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whoops...i had an accident (longish...sorry i'm wordy)

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  • PaRaGaS
    Quoth depechemodefan View Post
    and then there are those useless people who change a diaper somewhere in the public area and just leave the diaper on the floor, considering there is a trash can less than 2 feet away. This was years ago.
    How about changin' a diaper on the table.... in a kids' playroom.
    At McDonald's, no less.

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  • friendofjimmyk
    Quoth trunks2k View Post
    Am I to understand that this woman was in a wheel chair? In that case, I don't think I would call her sucky. She might have had an actual accident, and didn't "decide to" use the floor as a toilet, especially since you say it looks like she tried to use toilet. Perhaps she had diarrhea (since you describe it as a puddle), and couldn't undo her pants and move herself to the toilet in time.
    I gathered that from the story too - she "rolled" up being "pushed" by her husband.

    Unfortunately, I would decline to call her sucky because at least she told you. I mean, shit happens...

    I'm so sorry, I coudn't resist.

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  • trunks2k
    Quoth rachie reads View Post
    So while we're chit chatting, up rolls SC being pushed by her husband.
    I peer around the corner of the handicap stall and...oh my lord...I turned to B and stare at her, because on the floor was, not a pile, but a puddle of shit with some toilet paper thrown in for good measure.
    Am I to understand that this woman was in a wheel chair? In that case, I don't think I would call her sucky. She might have had an actual accident, and didn't "decide to" use the floor as a toilet, especially since you say it looks like she tried to use toilet. Perhaps she had diarrhea (since you describe it as a puddle), and couldn't undo her pants and move herself to the toilet in time.

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  • KiaKat
    When I was bartending, we used to have one regular customer who looked, and smelled, like he never showered. Very nice man, just a total slob.

    He would stuff his face with the day's special, then disappear to the bathroom for a period of time. We speculated on what he did in there, but no one was ever brave enough to go in after him and find out.

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  • depechemodefan
    Quoth walking with scissors View Post
    Unbelievable. If I had had that kind of an accident in public, that other people had to clean up, I would die of shame and never be able to go back into that place ever ever again, let alone browse the movies and check one out.
    Some people have no shame. It's sad.

    There is this guy who would sleep in the restrooms, while we are open, and shit in his pants while he's asleep.

    and then there are those useless people who change a diaper somewhere in the public area and just leave the diaper on the floor, considering there is a trash can less than 2 feet away. This was years ago.

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  • walking with scissors
    Unbelievable. If I had had that kind of an accident in public, that other people had to clean up, I would die of shame and never be able to go back into that place ever ever again, let alone browse the movies and check one out.

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  • KellyHabersham
    That sort of sounds like one of the regular patrons we have in the library I work at. As far as I know, this guy's never had an "accident" in the bathroom, but he always smells like he's just crapped his pants, so it sucks when you have to shelve or do any shifting/shelf-reading in the area he's browsing in.

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  • aurelemsrealm
    May I also suggest you check out, "Potty Training for Dummies?"

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  • whoops...i had an accident (longish...sorry i'm wordy)

    just to remind at a library...mostly a fun time...anyhoo on to the story....

    Me: nerdy but fun book lover
    B: awesome coworker
    M: best manager ever
    SC: of the white trash variety

    Since we had shelved everything, B and I were hanging out at the front desk helping people when needed and our manager was hiding in the back ordering books. So while we're chit chatting, up rolls SC being pushed by her husband.

    She leans over, attempting to whisper, and says "I had an accident in the bathroom..." After stating this, she and her husband wander off nonchalantly.

    B and I run to the back and tell M what had just happened. She stares at us with a "you have to be fucking kidding me" look on her face. Since she gets to delegate, M tells us to investigate. Normally, it would only take one person to do this, but neither B nor I wanted to face the horrors that could be alone.

    So, we make our way to the bathroom. As soon as we open the door, the stench hits us, making us both gag. We look at each other and I can tell that B is no way going to be the leader in this expedition. So I persevere through the smell, with B following closely behind me. I peer around the corner of the handicap stall and...oh my lord...I turned to B and stare at her, because on the floor was, not a pile, but a puddle of shit with some toilet paper thrown in for good measure. To be fair, she obviously tried to use the toilet because there were little rivulets of poo running down the side of the commode.

    B and I report back to M with our findings. Luckily the maintainence guys were there so we didn't have to clean up the disaster zone. whew!.

    I think the kicker for me was that after all of this, SC decided that using the floor as a toilet wasn't enough; she needed some movies to brighten her day. So I got to check out here dvds with the stench coming off of her in waves. mmmmm