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Saw it coming.

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  • Saw it coming.

    The scene: A store that sells stuff for organizing your closets.
    The players:
    Untrammeled Child #1, boy (UC1)
    Untrammeled Child #2, girl (UC2)
    Mom not doing a very good job of trammeling her children

    I was looking at boxes and hanging racks and had to keep dodging UC1 and UC2, who were playing hide-and-go-seek amongst the aisles at full speed. The DutifulParents would have put a stop to that PDQ, but these kids were having a merry time of it. I could hear the mom droning on about something at the cash while the kids were running riot. Every now and then she would call out one of the kids' names in a very bored voice, which I guess was her attempt at saying "I am paying attention to your shenanigans", which she wasn't, so it was entirely unsuccessful.

    UC1 was gripping one of those soccer-ball-shaped mini bottles of Coke while he was running, which led to me to guess that this was going to end badly. Sure enough, as I was making my way out of the store I could hear the mom saying "I TOLD you not to, blargle blargle" (she didn't tell him anything while I was in earshot) and I could hear UC1, clearly blessed with an outsize sense of entitlement even at that young age, sassing her back with "I was RUNNING. I was THIRSTY. How was I supposed to know that was going to happen?"

    I'm guessing Coke explosion. Clean up, aisle 4.