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Must be something about Fridays...(Long)

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  • Must be something about Fridays...(Long)

    In my area, it's always on Friday where our store suffers many of the bad customers/people. I guess the "It's FRIDAY!!!!11" mentality means be immature, rude, and offensive to everyone. I haven't worked Fridays in almost a year and today was my first one back. I got some first row seats to this nonsense.


    One of the very common things that people do to scam is find an old receipt in the trash or on the ground and walk into another store to grab the same item(s) on the receipt and attempt to get a cash return. It seldom works, and they never go down without a fight.

    This guy who looks like he just got out of prison walks up to my counter and asks for a return. Sure, no problem. On the horn I go to get the manager over here. The manager takes over and I walk back in my lab to run film. A few seconds later, my manager walks into the office. Five seconds later, Mr. Prison asks where the manager went, so I go find him. After finding the manager, I discover that the receipt's contents do NOT match the products that Mr. Prison is trying to return. OOPS! Bad move, Mr. Prison. He doesn't even have his ID on him. Plus, the receipt was so crumpled and lifeless that it was obvious that it came out of the trash.

    So, the manager walks out and refuses the return. Mr. Prison goes on the defensive:

    Him: "Why the hell not!?"
    Manager: "This isn't the right item."
    Him: "Yes, it is. I bought it here!"
    Manager: "Sir, this is for our store down the street." (We have two stores on the same street.)
    Him: (realizing he lost, grabs the receipt) "Fuuu....fine." (Leaves store)

    Great parenting.....

    A couple walks in with the kid already crying up a storm. The parents aren't doing anything about it, at first. Normally, to quiet a kid down, you hold him, take him outside, or preoccupy him with something. Not these parents, Mom slaps him in the face and says, "Shut up." Dad cracks a smile and now the kid is crying even louder. People in my line are disgusted and so am I a little. They walk off down an aisle where I can't see them anymore. The kid eventually stopped crying but I could swear that I heard another slap. I could be wrong. Still, great parenting, you two......

    Just how shallow are you, dude?

    Some weird older-ish man walks up to get his photos. I think he may have been intoxicated. After all, there is a bar across the street and I smelled whiskey.

    He comes up and picks up his orders, I go to find them. During this time, a woman comes up to get in line behind him, this is around the time I came back. So, I being to ring up his orders and his other items. He turns around and notices the woman who is substantially taller than he is. What happens next?

    Him: "Well, hello there." (Sleazebag voice)
    Her: "Hi!"
    Him: "You're pretty tall."
    Her: (Nervous laugh) "Thanks."
    Him: "I don't mean to sound rude, but you're way too tall for me!"
    Her: (Taken aback and nervous laugh) "Uh, okay."

    You won't believe what he comments on next.

    Him: "Got some big feet, too."
    Her: (Obvious getting irritated and embarrassed) "Heh, yeah..."
    Him: "How big are they anyways? 15? 16?"
    Her: "10.5....."
    Him: "Oooh, wow."

    She's visibly upset. He now directs all this to me. It was an attempt to do one of those male-bonding 'I'm right, huh huh *elbow bump*' kind of things.

    Him: "Whachu think, bro?"

    Uh, really, dude? You're that shallow? I don't mind it all. I wouldn't mind someone else being able to get things from the top shelf and I don't mind big feet either, even if massaging them takes seven hours.

    So, anyways, I just say, "Eh, it doesn't bother me." His smile is now gone. At this point, his transaction is done. He grabs his bags and says, "Whatever, man...." and walks away. The woman comes up and we conclude that it's probably a short-person complex.

    No loitering!

    There's no sign that says this and they're really should have to be one.

    This group of three teenagers come in and only one of them buys one item. I ring them up and they leave. Tell me why they come back with three more friends and just decide to hang out in the cosmetics area for twenty more minutes. Two start tossing hair extensions around and one even decided to start laying on the dirty floor and text his many other friends that aren't there with him.

    Manager has seen enough, he walks over there and tells them to get out. They all walked towards the doors but they didn't leave. Instead, they huddled around the exit shooting glances over at my manager, me, and my other co-worker (we were all talking for a second.) This continued for about ten more minutes. Us three were about to go over and tell them to leave again but they left shortly before. My co-worker thought they would charge us for a fight.

    We're closed. Please leave.

    We close at 10pm. It's posted all over the store.

    Around 10:30, I hear some tapping on the front door. I walk down the aisle and see two dudes continuing to tap on the door. So, a co-worker and I walk up there and tell them to go away. Of course, they don't.

    Dude 1: "C'mon, man, I just need a swisher!"
    Me: "Sorry, man, we're all closed up."
    Dude 2: "We'll be right out, man, honest!"
    Me: "Dude, our registers are all pulled and our system went offline."

    They stare.

    Dude 1: "That's pretty fucked up, dawg."
    Dude 2: "Yeah, man, really."

    I leave, and hear

    Co-worker: "Go to our 24-hour location down the street."
    Both dudes: *Random, nonsense noises."

    Hooray for Fridays!!!!
    In the slot machine of life, I am the WILD symbol.

  • #2
    And Saturdays, and Sundays, and Mondays...

    Though I do have to agree that Fridays, and sometimes Sunday, with people dressed in their Sunday best after church lets out can be the worst.


    • #3
      In regards to the first story above, any leftover receipts that customers leave behind, I shred immediately. Since we do dump our small register bins into the big bins a few times a day, it prevents people from trying to scavenge through for either a) leftover receipts to scam us with, b) leftover receipts to scam other stores with (they won't get far-our receipts have the store name, the store manager AND the store number printed on them) or c) extra petrol vouchers (some customers leave them behind-I tear them off and hide them under my printer in case of printer jams so if the customer's receipt jams and there's no voucher, they still get one.)
      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

      Now queen of USSR-Land...


      • #4
        When I still worked retail, I always found Mondays to be the worst. Mostly because customers wouldn't let me leave. I could've had my light turned off for ten minutes and it wouldn't matter. As long as I was still at register, explaining I was closed to any new arrivals would be met with general hissing and disdain. The worst was the express checkout lanes. Why? Because at 11pm all but one register is closed. The special precious customers didn't want to wait in the long line so they'd try to force me to check out their full shopping cart. After my light had been off for a while. After I was closed, dammit! For some reason, Monday was always had the most horrible customers.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          Quoth TonyF View Post
          Just how shallow are you, dude?

          Some weird older-ish man walks up to get his photos. I think he may have been intoxicated. After all, there is a bar across the street and I smelled whiskey.

          He comes up and picks up his orders, I go to find them. During this time, a woman comes up to get in line behind him, this is around the time I came back. So, I being to ring up his orders and his other items. He turns around and notices the woman who is substantially taller than he is. What happens next?

          Him: "Well, hello there." (Sleazebag voice)
          Her: "Hi!"
          Him: "You're pretty tall."
          Her: (Nervous laugh) "Thanks."
          Him: "I don't mean to sound rude, but you're way too tall for me!"
          Her: (Taken aback and nervous laugh) "Uh, okay."

          You won't believe what he comments on next.

          Him: "Got some big feet, too."
          Her: (Obvious getting irritated and embarrassed) "Heh, yeah..."
          Him: "How big are they anyways? 15? 16?"
          Her: "10.5....."
          Him: "Oooh, wow."

          She's visibly upset. He now directs all this to me. It was an attempt to do one of those male-bonding 'I'm right, huh huh *elbow bump*' kind of things.

          Him: "Whachu think, bro?"

          Uh, really, dude? You're that shallow? I don't mind it all. I wouldn't mind someone else being able to get things from the top shelf and I don't mind big feet either, even if massaging them takes seven hours.

          So, anyways, I just say, "Eh, it doesn't bother me." His smile is now gone. At this point, his transaction is done. He grabs his bags and says, "Whatever, man...." and walks away. The woman comes up and we conclude that it's probably a short-person complex.
          Probably has reason to be worried that she's better hung then him.

