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It's always our fault, isn't it?

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  • #16
    My typical shopping in a bookstore goes something like this. I'll go to the section that has the books I'm looking for, and start browsing. I see something I like, I pull it out. I continue to do this until I have a nice healthy pile, and have found everything I want. Sadly, though, I can rarely afford to BUY all of this. So I whittle down the pile until I have a manageable amount. Sounds horrible, right?

    Well, no. Because once I have determined what I am buying, I take the pile of what I am not buying and file them back where they belong. No, seriously. I do. Novel idea, I know. Too bad more people don't do that. What can I say? I rock!

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #17
      Quoth Anthony K. S. View Post
      Bonus points for customers who complain about the books being out of order right after they themselves pull out books and shove them back into the shelves out of order . . .
      It used to drive me mad when they'd pull out a book then put it back right next to where it was, but on top of another book. Like they were too lazy to put it back that extra couple inches where it was meant to go.

