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And the award for worse shouting for help goes to......

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  • And the award for worse shouting for help goes to......

    So i'm at register, trying to process a Return. Lady had a comedy of errors going on against her as i'm trying to process this return for her.

    As i'm doing this, a lady yells over a barrier that separates the Cash Wrap area for paying customers and the sales floor, and asks for help. I tell her she's gotta wait for help. She get's angry that I can't take 5 freaking seconds to point out to her where the books she wanted are.

    Now, I have a little pet peeve where if i'm helping another customer at register and someone tries to get help from the side, I tell them to wait while I do the first customer.

    The lady should've gotten some extra time added to her wait, because I had a line as well 4 people deep. So she tries to get help before 4 other people who are waiting in line.