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The stupidest try for a credit I've ever heard

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  • #16
    64 cents per litre.... is 50p!!!! I doubt if it's been that low since Roland Rat was waking us up for breakfast.There would be dancing in the streets if it hit that level.
    Currently's it's £1.15-£1.20 a litre....that's nearly $1.50.And that's why I use the bus. Damnfrickingmerkins....
    The Copyright Monster has made me tell you that my avatar is courtesy of the wonderful Alice XZ.And you don't want to annoy the Copyright Monster.


    • #17
      Quoth Kit-Ginevra View Post
      Currently's it's £1.15-£1.20 a litre....that's nearly $1.50.And that's why I use the bus. Damnfrickingmerkins....
      I would love to be able to do that, unfortunately thanks to a certain person in the 60's who ripped up half the train network the only way to get to where I work in the next town over is to take 3 different buses - each way. Let's put it this way; to get to work for 8:30am my first bus has to be caught at 7am, and after finishing at 4:45pm I wouldn't get home until after 6:30pm!
      "It is traditional when asking for help or advice to listen to the answers you receive" - RealUnimportant

      Rev that Engine Louder, I Can't Hear How Small Your Dick Is - Jay 2K Winger

      The Darwin Awards The best site to visit to restore your faith in instant karma.


      • #18
        And that's what you get for living in the back of beyond.
        There's a reason they call it Norfolk-because its Norfolking good.... :P
        The Copyright Monster has made me tell you that my avatar is courtesy of the wonderful Alice XZ.And you don't want to annoy the Copyright Monster.


        • #19
          Quoth Kit-Ginevra View Post
          There's a reason they call it Norfolk-because its Norfolking good.... :P
          And yet still 1,000% better than f***ing Luton. Some of the things we haven't had to deal with since leaving Luton:

          1) People dealing drugs out of the bottom of the road.
          2) People throwing acid over neighbours' cars.
          3) People driving through the front wall of people's houses (down the road from where Mum worked, plus a couple of other incidents).
          4) Finding a severed arm and the samurai sword used to lop it off outside of our place of work (Mum).
          5) Having the road where we work being shut off by armed police to deal with a "domestic" (Mum).
          6) Being on first-name basis with the local cops as they ask about incidents in the local area (Mum's work again).
          7) Making sure the car doors are locked while driving through the town centre in case someone tries to open the door to carjack/nick our bags/don't care to think about it (all of us).
          8) Having to both watch anyone approaching while out walking as well as any side streets/gates in case they are the point man for an mugging (all of us).

          The day we moved up here I had to walk up the road to get some milk, and someone walking in the opposite direction waved and called out hello. I nearly flinched through the fence beside me in shock!
          "It is traditional when asking for help or advice to listen to the answers you receive" - RealUnimportant

          Rev that Engine Louder, I Can't Hear How Small Your Dick Is - Jay 2K Winger

          The Darwin Awards The best site to visit to restore your faith in instant karma.


          • #20
            Quoth Nunavut Pants View Post
            I'd love to get fuel for only $2.42 per gallon. I've been paying over $3 for quite a while.

            I'm sure our European friends would also dearly love to get fuel for $2.42/gal. That's 64 cents (US) per liter!
            The last time I paid for gas, it was $2.09 a Gal, and that was around when Harvey hit, and that had been a tad higher then I normally had paid. It was $2.05 for the longest time.
            Just sliding down the razor blade of life.


            • #21
              Quoth greek_jester View Post
              1) People dealing drugs out of the bottom of the road.
              Sounds like where I work. We have people dealing in the alley behind the building. For the most part, they keep to themselves. They may be stupid, but they're smart enough to not want to involve the police.

              7) Making sure the car doors are locked while driving through the town centre in case someone tries to open the door to carjack/nick our bags/don't care to think about it (all of us).
              Again, this would apply to several of Pittsburgh's more "interesting" areas. Areas like the Hill District (the area up behind the Consol, where the Penguins play hockey), Homewood, Larimer, sections of Oakland, Hazelwood. There's a reason why many commuters want to get through them quickly.
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #22
                Quoth greek_jester View Post
                I would love to be able to do that, unfortunately thanks to a certain person in the 60's who ripped up half the train network the only way to get to where I work in the next town over is to take 3 different buses - each way. Let's put it this way; to get to work for 8:30am my first bus has to be caught at 7am, and after finishing at 4:45pm I wouldn't get home until after 6:30pm!
                I can beat that (sadly). Latest bus I can take and get the train I need is at the appropriate stop at 7:50. I arrive at my little Hades Annex ca. 9:30 after train ride and a second bus, start time is 10:00 (that bus has 30-minute intervals between runs, can't risk the next one). Off at 7pm. If I'm fortunate enough to have a kindly teammate willing to drop me at the light rail station, train followed by bus gets me home about 9:15. On a less fortunate day, bus near HA is at 7:48ish, I eventually get home about 9:45.

                Either a second car or another job would be good. I dearly loathe my current job, so I'm thinking another job. As for car usage, DH *has* to have the car when he's irking in town. On days he has off, or during his imminent out-of-town assignment, I get the car, which cuts the commute down to nearly sane. Still hate my job, though.
                "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                • #23
                  I wouldn't mind the public transport commute times so much if I couldn't make the same journey by car in 25-30 minutes. If they hadn't ripped up the train line between the towns then my commute would be a case of walk to the train station (10-15 minutes, depending on walking speed, if I couldn't be bothered to get my bike out), hop on the train, walk to work (again, about 10 minutes, unless I could take my bike on the train).
                  "It is traditional when asking for help or advice to listen to the answers you receive" - RealUnimportant

                  Rev that Engine Louder, I Can't Hear How Small Your Dick Is - Jay 2K Winger

                  The Darwin Awards The best site to visit to restore your faith in instant karma.


                  • #24
                    Even with the increased bus and trolley service during the morning/afternoon rush hours, there's no way I'd take public transit. I live and work at opposite ends of town. There's no direct route to get there. I'd have to take one (take your pick--bus or trolley) downtown, a second bus (provided I don't miss the transfer) out towards roughly where I need to go, and then a third to the actual neighborhood I work in. Coming home, is a lot more difficult. I'm not about to walk across the bridge and wait on a bus, that might or might not show up. They've cut back service so much that it's unpredictable. Plus, taking an hour and a half to make the same trip I can make--with traffic and construction delays--in around 40 minutes...just isn't happening.
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #25
                      Quoth protege View Post
                      Even with the increased bus and trolley service during the morning/afternoon rush hours, there's no way I'd take public transit. I live and work at opposite ends of town. There's no direct route to get there. I'd have to take one (take your pick--bus or trolley) downtown, a second bus (provided I don't miss the transfer) out towards roughly where I need to go, and then a third to the actual neighborhood I work in. Coming home, is a lot more difficult. I'm not about to walk across the bridge and wait on a bus, that might or might not show up. They've cut back service so much that it's unpredictable. Plus, taking an hour and a half to make the same trip I can make--with traffic and construction delays--in around 40 minutes...just isn't happening.
                      This is why we need Star Trek transporters.
                      Note to self: Hot glass looks like Cold glass.


                      • #26
                        Quoth apocolypse101 View Post
                        This is why we need Star Trek transporters.
                        Just need to work out a few kinks first...


                        • #27
                          Quoth Monterey Jack View Post
                          Just need to work out a few kinks first...
                          Or this.

                          Note to self: Hot glass looks like Cold glass.


                          • #28
                            Heh. Way back in the long-ago, a buddy of mine moved here from out-of-state and crashed on my floor for a while. He got a pretty good job, but didn't have a car. So we looked up the transit schedules to see how to get him there and back.

                            The answer: Three buses, with at least a half-hour wait at one transfer point. It would have taken him over 90 minutes to make the trip there in the morning.

                            It was a 15 minute trip when I drove him.

                            And that's how I wound up adding a half-hour on to my 5-minute commute for a month or so. (Until he bought a clapped-out old Bug and was able to drive himself.)
                            “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged.
                            One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world.
                            The other, of course, involves orcs." -- John Rogers


                            • #29
                              Quoth Monterey Jack View Post

                              This is what one of the CS girls looks like first thing in the morning
                              The Copyright Monster has made me tell you that my avatar is courtesy of the wonderful Alice XZ.And you don't want to annoy the Copyright Monster.


                              • #30
                                Quoth Nunavut Pants View Post
                                The answer: Three buses, with at least a half-hour wait at one transfer point. It would have taken him over 90 minutes to make the trip there in the morning.

                                It was a 15 minute trip when I drove him.
                                How the hell is that even POSSIBLE?!

