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Gift Shopping

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  • Gift Shopping

    A wee while ago a customer come up to me and asked if we had a box for a photo album. He was informed no because I had looked for a box for the same album the day earlier.

    SC: "But I want a discount, it doesn't have a box"
    Me: "I'm not authorised to give you a discount, and the actual item is not damaged. We can wrap it up in bubble wrap if you would still like to buy it, will that be fine?"
    SC: "Yeah, sure"

    Transaction goes through, CW wraps it all up in bubblewrap.

    SC: "Can you put it in wrapping paper for me to, its a gift"
    Me: "Sure, if you would like to purchase some wrapping paper you are welcome to wrap it here"
    SC: "But it didn't come with a box, I should get it for free"

    What I didn't say because I didn't think of it until after was "You agreed to purchase it without the box, I shouldn't have to do anything else special for you"

    I was starting to get to adrenaline rush stage and knew that if I continued to handle it it would go bad, fast. So my CW took SC around to our main store to speak to a manager, he ended up getting it gift wrapped, but I'm not sure how good the paper was.
    Began work Aug as casual '08
    Ex-coworkers from current place of work: 26ish
    Current co-workers at current place of work: 15ish - yes he just hired 3 more casuals
    Why do I still work there again?