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I got back at a customer, now I feel bad.

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  • I got back at a customer, now I feel bad.

    So, we have a bad customer. He never buys anything, but is ALWAYS trying to scam us. Today was the last draw. I see him again, I'm now allowed to tell him, if he tries to scam, he won't be welcome back in our store.

    He is nicknamed Soda man. Because he always tries to Scam us, for a free soda.

    From the fountain no less. Usually its this or that. Some exsucses.

    I paid for it, but I forgot it earlier.
    The last time I had one, it was really flat.
    Can I pay for it later?
    I bought one, but left it here.
    Everyone else lets me have it for free.
    Can I have the big one but pay for the little one?
    You were out earlier today, and the manager said I could come back later and have a free one.

    Today he came in, asked if he can have one. I said no. He asked if he could pay for it later. I growled no. He asked if he can have one, but pay just the ice price. (We charge .39 cents for cups of ice). I nearly shouted no at that point.

    Then he tries a new one. This being the holiday, can he have for Christmas. I snapped, in my mind.

    ME: "No"
    SC: "Well why not? Don't you celebrate christmas?"
    ME: "No, I don't"
    SC: "Why not??"
    ME: Sheeding a tear... "Because, when I was ten...." I give a little sniffle here. "A man dressed like Santa, broke into our house Christmas day". I gave a shuddere here. "He pointed a gun at my family, and blew them away. I'm only alive because my mom's body fell on me....He looted everything. I was so so scared....SO i HATE christmas. They never caught him. He was dressed like Santa. How could they?!"

    THe SC got white in the face. He kinda backed away. "I'm.... I'm sorry... I didn't know..."

    ME: "Its ok.. it... thats why I don't celebrate it. People think its all about the gifts. Its not. Its about family. Which is something I can't ever do now".

    He paid for the pop. He even left me a five dollar gift as he ran out.

    BTW: I didn't keep the five bucks. I scanned the dollar boys and girls club donation five times, and put it to that. At least some good can come of it.

    I messed up though, I feel so bad about it.
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

  • #2
    well, I'm not really sure what to say about that one..
    I'd probably end up telling the manager I did something like that just in case the guy ever comes back and mentions it to another co-worker.

    But... ummm.. ya.. personally I would feel bad about lying to the guy, but I think he also needed a big jolt to the brain that told him not to be such a cheap sucky man.
    Be like the flower that perfumes the very hand that crushes it.


    • #3
      Out of all the things to try to scam................fountain soda pop? Are you fecking kidding me?!

      I mean, most people try to scam vacations, jewelery, laptops and other electronics, video game consoles, clothing, shoes, expensive perfumes and makeup.........

      SODA POP?

      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        hahahahahaha that was the best possible response, I should use it sometime

        but I get really assholey if people piss me off


        • #5
          I'm sorry, Plaidman. I can understand why you would feel bad.

          If its any consolation, I wouldn't have thought he'd believe that story. I'm guessing you didn't really think he'd buy it either.

          Good for you for donating your tip to charity. Now forgive yourself and let it go.

          If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at

