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Keys. Keys. Keys? ACK!

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  • Keys. Keys. Keys? ACK!

    A friend was helping my Other Half bring some exercise equipment up to our home, so I handed him my keys for the front door.

    Well, my key ring has *all* my keys on it, including the ones for the store. Instead of putting them on the counter, like he said he was, he put them in his pocket.

    Have I mentioned we've had a bit of chaos with store keys lately? We had one set go missing with an employee who NCNS'd twice, then was taken off the schedule when we couldn't get her on the phone or by email. She's completely vanished.

    We have eternal trouble getting one key made, as it's a padlock key, and very few local hardware stores stock this particular key. Ended up having to go to a specialty locksmith.

    One of my staff members usually doesn't open, but she's had to cover some shifts lately, so she's been opening. There is one employee who lives across the street from the store, so she lent her keys. When taking them back, she put them down somewhere, and she can't find them.

    Ok, so we have three people, none of whom have keys.

    Oh, and it's Inauguration, and the store is in a *heavily* Obama-supporting neighbourhood. Most of the staff supports him as well, so most people, including the GM, are nowhere to be found, because they all started partying last night.

    So there's no one at the main store till they open at noon. Which means I can't pick up the keys until noon. And, they might not even have the keys. I called the owner (another *huge* Obama supporter) right before the swearing in to ask. She said she'd meet me at the store, with the keys. At this point, I'm frantic, frustrated, and trying to get all the thrice-damned snow and ice off my car. I'm not thinking 'gee, at this point, *I* could just go get them.

    I get to the store, get myself coffee to stay warm, and realize that I should just go pick up the keys myself. But I can't get the owner on the phone. It's now 12:30, and my phone battery is dying - it had been dead that morning, and I plugged it in for just long enough to get the numbers I needed, and not be completely without a phone while driving to work.

    13:00 rolls around, still no owner. However, the woman who just rented another space in the same building shows up, and I wander in there to ask if I can plug my phone in and warm up a bit. Just as I try to call the owner again, at about 13:20, she shows up with keys in tow.

    This is *not* the day I want to be dealing with this. At least I didn't have any customers banging down my door, wanting to know why they couldn't get their wine yet.

    I'm going to go hide for a while.
    Last edited by KiaKat; 01-20-2009, 06:29 PM.