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Rude Border Guard

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  • Rude Border Guard

    A friend recently had a minor issue with border guards over the weekend. Not the kind of thing that results in deportation or anything... just the same kind of "rude cashier" stories we hear again and again...

    Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart!

  • #2

    I lay my documentation out carefully - typically so they are right side up to the person across the counter from me. I am doing it that way to make sure I have it all, being dyslexic can be a bitch some times.

    He should be glad that the person isn't basically throwing a wad of assorted ID and paperwork onto the counter but is laying it out carefully.
    EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


    • #3
      Living near the border I have heard a lot of stories, most of which are better suited to Fratching. But just like everywhere else, there are good ones and sucky ones. Fortunately the few Hubs and I know personally are pretty decent folks, so there are nice ones out there somewhere.
      Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


      • #4
        One of the last times I crossed the border -- MANY years ago -- I got some twit who leaned in the doorway of his little booth and kept mumbling stuff at me. I'd ask him to repeat himself, and he'd repeat himself ... in the same mumble. He was obviously getting off on making people's experiences as unpleasant as he could.

        But yeah, I've also run into some good ones ... and some who didn't deserve what happened to them: on a different trip, one poor guy opened a black plastic trash bag that I had in the trunk and stuck his hand in. I cleared my throat. "Uh ... that's my dirty laundry." He couldn't have jerked his hand back any faster if I'd said there was a black mamba in there. I made a mental note to, in future, use clear plastic bags so they could see the contents; then they could just do a squeeze 'n' grope to make sure there wasn't anything in there that needed a closer examination.
        Last edited by Pixilated; 09-27-2013, 02:32 AM.


        • #5
          Did he tell the guard why he wasn't moving up when called? Because to me that would make me suspicious of the person . Then he starts putting his paperwork down one by one, to me that would seem to me I am fucking with you and there is nothing you can do about it.

          I have dealt with all of this as a cashier but I guess I am a rude cashier for asking people to hurry because the people behind the people like this are mad at me (the cashier).

