NEXT TO the bus stop! I do NOT want to have to walk out in to the middle of the street to get on the bus, especially in the winter when it's hard enough to get around through the snow and ice that people pile up at the curb because they're too lazy to finish shoveling properly.
                      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                      • #12
                        Quoth TheSHAD0W View Post
                        Report it to your local police non-emergency number. The police *love* ticketing UPS, it's a continuous cash cow for them.
                        Yeeeeah...that's not a good idea in my city. We just had a DOJ consent decree issued last week.

                        And even so, they'd never get anybody over here in time to ticket.
                        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                        • #13
                          I walk to and from work every day (1.5km walk each way twice a day) and every time I finish my morning shift, I will see the parking inspector for my street wandering up and down checking out the cars. (My street is not only one way, but there's a 2-hour limit placed on cars unless they have a residential permit. My partner and I don't have a car)
                          I wish I could tell him to come around to the mall at 8pm each night as there is always a car who believes that they can park in a no-parking zone near the mall. (they also seem to believe that if they flick their hazard lights on and sit IN the car that they're fine)
                          Last edited by fireheart; 11-07-2014, 09:57 AM.
                          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                          Now queen of USSR-Land...


                          • #14
                            Quoth Pagan View Post
                            Yeeeeah...that's not a good idea in my city. We just had a DOJ consent decree issued last week.
                            Dare I ask, but what is a DOJ consent decree?
                            I might be crazy, but I'm not Insane.

                            What? You don't play with flamethrowers on the weekends? You are strange.


                            • #15
                              Hmm, DOJ consent decree sounds ominous.

                              Isn't that essentially when the DOJ tells a lesser agency "you've been screwing up. We're not going to make you admit blame/take legal consequences, but things are GOING TO CHANGE."

