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Three ways to annoy me on checkouts

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  • Starlord
    There is a store near us with a big sign: : Unattended children will be given a six-pack of soda, five pounds of candy and a free puppy."

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  • Lace Neil Singer
    The reason I said 3 is cuz all of those things happened that day. I have many more. XD

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  • staticradio
    only 3?

    1. Hang Up Your Cell/Mobile Phone When Getting In Line

    This probably will never change...most people live and breathe because of these devices. Granted, I have one...a PAYG through T-Mobile (good enough for me), but it isn't the be all and end all of my entire existence. If it isn't enough that you talked a blue streak through the order, now you have the other customers grunting and groaning: "Has to be on their cell phone the whole time in line." My advice, go without for a week, and see if you regained some of those IQ points the cell phone burned off from you.

    2. Children Who Scream Only To Get Attention I need 120 decibels of your child screaming just to be the center of attention. Trust me, it stopped being cute long ago (or, whenever you lost some of your high-frequency hearing). My advice, give your child something to really shut them up: no money and presents for the next 10 years.

    3. People Who Use Anything As A Waste Basket

    I don't know why this bothers me...oh right, because I have to clean it up sometimes. I don't need to see chicken bones, discarded cups, donuts, et al. at the end of my register...especially in tote boxes ready for sale. My advice, use the actual waste basket that is not but 2 feet away from your location...and, when it comes to something recyclable, recycle it. Don't always believe we can recycle everything.

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  • Catwoman2965
    #1 - yes, i know the call you're on is so very important, but as i need to ask one or two very SIMPLE questions relating to this transaction, can you STFU for ONE SECOND and listen to me? (this goes for people chatting with others as i try and ring them up)

    #2 - i need to have your items in order to find the ticket on then, and then fold them so i can wrap them in tissue and put them nicely in the bag for you, so you playing with them, or holding them as i'm trying to scan them, does not help me. I know you are paying for them, and no, i won't steal them from you can let go

    And #4 - if you are either returning or purchasing, but esp. returning, there is no need to give me the items on one receipt, one at a time, and then the others on the other receipts, one at a time. I am perfectly capable of dealing with multiple items. If you hand them all to me, i can take care of it MUCH quicker, and there is less chance that i will make a mistake - plus, It just holds up the line, and trys my patience.

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  • Andara Bledin
    I'm mean. As soon as #3 wandered off, I would have had someone up to put the stuff in her cart (trolley) back on the shelves.

    As for the #1s, at any point where I would need their response or an action on their part, I'd make a single comment to them, and then just stare until they got the hint that they needed to take care of business. I can outstare my cat, so this could get unnerving after only a minute or so.

    I wouldn't last long as a checker, because I just won't take nonsense.


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  • BookstoreEscapee
    Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
    I think there should be an amendment to that, "Or else the hounds will be released" XD
    One guy I worked with did announce this one night...unfortunately he didn't do it until after all the customers were out but it did give us a giggle anyway

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  • Lace Neil Singer
    I think there should be an amendment to that, "Or else the hounds will be released" XD

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  • Linda
    The law is that all customers must have left the store by half an hour after the end of trading on a Sunday.

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  • Lace Neil Singer
    I think it's down to individual store managers. The duty manager goes on the front door at 4pm to stop people coming in, and the back door is locked. We still get idiots trying to come in after 4 tho; it can be very entertaining to watch some dickheaded SC trying to argue with the duty manager, who wants to go home as much as we cashiers do. XD

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  • cheese
    I don't understand what the rules are meant to be on Sundays, I've worked at 3 different branches of the same supermarket as you, and they've all had different rules. The first, they let anyone through after 4pm, although they did do a closing announcement. So you would get people coming through at up to 5pm. The second, the tills shut off at 4.30pm, apparently this is a "legal requirement" however the third the tills shut off at 4.15pm with that also being a "legal requirement." They can't all be the law, surely! Maybe they just wanted to get people out quicker and its easier to say that they are required to by law than to say "look, get out, we want to go home"!

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  • Lace Neil Singer
    Think she eventually found a till that hadn't cashed up and the poor girl on it had to serve her. -__- It's 4:30 over here that the tills crash, sadly Mrs SC got thru before 4:30. Tho at least there wasn't a loaded trolley for people to have to put everything back from.

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  • Linda
    Did number 3 get served at all? With it being 4.20? Because I know that in the (same I think?) supermarket here the tills go off at 4.15 on Sundays no questions, no exceptions. If you're not through by then you're not served.

    Tis always funny watching the 4pm stragglers on Sundays!!

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    Number three is made even worse when they leave the kid to load up the counter while they go get something they forgot. And then you have to wait for them to come back and pay.

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  • mariamousie1
    Good for you! About the 3rd one. I would have shoved it away from me. You'd think she could at least ask you to wait. Of course you probably would have said no anyway, but at least then she would have made the effort and her time wouldn't have been wasted. Her own fault.

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  • Lace Neil Singer
    started a topic Three ways to annoy me on checkouts

    Three ways to annoy me on checkouts

    1. Ignore me the whole time.

    This really rude woman blabbered away to her husband the whole time, completely ignoring me when I greeted her and asked her how she was, as per my instructions. No answer, not even a nod to show she actually heard me. I don't expect you to hold a conversation with me if you don't want to, but I would like you to at least show that you're hearing me say hello, and not just act like I'm inaudible and invisible. Especially when I'm trying to get you to give me the credit card clutched in your hot little hand.

    2. Fiddle with the unscanned stuff.

    A customer today had me packing his stuff; while he spent the whole time shoving the unscanned stuff at me. In the end, I had to tell him to stop doing it, as he was pushing stuff right in front of the scanner and it was going in several times, which I then had to void off. Grr...

    3. Leave a loaded trolley next to my till... and walk off.

    This happened just after closing time; a woman with a piled high trolley walked over to my till, when my till certainly wasn't the emptiest one (I was already halfway thru a huge order) and before I could tell her to go to another checkout as I was closing after this customer, she left it there and walked away, obviously expecting me to just wait for her. Now, as soon as I'd processed my customer's shopping, she still wasn't back so I just put my sign up and started to cash up cuz it was 4:15 and there was no way I was going to wait forever for her to return. She eventually came back at 4:20, saw my sign and walked off with a snort of rage.