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Ever wish for a busy day?

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  • Ever wish for a busy day?

    I was in for my shift yesterday and it was the day before inventory. We had everything set up to perfection and there was a bad snowstorm so there was very little customers. I kinda hung out in Home E and watched CSI:Miami when it was to slow to go out and talk to customers. Enter 'This is my life' man.

    He comes in sometimes and is a larger, smelly guy who spits a lot when he talks. He kinda looks like a large mole and askes aLOT of pointless questions. This is OK as if a customer doesnt know something its always best to ask then pretend they know what they are doing right?

    So he buys a datebook and i ring it through. he starts ranting about the price and how he needs it for work He mentions he doesnt know why he is even getting it as he is a dreg at a workshop.....i mention i started at the bottom as well at zellers as a stock guy.....big mistake.

    45 minutes later i enter the stockroom and now i know the guy came from across country in 2005 and got a job in a workshop as a cleaning guy and was treated like dirt by a guy named peter and paul and all sorts of other stuff. I couldnt cut the convo without looking rude since i had nothing else to do so i let him talk to my break time and then i went on break. And then washed my hands....he spit a lot when he talked..... *sigh*

    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.

  • #2
    Oh, man. At least on the phone I can pretend another call is coming in. Too bad one of your co-workers didn't do you a solid by making your phone ring:

    "Hello?...Oh, yes. Just a moment."

    Then turn to the customer you want to get rid of and whisper with the mouthpeice covered, "I'm sorry, I need to take this and it's going to be while. Do take care and I'll see you later."
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.


    • #3
      Politely excuse yourself and come back with something that could be used as a spit guard and say, "Okay, please continue."
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        I wish for a busy day when I'm feeling insecure about my job security, and I need help to look busy ( honestly, there's just not enough duties to occupy every second of every day, but employers generally want this, as they're "not paying you to do nothing" ).

        Maybe it's unethical to work on various programming projects while I work at my convenience store, in order to have code samples to send to people while I look for a REAL job, but if they're not gonna keep me busy, may as well...


        • #5
          I prefer quiet flights with only a few pax. Then I get to sit in the back galley and read Heat magazine. or any other glossy magazine a pax has left behind whilst eating my fatty cooked crew breakfast.
          No longer a flight atttendant!


          • #6
            Occasionally I do if I've got a few projects that need to get done. We just had a really slow day after several weeks of crazy busy, so we were all still in crazy busy mode with nothing to do.

            Well, I could think of stuff to do, the numbnut tech could only follow me around and yak at me instead of doing something useful >_< Partially my fault for not giving him a list, but jeebus, he's been doing this job for awhile now, I shouldn't have to babysit.


            • #7
              I love quiet days as I finally get all those little jobs done that get ignored for weeks. However its awful if I'm on till as a customer can chat to me and I can't get away, I have no excuse. I also dislike people who tell you there life story when asking for something, for example "I need some glue please as I'm making such and such because so and so said I did such a good job before she wants me to do it again, I don't mind though shince its for my cusions birthday and he is lovely, but I found I'd ran out of glue this morning so I thought I'd better pop down and get some. Do you have any cusions?" I can't stand people like that, as ifd I'm not busy eneuth I'm being bored stupid by a person I've never met!


              • #8
                Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                Politely excuse yourself and come back with something that could be used as a spit guard and say, "Okay, please continue."
                I suggest a large trash bag. Three holes and you're all ready to go!

                Just be sure to keep your distance.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  This is what separates the food service industry from the retail industry. Actually, from most jobs. That being, since we live on tips, if we don't have a busy day, we don't make money, generally speaking.

                  Today I was busy. I made money.

                  Yesterday I was dead. I made crap.

                  Luckily I like what I do, and I am a high energy guy, and I don't go to work to sit around, but to work, so that works for me. I never did understand other servers/bartenders who wished for slow days. If you're a cook, sure, I get it, since you're getting paid the same no matter what. If you're sick or feeling crappy, I get it too.

                  But I have worked with many, many people who generally just don't want a busy day, even though by definition that will mean less money for them. These are the same people that bitch about how little money they are making, and tend to be in bad moods at work.

                  And they wonder why people don't tip them well. Duh.

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    I do, then we would actually be making money. And that way, we would stop having the Owner jump down our backs about us not being busy.
                    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

