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Stupid Ignorant Customers

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  • Stupid Ignorant Customers

    I work in a tiny diner, about 20 tables total but hardly ever full. Only one waitress works at a time.
    The town is technically a village. It is minute and everyone knows everyone here.

    We have the same old men who come in every day to drink coffee, listen to the news or weather channel and bitch about whatever is the big topic in the news.

    I have kept silent about my religion to customers because this is a town with a church on every corner.

    On the back of every check I wrote "Happy Holidays" not wanting to offend anyone.
    One man became insulted and started ranting about evil witches and heathens ruining this country and of course....this started others ranting too.
    A lot fo what they were saying I was finding insulting because I am of a pagan religion.
    But I kept my mouth shut.

    Me: the offended waitress
    SC1: Big mouth over opinionated asshole
    SC2: Dickhead with a big mouth

    SC1 and 2 are ranting about pagans etc
    Boss: *pops downstairs for some coffee (she lives upstairs)* Oh Pagans, Squirrel is one" *walks away.*
    SC1: YOU are a witch?
    Me: "Well in a manner of speaking, yes I am."
    SC1: "I don't have time for you. Did you know I have lumber in my truck we can make a gallows in less than two hours"
    Me: *stammers* "what did you say?"
    SC1: You heard me, we don't need your kind here
    SC2: "Naw, leave it be, you can save time, weight her down and throw her in the Allegany river."
    Me: (after my heart resumed again) Look Both of you need to shut up. One more comment like that and I will have to call the police and tell them you are threatening a religious hate crime against me. And then they will get annoyed the Feds have to be called because that is a federal case then.
    Sc1: Well you can go to hell because you will burn there after we burn you at the stake. (getting louder) "Thou Shall NOT SUFFER A WITCH TO LIVE"

    I picked up the phone both of them left in a hurry tossing the dollar on the counter for coffee.

    A week later. SC2 comes in. Places a crucifix on the counter before he orders coffee. I looked at it. Touched the base and said Ohh that is pretty.
    Not another word has been said but a drop in customers on my shift. Like i said it is a small town.
    You've got a real problem all right, and a banjo is the only answer! - Pinkie Pie

  • #2
    Keep the minicrucifix. Use it to stir coffee in the store when those two are around.
    SC: "Are you new or something?"
    Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."


    • #3
      Quoth ShadowTiger View Post
      Keep the minicrucifix. Use it to stir coffee in the store when those two are around.
      Most definitely. Then, when you see those 2, start acting (or really doing it) like you are muttering under your breath, glancing their way at the end of it. If they call you a witch, gotta act the part, yeah? hehehehe


      • #4
        Or better yet, next time he does that, go over, timidly reach out and touch the crucifix, then snatch your hand back going "Yeeeeow!" like it burned you. That'll blow their minds.


        • #5
          Oh, ya know, call the police.
          "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


          • #6
            Hell I'd be calling someone on the Boss for creating a hostile work environment. What the hell where they thinking outing your religion? Not their place to go telling folks.

            I'd also print out a copy of the U.S. Constitution and make sure the freedom of religion part in is big bold letters and tape it up somewhere. Also call the cops if they keep harrassing.

            The playing with the closed minded is always amusing. At one point in high school I was reading up on Wicca and automatically folks thought I was a witch and of course started making fun of me via going on about getting and asking how the spooks where. Etc, etc, etc.

            Well I never take well to people tormenting others for different beliefs, so I started screwing with them. I'd tell them their tormenting was making the spirits angry (or other such stuff) and then just kinda give them a smile when they did something stupid and otherwise shot their own foot. Nothing more amusing then watching people slowly but surely shut up and run from you because you have common sense and can 'foresee' their doom. Specially when they do things as dumb as say, flash a bag of weed in class and then wonder why they are suddenly getting searched for drugs within an hour of doing that.

            Obviously the spirits did it.
            "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


            • #7
              I can't believe them! I am so sorry. And I thought where I LIVE was bad! Yeah, boss shouldn't have said anything, and I would call the police anyway. You don't need to put up with that; none of us do!
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


              • #8
                I am so sorry.

                I still say call the police. Im hoping theyre open minded enough to help you.


                • #9
                  Quoth AmethystSquirrel View Post
                  ...Not another word has been said but a drop in customers on my shift. Like i said it is a small town.
                  THAT is what is killing my dream of having a restaurant one day. Having to server ALL the assholes.
                  "Sorry, the restaurant is closed in honor of customer appreciation day."


                  • #10
                    Quoth Grrrrrrr View Post
                    THAT is what is killing my dream of having a restaurant one day. Having to server ALL the assholes.
                    Small town not withstanding, when you're the boss, YOU get to decide who's worth serving.
                    I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                    • #11
                      For a while during middle school, I was reading up on different religions trying to find one that fit the way I thought best. This included me buying books on different sects of Christianity, Paganism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.

                      I had brought the book I was reading at the moment (one on Wicca) to school and everyone assumed I worshiped Satan. Needless to say, rumors spread without me realizing it until one day when I was walking to the bathroom during the class and a girl was getting into her backpack.

                      She looked up at me and said, "Ooooh! I worship Saaaatan!"
                      I just looked at her for a moment since I was rather confused and said, "That's nice... Good for you, I suppose."
                      The look on her face was priceless.
                      I have CDO. It's kinda like OCD, but the letters are where they should be!

                      After Tuesday, even the calendar goes W T F...


                      • #12
                        Mwa Ha Ha Ha. the SC's failed on 2 counts. The first is threatening AmethystSquirrel. The second is a even more special brand of fail.

                        wait for it...

                        Chirstmas itself is or was a "pagan" holliday. It was adopted by the early church at some point after it was recognised as a legal religion as part of their attempt to gain followers, as well as to prevent recent converts from re converting to their origonal faiths.

                        Heck some translations of Jeremiah 10 1-4 seem to referance the holiday that became christmas direclty and tell people not to follow the custions and ways of other religions

                        I celibrate the holiday myself, but its why some chistian denominations do not celibrate the holiday.

                        Soooo becasue of this I tend to have a laugh at the expence of anyone who gets horribly insulted becuase someone does not celibrate the "christan" verison of the ultimate generic winter holliday.


                        • #13
                          Quoth AmethystSquirrel View Post
                          "Thou Shall NOT SUFFER A WITCH TO LIVE"
                          Okay buddy *points at may refuse service to anyone* Thou shalt not suffer a sucky customer to dine .


                          • #14
                            Bigots and ignorant customers are a fact of life. Anyone who has to deal with the general public learns to ignore them for the most part. Your BOSS is the truly stupid one in this situation. Knowing what her sucktomers are like, she made that kind of a comment. That is akin to throwing lighter fluid on an open flame.

                            Now her business will suffer as rumors of a witch waitress spread through the town - something that hurts her as much as you. AND if she tries to dismiss you, you will have an excellent civil rights claim of religious discrimination.
                            "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                            .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


                            • #15

                              Forget bigot. This guy threatened to have you hanged. Let 'em know that ain't trivial, and if he wants to feel persecuted, that is one of many things in the bible that are in no uncertain terms immoral and, thankfully, illegal. He can thou shalt himself until he's red in the face, but threatening someone like that should land him in the pokey.

