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You can see that I'm on break

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  • #16
    We dont have a break room and its so annoying. I put my coat on and sit down in the emptiest area of the bar, but customers still come up to me.

    I'm sat there eating a meal, and a customer sits down next to me to make a complaint. I just kept saying "Managers on the bar. Managers on the bar" but he wouldnt go away! In the end I said "I'm off the clock, and I consider this HARASSMENT!" and he ran away.


    • #17
      Why I want to be a Lycan (werewolf)...

      I long ago noticed that customers seem to have this evil sixth sense, a "sucky customer sense", if you will! It's set to go off whenever you have your hot meal, ready to eat, and starving because you haven't eaten in hours, or whenever your co-worker has just gone on break, leaving you in the store alone. In the latter case, that's why the 2 of you can be in the store, twiddling your thumbs for 2 hours because no one's coming in. But the minute your co-worker walks out on break, all of a sudden, customers come out of the woodwork, like Mongol hordes or something! Then they have the NERVE to be shocked that you're the only one there, and they get pissed that they have to wait for you to help them!

      As for the former, it's been a real problem for me, because from '99-'04, I worked in a bunkbed store where I worked by myself 99% of the time. And it never failed... I wouldn't see a soul for 2-3 hours, but as soon as I nuked my lunch and had it good and hot, they'd all come out of the woodwork to interrupt me! So, I eventually set-up a desk and chair in the back room, and when I really didn't feel like putting up with any interruptions, I'd close the store and sit in the back room to eat!

      Of course, this problem wouldn't exist if humans acted like dogs when eating. Any of you that have ever owned dogs will know that you NEVER interrupt a dog while it's eating, because you WILL get bitten! And that's why I wish I could be a Lycan (werewolf) like in the Underworld movies! The Lycans had evolved over time so that they could transform at will, changing into their wolf form anytime they wanted or needed to. And that would be too cool!

      I can see it now... I'd be sitting at my desk, eating my lunch, when a customer would walk in and start asking questions. Glaring at them with a murderous look in my eye, I'd "wolf out", leap out of my chair and rip their throat out with my teeth! Then I'd change back and go back to enjoying my lunch! When the next customer walked in a minute or 2 later, saw the previous victim laying there bleeding out, and asked "what happened to him?", I'd answer "He interrupted my lunch... just like you!" while "wolfing out" at the same time! I imagine they'd piss their pants and flee like a bat out of Hell!! It'd be awesome!

      And if we could all do that, maybe customers would finally learn not to interrupt us when we're on break!
      Last edited by Jack T. Chance; 05-07-2007, 04:38 PM.
      "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."


      • #18
        No they wouldn't.. XD
        "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


        • #19
          Quoth Bloodsoul View Post
          No they wouldn't.. XD
          Well, they'd either learn, or they'd die at our hands... or at the very least, get painfully bitten or clawed! So, it'd be a win/win situation!
          "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."


          • #20
            Quoth blas87 View Post
            It never failed that an SC would riproar into the parking lot, and bark like a seal to whoever was working "Hahaha, ruined your smoke break!" or "No cigarette for YOU!" or "Haha, you gotta go back inside!".
            I always try to do the opposite if I'm pulling into a convenience store and the only clerk is outside smoking. I see them start to put down the cig, and my first line is along the lines of "Hey, finish your cig, I'm not in a hurry and I'll wait out here until you're done".

            They always give me a confused look when I do that.

            Also, this thread makes me very happy that we don't have uniforms at work. I put on a white chef's coat and a black hat when I'm serving customers, otherwise I'm in t-shirt and shorts. Hasn't stopped a couple of them from walking up to me while I'm eating lunch (and proceeding to be ignored).
            Last edited by bean; 05-07-2007, 06:39 PM.


            • #21
              Quoth Jack T. Chance View Post
              Of course, this problem wouldn't exist if humans acted like dogs when eating. Any of you that have ever owned dogs will know that you NEVER interrupt a dog while it's eating, because you WILL get bitten!
              Sure, if you teach them to be food aggressive....


              • #22
                Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                Sure, if you teach them to be food aggressive....
                Can a human even control that, though?

                Every dog I've ever known has snapped at anyone dumb enough to interrupt them while they're eating. It's a behavior passed down from the days when their ancestors lived in the wild and food was scarce, so they had to fight to keep their meal. As far as I know, they learn that behavior from their mother and/or siblings when they're pups. Although my sister would know more about that than I do. She's the one that keeps dogs as pets. I've always been a cat person.
                "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."


                • #23
                  You can teach them to respect you as the pack leader, and it's a safety issue.
                  If you drop something on the floor that they're not supposed to eat, it's reasonable that you should be able to retrieve it and not lose your hand.

                  These are domesticated animals. They've given up a lot of other wild instincts to live with us, and other behaviors such as food aggression can be trained around, too.


                  • #24
                    You can totally train them to not be food agressive.

                    None of my family's dogs have ever been food aggressive.

                    Even the less domesticated can be trained out of it. They're a pack animal, and you (as the owner) should be the alpha, and thus you are the one that can get away with being food aggressive, not them.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #25
                      Very true!
                      My dog is definetively not food agressive, and I can even lift her back legs by the tail and she'll have a look on her face that says "Now where did I put my keys..."

                      Before you throw tomatoes at me, know that It's very, very rare I lift her bum by the tail. It's the only way to calm her down when I try to brush her bushy butt.

                      Repeat that 10 times real fast.

                      As for OT, it seems I'm the only one stupid enough to help some customers when I'm on break, as nobody else will help me if I need a grocery boy or something. But if a Grocery boy needs me for a customer, ooooh I gotta go out right awaaaaay...

                      Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                      "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                      • #26
                        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                        When I was unloading trucks, we used to take our breaks outside during the summer. We sat in front of the store for a while before the managers made us go out to the back of the store.

                        One time we were sitting out in front of the store when a customer came up to us and asked us where the grass seed was.

                        Me: In the seasonal department, next to toys and sporting goods.
                        SC: Aren't you supposed to walk me to them.
                        Me: I would, but I'm on break. They're in the seasonal department.
                        SC: If I still can't find it, it's your fault!
                        Where I live working when you are off the clock is illegal and you can charge them for harassment. If I had someone say that to me I'd tell them that I'm off the clock and you shouldn't harass me.
                        Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.


                        • #27
                          On the subject of food aggressive dogs, yes, you can train it out of them, but like all rules, this too has exceptions, and I've seen them.

                          Granted, our dog is the exact opposite of food aggressive--she likes you to sit right with her while she eats her dog food. She is a social animal, I suppose, but I still thinks she's just silly.

                          As of late, to get back on topic, I've had to leave my desk during lunch just to get away from queue lights, as I can't seem to stop myself from getting back on the phones, even if I'm on break.
                          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                          • #28
                            When I worked at the Movie Theatre (we were connected to a mall) people would actually approach me at my table at the FOOD COURT to ask "What is playing" and "What time does blah blah start"? When I explained that we were an 11 screen multiplex and I cannot possibly memorize the showtimes for everything they would pass it off as me "not knowing my job" and "this is why I work at a place like this" etc.

                            The nerve of somebody to approach me at the opposite end of the mall to ask what is PLAYING!! The only questions I did not mind when I was on my break in the mall were from people that would politely say "excuse me" and then ask where the theatre was located. I had no problem directing people to our theatre. But to interrupt my dinner to ask what is playing then get mad when I can't remember everything we have....those people can go to hell.

                            I even started changing when I was on my break but the 'regulars' would still recognize me and ask me questions!


                            • #29
                              Friday, I was the only one in the shop. So at my lunch, I closed up went and grab something from BK. Came back into the shop, locked up, and just ate the food, since our break-room was locked, damn owner.
                              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                              • #30
                                In my company, the manager cannot leave the store (exept to go to the bank) or log off for a break unless there is another manager on duty. However, we can take "working breaks" where we eat in the office and only come down if we are needed. I make sure I get the whole thing by setting my stopwatch and pausing it if I need to get up. I rather like them, because then I get paid for my break.

                                One time I had a customer stop me while I was on break. I didn't have my smock on, but I was carrying my dinner. Smart enough to realize the lady carring cooked food works there, but not smart enough to think, she's on her break.
                                I have PMS and a black belt. Any questions?

                                This random moment is brought to you by the letters A D and D.

