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Stupid, STUPID Parent(s)!

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  • Stupid, STUPID Parent(s)!

    I never thought I'd have a "school parent" roadkill story, but, here I am. I had a meeting this morning, and ended up driving through town right as beginning of school traffic was going on. In front of the elementary school, I ended up stopped at an intersection, behind another car. I noticed said car was sitting at the intersection longer than normal, then saw the back passenger door swing open, and a little girl jump out and shut the door. Little girl ran around behind her parents car (so between it and mine) and started to cross the street. It was at that point that I noticed a white SUV coming toward us from the other side of the intersection. The SUV stopped just in time to avoid hitting the poor little girl, who also stopped. Me? I was screaming/gasping and clutching my chest. That was the closest I ever want to come to seeing a child killed, thankyouverymuch!

    The reason I lay blame on the parents? The elementary school has a drive in front of it, off of the very same damn road we were on, that is meant for pulling in, dropping kids off, and driving away. Instead, the little girl's parents decided to A) hold up traffic behind them, and B) Put their daughter in grave danger by letting her out where they did. Amazing. I know the parent(s) saw it happen--they were still sitting there, watching to be sure she got across the road. I just hope they learned a lesson, and that the girl wasn't too shaken up by it.
    "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare

  • #2
    Thank goodness the SUV driver was on the ball and could stop in time! I bet they were shaken up by that, I know I would have been - and yes it would be nice to think that the parents would learn a lesson from that....
    Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


    • #3
      I think I would be taking down that plate and having a nice little chat witch CPS.

      There is absolutely no excuse for that.

      That's even worse than the guy that was speeding and driving a bit recklessly past a school who then turned into the faculty entrance. >_<

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Oh my word. That could've been tragic!
        Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


        • #5
          Yes, it COULD have been tragic. I would've gotten the plate number had I thought of it, but I was too busy nearly having a heart attack watching the little girl. Poor thing.
          "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare

