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Personal References

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  • Personal References

    I'm applying for a TACC Support Specialist job that a friend of mine was contacted about. He already has a pretty good job so he told me about it. I have a pretty good feeling about this, as they contacted his 4 year old resume and stated they were having trouble filling the position. I already meet all of the qualifications plus an additional 4 years experience on the 1 minimum they required.

    So all I need to do is fire off my resume and see what happens. I'm stymied a bit on the reference sheet. I've got my cover letter set, updated my resume, and I have 3 professional references. At the moment I only have two personal references that I've contacted and confirmed that they'd be okay with me using. I'm waiting confirmation on the third but here's the thing. How exactly does one write a personal reference on a sheet and make it look good? I'm talking strictly formatting wise. I have the full names, numbers and emails of the references, but when not coupled with the company, job title, and corporate email address of a professional reference it looks sloppy. Basically it looks like this:

    Jane Smith
    1234 Generic St.
    Anytown, AZ 85555

    That's for one friend who's okay with me using her address. The other looks like this.

    Other Jane Smith

    Is it even necessary to use their home addresses? I don't want to use their work addresses either as that's the last place I want them to be inconvenienced on my account. I dunno . . . how would this look to a recruiter?

  • #2
    If they've asked for personal references, they'll understand that personal references are just that.

    I'm not sure of the situation if you're offering personal references off your own initiative.
    Seshat's self-help guide:
    1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
    2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
    3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
    4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

    "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


    • #3
      Unless they've specifically asked you to provide references, I always use the line, "References available upon request." As far as the formatting is concerned, I prefer your second example. There's no need for you to provide an address for a personal reference. Even for a professional reference, the name of the company and a phone number should be sufficient. I'd only include the city and state if they're not local.

      Good luck!
      Thank you for calling Card Services, how may I take your abuse today? ~Headset Hellion


      • #4
        I thought it was standard practice to have 3 professional and 3 personal references available with your resume. That's what I've always done and that's what I've heard several job recruiters recommend.

