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Childish behavior

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  • Childish behavior

    Hello all. Very long time and no see/post. I have been lurking for quite a while, but havnt posted in years, so hello again!

    Anyway, new job since ive last posted, and new sucky customers

    <bg So, I work for a company that help other companies with their HR/payroll/timekeeping/book keeping, etc. My department, all we do is provide a company accountant a file that has all their payroll information in it that they then import into their accounting software. Our job really starts and ends with making sure this file is correct. So we have to know some accounting, even though we are no where near actual accountants (if we were, we would be making a lot more money). Anyway, client think we know more than we do, and can do more than we do /bg>

    Me - your humble phone jockey
    CC - childish customer

    So CC calls in as they added a new payroll item and need to get it put into their file. This is easy enough, we do this all the time. Kicker, the client needs to tell us where in the file to put it (namely, this item needs to go into this account kinda thing)
    So I tell CC sure, I can get that added, I just need you tell me where to put it
    This is where it gets sucky
    CC: No, I dont know anything about that, you need to tell me where it goes
    Me: Im sorry, all our clients need to tell us where to put items
    CC: No, you guys are the experts, you need to tell me where it goes
    Me: Im sorry, im not an accountant, I dont know where it needs to go
    CC: No, tell me where it goes
    (We go a few rounds of this)
    CC: You need to get me someone who can tell me where this needs to go
    Me: Im sorry, no one here can tell you. This is information that YOU NEED to give us, its not something I can tell you
    (This is really where the client gets childish)
    CC: Well, im just going to stay on the line until you can get me an answer
    (So, im still fairly new at this point, so I message our internal support for guidance, and this takes a while)
    CC (while im waiting for a reply) So, Can you tell me where this goes
    Me: No, as ive said before, this is something you need to tell us
    CC: Okay, well again, im going to stay on the line until you get me an answer
    (So this takes a while, but eventually I get a reply)
    Me: At this point mam, ive let you know that this information you need to provide us, you can always speak with your accountant to get the answer, but I do have other callers to take care of, so I need to end this call

    And then a few days later I get another sucky caller
    Me = Me
    SC = Sucky caller

    SC: So, I need to find out what account this item is assigned to in my file
    Me: Sure, no problem, whats the item
    SC: *item*
    Me: Well, *item* wont actually show up in your file, its part of this other item
    SC: No, its not ive looked at other item, its not there
    Me: It wont show up exactly as *item* as its part of *other item*
    SC: No, its not, ive looked
    Me: Im sorry, but thats all I can tell you
    SC: Unacceptable, you need to tell me where *item* is
    Me: I already have
    SC: No, its not
    (We do this for a few rounds, eventually.....)
    Me: Mam, as we are now just going in circles, I have given you the information you have asked, im sorry you dont like the answer, but at this point there is nothing else I can do for you and I have other callers, so I need to end this call