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Christmas Wish

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  • Christmas Wish

    I haven't been in VA for almost 2 years but I still get emails from the radio station I use to listen to.

    Normally I don't read them, but for some reason I opened this one.

    Quoth Jombi
    Hi <PepperElf>

    This morning, a listener called in to me, as I filled in for Jimmy Ray and Jen, and mentioned that there is a little boy out there with leukemia whose main Christmas wish is to get a million friends on his MySpace page. I would like to ask for your help during this very special season of giving. Let's show this little fellow how much Hampton Roads cares. It doesn't cost a thing. Just takes a few minutes to make this little guy happy. Here is the link to his MySpace page: You'll find out all about this brave youngster.

    Thanks for your help. Here's to a Merry Christmas and hopes for a prosperous, healthy 2009.

    John Shomby
    Director of Programming and Operations
    97.3 The Eagle
    At first glance I thought, OK what donation do they want... then I read... They just want a MySpace add?

    Heck I can be nice to a kid with Leukemia and add him. So one add from me.

    (mods move this if in the wrong section of course)

  • #2
    Other things you can do that don't cost anything to help this child and others like him with life-threatening illnesses:

    Donate blood or platelets. If the donor center offers to add you to the bone marrow registry for free, do it.

    Talk to your family about becoming an organ donor. Make it quite clear that is your wish. If they ever have to make that decision it will be much easier for them if they know for certain it was your wish.

    I'm sure there are other things, I'm not thinking of now.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

