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Just Thinking Aloud

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  • Just Thinking Aloud

    You know, I don't really pay attention to time that well. I should. Time is the most important thing in our lives, the only truly finite thing. I came to a realization the other day that I had been working my current job for 14 months now, and I still feel like I only started a short while back.

    Time races when you don't pay attention I guess. What brought me to this thought process, exactly? Well you see, there is a guy at work I usually think of as "the Asian public safety guy," what with working in the college's public safety squad and, well, being Asian (though he could just as easily be "public safety guy below 30 years of age"). He used to wear the yellow and black-lettered uniform of public safety, but I saw him today wearing a police officer uniform. I thought that was kind of cool that he must have finished some training program or something similar. I don't know him too well (read: at all beyond facial recognition), so congratulating him would be, well, weird. Call me strange, but I tend to avoid situation that make me look weird. Therefore, I decided to silently congratulate him in my head. Time moves forward, and he moves with it.

    I wonder where I will be in another couple of years? Only time will tell, I suppose.

    Thanks for letting me rant. I gotta get to sleep now, cause being groggy makes me amble like a crackhead, or so I've been told.

    ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!