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Tear Down This Wall

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  • Tear Down This Wall

    I used to like this restaurant. It had a touch of working-class elegance to it, the food was always well-prepared, the prices were reasonable - I could sit there reading my Sunday New York Times for an hour and a half without feeling pressured or rushed. It was more like a tea room than an all-you-can-eat trough.

    Boy, did that place change.

    I always thought that it was because they were overworked. I was positive that the company was a victim of its own success - the place grew crowded fast, and soon was populated entirely by overfed Americans treating the waitstaff like animals and shoveling down chicken wings as fast as the servers could load the trays. I started hustling quietly out after only forty minutes or so.

    The booths started looking tatty, the koi pond in the middle started to murk up, and the exhausted servers would look at you as if they really wanted to pop into the back and grab a few Z's. The quality of the food plummeted until it was barely edible. The whole place seemed slammed. Now that I'm reading this article and realizing that only part of the visible exhaustion written on the faces of the employees is due to the daily dinner rush, I feel really, really awkward.

    I feel kind of bad boycotting the place if the employees really are being treated like that - I have the temptation to go there and leave 100% tips, like I do on holidays at the Denny's. But there is no WAY I'm setting foot in that place again. I was borderline on whether to cross it off my list anyway.

    Love, Who?

  • #2
    That's awful. I've never eaten there, and now I know I never will.

    It makes me wonder about the small chinese place near my parents. My friend worked there a little in high school, and the guy who owned it was a hug ass. Made his waitresses cry all the time. Last time I was there, my pick up order took ages for them to make, and I thought maybe they had just gotten a mid-week rush and it threw them off... until the waitress told us that all the kitchen staff had just walked out. I'm wondering now if maybe something similar was happening there and all the staff (who, if I remember what my friend told me correctly, were all immagrants) decided to call it quits. Or maybe the boss was just that much of an ass. Probably the latter, but you never know.


    • #3
      Thats sad for me to hear, it was one of out favorite stops when I was attending the Maine College of Art, as well as when I went to Portcon Maine (altho I ended up at ihop instead this year ^^;

      I haven;t been there in a while, but it still makes me sad
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