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Have a great day!

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  • Have a great day!

    I was in an extremely good mood but I didn't have much patience and I have stopped sugar coating most things to customers cuz they need some reality.

    SC: I want to write a check.

    Me: *smile* Sure. Do you have a players card with us?

    We require a players card because we scan their ID's and checks in a handy-dandy scanner so the next time we don't even need to ask for ID.

    SC: No.

    Me: Well, unfortuantely before we do anything, a players card is required.

    I am being nice and polite despite the fact that it was going to make me late for my lunch break.

    SC gets all huffy and throws his ID at me.

    SC: Fine. Make me one.

    I was not his servant or dog. I simply pushed back his ID and told him where to go. LOL Well, I told him where the players club was.

    We had that staring contest where he thought I would break down and magically pull one out of my ass. I won.

    SC: On second thought... I don't want to write one. This is ridiculous!

    Me: Okay. Have a GRRRReat day! (not sarcastic but more of a cheerleader go team way)

    I grabbed my sign, with a loud click I put it down and annouced I'd be leaving for lunch before the dude decided to come back and yell at me. LOL

    A woman came up who had run a card through the ATM she comes up to the cage because she ran it as credit without a pin. I thought it was real funny when I saw man-name on the card and female-name on her ID.

    Me: Ma'am is this your card?

    SC: No. It's my husbands. He's not here right now.

    Me: Unfortunately I can't run it. The cardholder has to be here.

    SC: Uhh.... So, what now?

    Me: Well the money is sort of in limbo right now but in a few hours it will drop out of our system and go back onto the card.

    SC: We're on the same account!

    Me: But the card names have to match.

    Then why the hell doesn't she have her own!?

    SC got kinda snooty and was like: They let me use this card at the front desk, I stay here a lot!

    Me: Different departments, different rules.

    SC: But the last names match!

    Me: But not the first. Both names have to match. It's for security reasons.

    But in all honestly they shouldn't be doing that either. For all we know its a scorned ex wife who has hubbie's card and is going crazy with it. And I've met like a billion people who have my same last name!

    SC: Whatever.

    She finally left. Its not like I did it to be mean. I love my job and I don't want to loose it over some idiot.