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Wherein We Fear The Contents Of The Box

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  • Wherein We Fear The Contents Of The Box

    A few select non work specific incidents from the last couple weeks. Also, I needed to vent. >.>

    Hopefully I'm not repeating anything, I'm not 100% sure where I left off in my trauma so to speak.

    No Thanks

    Me: “And your postal code please?”
    SC: “Oh…damn, I don’t know. You got me!”

    Unless you have a number written on your ass that corresponds to the prize I’ve won at the fair, you can keep you.

    Of Course Of Course

    Me: “And your phone number please, sir?”
    SC: “……..burrrurhurhurhur”

    I think you’ve gravely misunderstood me. I said “Your phone number please” not “Can you impersonate a horse”.

    SC: “It’s xxx………burrrhurhurhur”

    Seriously, dude, number. Not horse.


    SC: “Do you have a Robert that’s camping there?”
    Me: “I think you have the wrong number, ma’am”
    SC: “This isn’t a camp site?”
    Me: “No, sorry.”
    SC: “Oh. Well, is there a Robert camping there?”

    That depends, is Robert an old timey train hopping hobo? Because I don’t see any other possible reason why Robert might be just randomly camping in our parking lot. I mean, really, do you know how amazingly stupid that question was? No, of course not. If you did it wouldn’t have made it out of your head. So you’re going to have to trust me here: That question was amazingly stupid. Just so you know. It doesn’t seem like you have any real external benchmark to give you a frame of reference for how much of a god damn idiot you are. So I’d really like to help out if I can.

    That’s what I’m here for after all, to help.

    Oh, Well Then

    SC: “Me and my cat Fifi have a problem with the resident manager.”

    Oh! Well, in that case. I mean, if it was just you I was going to just blow you off and take a message. But if Her Royal FluffyCheekikins has a problem too I vow to give this my utmost attention and not rest till I have resolved this fully to her Snugglypuff’s satisfaction.


    SC: “Is this Yellow Cab?”
    Me: “No, sorry. You have the wrong number.”
    SC: “This a cab company?”

    The chances of you having called the wrong number yet still somehow ended up at the right place are so infinitesimal as to be outright laughable. My only regret is that you cannot hear me rolling my eyes at your hopefulness. But if you wish to imagine the sound that they might make, I always envisioned it as a sort of sarcastic “whoosh” noise. Like “wah-oosh” as spoken by Garth from Wayne’s World.

    Feel free to picture it in your head for a moment. I can wait.


    Me: “And your name please, ma’am?”
    SC: “Amanda”
    Me: “Can you spell it for me please?”
    SC: “……”

    This scenario plays out so often I’m beginning to wonder if it’s not just some elaborate prank being pulled on me by the entirety of northern Canada. Granted, that would require an unprecedented level of coordination. Which is not a word I would use to describe anyone I’ve ever spoken to on this line unless preceded by the words “A tragic lack of”.

    No, I’m pretty sure what passes for comedy in the northern reaches basically consists of jumping out from behind a beer cooler, pointing at someone and yelling “Haha, you’re a fart.”. Then someone wearing an abundance of plaid and two caps at the same time ( one on backwards of course ) would look at you and go “Oh SNAP! You dun got told!”. Then everyone would laugh so hard they might even drop their beer.

    But I doubt it.

    Pick Up Artist

    Public Transit Presents: Pick Up Lines That Will Never Work:

    “Hey baby, what’s your name? …….Really? What a coincidence! That’s my daughter’s name too!”. Be sure to be carrying a box of wine for added impact. Because nothing says “romance” like wine in a box.


    Me: “Good morning, thank you for calling <company>, how may I help you?"
    SC: “Get a towel, its going down the crack!”

    .....Goodnight folks!

    Highly Doubtful

    SC: “Is anyone in the office right now?”

    Not unless they’re robbing it.

    Abandon Ship

    Me: “May I have your postal code please, ma’am?”
    SC: “H7.”
    Me: “………………H7?”
    SC: “……….H7”

    Are you…..trying to sink my battleship?

    There's Always One

    Me: “Are you calling to place an order?”
    SC: “….uhhhhh……can uhhhh…….I get….uhhhhhhhhh……..a t-shirt?

    Whether or not you can acquire the garment you seek will depend on how much coherency you can manage from here on in. But truth be told, my friend, the outlook is grim.

    Me: “And your name please, sir?”
    SC: “…..uhhhhh……….Frank?”

    Are you sure, sir? You can take another minute or so if you like. The hamster in the wheel that is your brain seems to be rather winded. Maybe you should let him catch his breath.

    Me: “Alright, and your phone number please, sir?”
    SC: “Uh….xxxx?”
    Me: “The entire number, please?”
    SC: “Ummmmmm…..xxxxx……555?”
    Me: “555 is the area code?”
    SC: “555xx.”
    Me: “Sorry, I don’t quite understand. Can you give me the entire number from the beginning, please?”
    SC: “xxxxxxx.”
    Me: “What is your area code though, please?”
    SC: “xxx-xxxx.”
    Me: “Okay, sir, you've given me too many numbers altogether. So what is your area code, please?”
    SC: “1-800-xxx-xxxx.”
    Me: “.....Are you reading that off the catalog, sir?”
    SC: “Uhhhh..”

    You are, aren’t you? You have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about do you? You don’t even entirely grasp what a phone even is, do you? This is all strange, uncharted territory and your hamster only has three legs.

    Me: “Alright, can I have the entire phone number, from the beginning, please?”
    SC: “xxxx”
    Me: “What’s the entire phone number please?”
    SC: “xxx”
    Me: “Alright, but I need the entire number sir. With the area code.”
    SC: “On the book?”
    Me: “No, I need the area code for your phone number please, sir”
    SC: “1-800”
    Me: “No, your area code, please. Not ours.”
    SC: “555”
    Me: “The area code is 555?”
    SC: “Uhhhh…………………….1-800”
    Me: “That’s not it, sir. I need your area code.”
    SC: “xxx I think.”
    Me: “That’s your area code?”
    SC: “Yep.”
    Me: “Alright, so what’s the entire number then with area code, please?”
    SC: “I dun understand.”
    Me: “I need your entire phone number please. All 10 numbers.”
    SC: “Uhhhhh………………uhhhhhmmmmmmm………um………………..uhhhhh…………m y……area phone number? Pin number?”
    Me: “The area code of your phone number. It’s the first 3 numbers.”
    SC: “Uhhh……………..ehhuummm……xxx?”
    Me: “The 3 before that sir.”
    SC: “Ohh…….<actual area code>?”

    Three legs and asthma.

    Me: “And your postal code, please, sir?”
    SC: “Huh?”
    Me: “Your postal code, please?”
    SC: “Hyuhhhh…..da number?”
    Me: “Your postal code, please sir”
    SC: “Uhh….its uhh…….t-shirt.”

    Right, so:

    PO Box 562
    Somewhere, T-Shirt.

    Somehow I don’t think Canada Post will accept that.

    Me: “No, what is your postal code, please?”
    SC: “Pole code?”
    Me: “Postal code.”
    SC: “I don’t know what’s that.”
    Me: “Its part of your address sir. If we don’t have it, we can’t send your order.”
    SC: “Uh………pole…code? What that?”
    Me: “Postal code, sir.”
    SC: “Uhhhhhh……….maybe uhhh…..northern?”
    Me: “Postal code, sir. Without it we can’t mail anything to you.”
    SC: “Uhhh…..its my first time to order, I dun understand.”

    Yes, we’ve quite clearly established that.

    Me: “We need a full address to send it too, otherwise we can’t send you anything, sir. The postal code is part of your address.”
    SC: “Uhhh, oh, okay………I dun………understand.”
    Me: “I need your postal code, sir.”
    SC: “Like….my order?”
    Me: “Your postal code, it’s part of your address.”
    SC: “Dress?”
    Me: “Sir, you can’t place an order without a full address.”
    SC: “Uhhhh……N-A-W.”
    Me: “That wouldn’t be it, sir.”
    SC: “Can I try to call back after when I understand?”

    You can, but I fear by the time that actually happens I’ll have long since retired.

    The Box

    Why hello, incredibly creepy dude on the bus. If I might have a quick word?

    You see...oh how do I put this? You know that rather colourful box you have there? Yes, that one. When I first got on the bus and saw you with it, I figured it was a LEGO set or some other toy that transcends age that a grown man nerd might have pilfered from Toys R Us at the mall. Your wide eyed excitement and obvious happiness at having scored this particular item were quite evident. As you were reading the back of the box, turning it around, looking at all the cool pictures and features. With a big grin on your face. I didn't think anything of it really.

    This went on for several stops and I was kind of half napping waiting for mine. Then I looked up again and happened to notice that the front of the box was now facing me. That's when I read the one word on the box that changed my entire assessment of the situation. Turning amusement into creeping fear.

    That word was "Anal".

    So....sir. Since you are clearly not aware of this, I’m pretty sure you can get bags at…er…."grown up" stores just like any other store. There's no real need for you to just have the box out on your lap on the bus. No matter how awesome the....features....might be on your new toy, you can at least wait till you're off the bus before you begin to excitedly peruse them.

    Because I'm pretty sure I speak for all of us on the bus when I say it's just a tad uncomfortable sitting near a clearly excited man holding a fist shaped item he's going to introduce to his fire exit later. Possibly at the earliest opportunity.

    annnd rest. >.>

  • #2
    Gravekeeper, I have missed your stories. I'm sorry you need to vent, but oh so glad to be reading from you again!


    • #3
      We got our Gravekeeper back! Damn, I missed your stories.

      Please don't be a stranger, man. Your sarcastic observations on the dregs of human society always put a smile on my face.
      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


      • #4
        Welcome back, Gravekeeper!

        Good heavens, it's amazing how many people don't know their own addresses! Even on eBay, they'll have some gibberish entered for their street address (this is a US address, mind you!) that isn't even remotely close to being a proper street address. Or a zip/postal code without enough numbers. How the heck do these people even function if they're incapable of processing such basic knowledge as where they live?!
        Last edited by XCashier; 05-28-2012, 06:45 PM.
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          .....Goodnight folks!
          I can't be the only one that read that in Yakko Warner's voice....
          (Yeah, I know it's not the exact quote. Don't care.)

          Good to see you back, Gravekeeper, even if you still stuck dealing with the VERY shallow end of the gene pool.
          "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


          • #6
            Gravekeeper!!! welcome back. Sorry you need to vent, but Darn my Mondays are just not the same without you.


            • #7
              <engage fanboi mode>
              <disengage fanboi mode>

              Idiots gonna idiot. Whatchu gonna do?
              This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
              I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


              • #8
                Thank you.
                You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


                • #9
                  Quoth Crossbow View Post
                  I can't be the only one that read that in Yakko Warner's voice....
                  (Yeah, I know it's not the exact quote. Don't care.)

                  Good to see you back, Gravekeeper, even if you still stuck dealing with the VERY shallow end of the gene pool.
                  lol, I didnt read like that until you mentioned it. I was always a fan of Wakko's Burp Operas.

                  I only recently discovered the wonderous wit of Gravekeeper, I enjoy it immensly


                  • #10
                    Yay! New Gravekeeper!

                    Good to hear from you. I was wondering if the cat had completed its fiendish plot after discovering it liked antibiotic cream.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Canarr
                      Thank you.
                      I heartily concur. ^_^
                      Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                      Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


                      • #12
                        Yay! Welcome back GK! What an... interesting bunch of oddfellows you have for us today
                        Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum! - Don't you dare erase my hard disk!

                        This is Tech Support, not Customer Service.
                        What's the difference?
                        We're allowed to tell you "no".


                        • #13
                          Quoth Crossbow View Post
                          I can't be the only one that read that in Yakko Warner's voice....
                          You're not.

                          GK, thanks for the great read! I've missed this!
                          The original Cookie in a multitude of cookies.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Crossbow View Post
                            I can't be the only one that read that in Yakko Warner's voice....
                            I can't get the Animaniac's song out of my head, now. That'll keep me up all night.

                            Good to see a GK post, missed those very much.
                            Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


                            • #15
                              What a treat to read one of your posts again! You do get some winners on the line, though...yikes.

                              And, er, Frank...I feel sorry for that guy. Wow.

                              As for the guy on the train with the, um, "toy" in the box...oh lord. No. Just no.
                              When you start at zero, everything's progress.

