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The Return of Ramblin' Man; or, A New Twist on "Do You Work Here?"

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  • Imogene
    People constantly respond to my actions with, "You're weird/strange/bizarre/whatever." My auto response now? "Yeah... and? 'Taint news, love it anyway."

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  • Victoria J
    Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
    Ramblin' Man speaks: "You need to get a job!" Then he laughs, and walks away.
    Maybe it was an attempt at a joke because you we're talking at work ?

    If he considers talking to someone serving him to be almost like a friendly conversation, and he lacks opportunities for conversation, he could genuinely be a bit jealous watching you answering questions at work.

    Otherwise -

    Quoth Sorianna View Post
    So this guy again stops in the middle of the steet and shouts out the window "You're fat!" I look at him, confused, than continue on my way. He follows me down the street and says "Hey, I said you're fat!". I laugh out loud, 'cause, what the hell? And he eventually drives off.
    I don't think I've ever had anyone do that out of the blue but it always seems to be the default response to any "disagreement". (Or even polite request from real idiots - like asking someone to move out of the way).

    I'm at a loss to see how that is meant to embarrass us.

    I'm fat. I know this - nobody calling me fat is causing me a hideously traumatic new revelation. What's more everyone else knows I'm fat too - anyone who glanced at me for 2 seconds will have noticed, I'm not going to be embarrassed that they've suddenly discovered my secret.

    I've come to the conclusion that these jerks are doing us a favour.

    I'm fat. It's one of the most negative things about me - and one of the most visible. I'm smart, and I work hard, and I help people at home and at work, and I'm good to my family, kind to small animals, have an evil but silly sense of humour... (I'm not modest but you don't get to be when people think it's all right to revile you in the street). Nobody can see that, but they all notice I'm fat.

    But these jerks have something much worse - and all they have to hide their negative aspect is to keep their mouths shut. Every time they open them they let on that they are inconsiderate, cruel, unimaginative, nasty jerks.

    So - anyone who wants to call me fat is welcome to. I consider it a public service - to warn everyone what they are like, and let them humiliate themselves.

    Best of all it doesn't upset me. The only people whose opinion I care about is my doctors, and the opinions of those who love me. Not jerks.

    Victoria J

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  • Skarredmind
    Quoth Sorianna View Post
    So this guy again stops in the middle of the steet and shouts out the window "You're fat!" I look at him, confused, than continue on my way. He follows me down the street and says "Hey, I said you're fat!". I laugh out loud, 'cause, what the hell? And he eventually drives off.
    The proper reponse to this is, " Well... you're ugly/stupid, and I can lose weight..."

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  • donruss
    Quoth Sorianna View Post

    Next one is even better. Same situation, same road. Different car (fancy red sports car) and different people (a guy and his girlfriend, I assume). Now, I'll admit, I'm overweight. I'm not really ashamed. Sure, I need to lose weight, I'm not as healthy as I'd like to be. But I'm not morbidly obese or anything.

    So this guy again stops in the middle of the steet and shouts out the window "You're fat!" I look at him, confused, than continue on my way. He follows me down the street and says "Hey, I said you're fat!". I laugh out loud, 'cause, what the hell? And he eventually drives off.
    "And you are an idiot! Looks like I got the better end of the bargain."

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  • Snowbird
    Quoth Sorianna View Post
    Sorry, I know it's a little off-topic, but this made me think of the random sentances people shout (almost always out the windows of I-have-a-small-penis-but-can't-admit-it cars) at me.

    One time I was riding my relatively nice bike down the sidewalk (I don't really wanna get run over, and there are crazy drivers here. Also, I'm slow and don't wanna slow down traffic or anything. So sidewalk it is.), dressed, if not fancily, than nicely. Some jerk in a huge dark blue SUV filled with similarly-minded idiots stops in the middle of the road, rolls down his window, and shouts "Get a job, bitch!" out the window at me. No one else around, has to be me, and I've never met him. I guess the car wasn't enough to inflate his penis? His friends giggle, I look at him like and continue on my merry way, mildly confused.
    Weird. I used to ride my bike to work (my car had finally bit the dust, I had no choice), and one day I was sailing along when some dork and his friends yelled, "Hey rich b*tch!!". I did a double take, I thought it was meant for someone else but they said it again looking straight at me and laughing. I'm riding a bike to work because I can't afford a new car and they say that? I'm still mystified.

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  • Sharsarannon
    Quoth thehippie777 View Post
    So alls I could think is he is one of those people who have little to no social skill. Ya know the type, make a "joke" that apparently only they thought to be funny. You are his only friend other then his mom. I weep for you.
    Actually, this guy, if annoying and a nerd, is relatively harmless. He sounds from the description like he probably has Asperger's Syndrome or something related, in the which a person will cheerfully talk for hours with an inability to tell when the other person has lost interest or really doesn't wanna talk anymore. It's not his fault, and he's probably happy the OP is so generally patient with him and willing to sorta listen. He sounds like he could use the audience every now and then.

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  • Sorianna
    Sorry, I know it's a little off-topic, but this made me think of the random sentances people shout (almost always out the windows of I-have-a-small-penis-but-can't-admit-it cars) at me.

    One time I was riding my relatively nice bike down the sidewalk (I don't really wanna get run over, and there are crazy drivers here. Also, I'm slow and don't wanna slow down traffic or anything. So sidewalk it is.), dressed, if not fancily, than nicely. Some jerk in a huge dark blue SUV filled with similarly-minded idiots stops in the middle of the road, rolls down his window, and shouts "Get a job, bitch!" out the window at me. No one else around, has to be me, and I've never met him. I guess the car wasn't enough to inflate his penis? His friends giggle, I look at him like and continue on my merry way, mildly confused.

    Next one is even better. Same situation, same road. Different car (fancy red sports car) and different people (a guy and his girlfriend, I assume). Now, I'll admit, I'm overweight. I'm not really ashamed. Sure, I need to lose weight, I'm not as healthy as I'd like to be. But I'm not morbidly obese or anything.

    So this guy again stops in the middle of the steet and shouts out the window "You're fat!" I look at him, confused, than continue on my way. He follows me down the street and says "Hey, I said you're fat!". I laugh out loud, 'cause, what the hell? And he eventually drives off.

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  • thehippie777
    So alls I could think is he is one of those people who have little to no social skill. Ya know the type, make a "joke" that apparently only they thought to be funny. You are his only friend other then his mom. I weep for you.

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  • Snowbird
    Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
    Ramblin' Man speaks: "You need to get a job!" Then he laughs, and walks away.
    It could also be his way of trying his hand at superiority over you. You didn't mention if he ever said what kind of job he has. If he has, is it in retail? If not, that might explain a lot. You know the type, the 'get a real job!' people. blech.

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  • Evil Queen
    ...Could he be mellowing with age??

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  • The Return of Ramblin' Man; or, A New Twist on "Do You Work Here?"

    A regular customer made my brain reboot itself today.

    [back story]
    Once upon a time, before went down due to some kind of hack, I posted a story about Ramblin' Man. He comes into my store quite regularly. He can talk for-ev-er. I know I just posted about a guy who had to ask his entire question before hearing any response I made, but Ramblin' Man is different. He understands the social cues that mean "I know what you're saying." He just doesn't understand the social cue that means "I don't want to talk to you any more" or the similar one that means "I'm walking away and ignoring you."

    Ramblin' Man spent a great deal of time with me once, babbling about computer stuff, how smart he is, how tech savvy he is, how tech savvy his mom is not, how he still lives in her basement and just bought her old car, what kind of monitor and computer and graphic card he wanted, what DVDs he owns, how his girlfriend just dumped him and stole half of his DVDs, all the stuff he downloads from LimeWire, and on and on and on. He bought nothing.

    A few months later, he came in with his mom and convinced her to buy him a new computer package. It was about $2000. He told her he "needed" it all. I didn't have to help him that day, but one of my co-workers must have spent over an hour with him. And I overheard the part of the conversation where he detoured from graphic card options to the synopsis of his favorite Babylon 5 episode.

    I've seen him in the store a few times since then, but not much. He's usually just looking at movies or video games, and I try to avoid him. I can usually succeed, but, I guess since I spent so much time with him before, he now thinks I'm his friend. If he catches me, I'll be polite and helpful like a good little employee, but I'll find an excuse to disappear into the stockroom as soon as I can and work back there until I figure he's gone.
    [/back story]

    Now that you understand all that, perhaps you'll understand one of the reasons why I made a WTF face today.

    I'm talking with a nice couple about a computer for the husband's parents. Suddenly, I spot Ramblin' Man. I cringe, hoping he doesn't try to pull me away from this couple for a "quick question." Ramblin' Man spots me, smiles, and starts walking down the aisle toward me.

    I'm doomed.

    Ramblin' Man speaks: "You need to get a job!" Then he laughs, and walks away.

    Me: ... ?
    Brain Error. (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail?

    The customers were a little confused, too, and they laughed about it. After all, I was at work, in my uniform, and working, and it was obvious that I did, in fact, have a job.

    What really threw me for a loop, though, was that he spoke one sentence. Just one! That was it! And then he was gone! Not that I'm complaining or anything; it just was not at all what I expected.

    Just had to share.