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Umm, OK..?

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  • Umm, OK..?

    I was at a shopping centre earlier today, returning something to a clothes shop. I'd never been there before and the top I bought began to fall apart after one wash.

    Dramatis Personae:

    M: Yours truly.
    SA: Shop assistant.
    CA: Checkout assistant.

    SA: Hello, how can I help?
    M: I'd like to return this please. The stitching is beginning to come undone. Could I do an exchange?
    SA: That's no problem. Do you have a receipt?
    M: *fumbling in wallet, then pull out receipt* Here you go.
    SA: That's not the right receipt Sir.

    I'd never been here before so I'd be thoroughly impressed if it wasn't.

    M: I've not been here before - it's the only one I've ever got here.
    SA: No, no. It's definitely not the right one. I can only issue you with a credit note.
    M: Is it not possible to do a direct exchange here?
    SA: No.
    M: Oh, OK.

    She hands me the credit note.

    So I go and find the t-shirt and take it to a till with the credit note. Amongst the small talk I mention why I returned the t-shirt.

    CA: Why didn't you do a direct exchange..?
    M: Believe me, I tried...

    Sigh. People.