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Week of bad drivers...

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  • Week of bad drivers...

    There has been an unusually high incidence of idiocy on the roads in my area this week, ranging from mild to WTF?

    Mild: older lady in a Buick- took two blocks to get from 0-30. Multiple times. I'm just glad I was able to get out from behind her.

    Bad: a bus (the kind generally used for seniors or handicapped public transit) rear ended a sedan.

    Really Bad: individual in a white sedan stopped for a red light in the middle of an intersection. Didn't notice (or was to far forward to see) the light turn green, so started moving quite late. Then, to compound things, he tried to merge into the next lane over, which w occupied by an SUV. How does he have a license?

    Worse: I was driving on a one way street, and saw flashing lights. Of course, I immediately move to the far lane. The disturbance? A woman had been driving the wrong way. Luckily, she didn't cause an accident! To be fair, I have done that once, but it was dark out and the construction detour signs had confused me. She didn't have either excuse.

    WTF?: I'm sitting in the left turn lane behind 2 other vehicles. Light turns green, we start moving. As I start the turn, a woman in an SUV decides its her turn to go. She is going straight, in the opposite direction. I slam on my brakes as she whizzes past, and I double check- my light is still green. So unless we're having a fire sale, her light was still red damnit! Thanks for the heart attack, lady.

  • #2
    Quoth Ellain View Post
    WTF?: I'm sitting in the left turn lane behind 2 other vehicles. Light turns green, we start moving. As I start the turn, a woman in an SUV decides its her turn to go. She is going straight, in the opposite direction. I slam on my brakes as she whizzes past, and I double check- my light is still green. So unless we're having a fire sale, her light was still red damnit! Thanks for the heart attack, lady.
    Eventually, SUV woman is going to do this to the wrong person. Wouldn't need to involve road rage, just simple physics - a class 8 truck CAN'T stop as quickly as a car, and makes a fairly good facimile of a brick wall when a car (or SUV) runs into it.
    Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

