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Wrong Product Irritation

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  • Wrong Product Irritation

    So, I managed to get through most of my shift without landing on a register today. Unfortunately, my first of, oh half a dozen or so cuss-tomers had enough of an irritation factor to make up for the wondrous lack of front-end exposure.
    Since I'm generally looking to finish an order as quickly as possible to get back to what I'm actually in the store to work on I'll start while they're still unloading their bascart onto the register belt. (as an aside, I hate that design. I learned to check when we were still taking product directly from the bascart and scanning it; I could keep the cold together, etc. for them that way. Now its just helter-skelter in whatever order these morons throw it on the belt in, often with bread and chips in the front because they were on the top of the bascart) By the time she makes her way to the 'customer spot' on the other side of the register I've rung everything up and am waiting for her store card and payment. She finds this to be the perfect time to pull out her WIC notes and say, 'Oh, I have to get the large eggs, not the medium ones, is there someone who can switch this out for me?'
    Fine, whatever. I hoof it over to the egg case (I looked around and decided it'd be quicker to do it myself. Topping six feet lets me have a pretty quick power-walk), wondering if maybe the eggs were blown or something and I'll have to hit their cooler for backstock. Nope, eggs are full, she's just an idiot. Back to my register.
    She runs her WIC card, which of course I'm supposed to psychically know is what needs to be done (it seems two out of three of these twerps with WIC or Food Stamps want to run it without telling me that's what it is. Which causes them to have to re-run it if I didn't notice what was in their hand in time to push the right buttons first). Now she produces a wonderfully raggedy coupon for some toilet tissue (seriously, it looked like it had been in the bottom of her purse for a week or two). A very specific coupon. With a picture of the product, which is predominately a dark purple. She got the one that's predominately light blue. Even if she didn't read the frigging thing, that's a big difference right there. So, of course, we have to switch that out too.
    Really not a bad shift otherwise. Store Manager closed, so I was left alone for the most part (until about 1530 when she had been in the store long enough to think of something to need me for). I even had the time to rearrange our employee coke machine. It took an hour and a half, but our new back-up grocery manager (my old position) will be happy to have his drink of choice available, and everything's nice and full now.