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Truckers vs Cars

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  • Truckers vs Cars

    Things trucks do that piss cars off

    Things cars do that piss trucks off

    #4 on the trucker's list of pet peeves I see a lot in town. I've tried to give them room in the past, but they didn't move over. I never tried signaling them like that before. I'll have to give that a shot sometime.
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  • #2
    It is difficult for a truck driver (along with motor homes with trailers) to tell if they have enough room to change lanes. You'll see the truck drivers do that all the time. The truck that was just passed, will flash his headlights. After changing lanes, the passing truck will flash a "thank you" with his running lights..

    I had to laugh at both lists. In most of those situations, EVERYBODY is wrong.

    Car complaints:
    1. That is because you just slowed down in front of him. See truck complaint #1 & #2
    2. They make it sound like every truck is constantly shedding tires. They are not
    3. Physics my friend. It would not be so bad if you were not tailgating them or sitting in their blind spot refusing to pass. By the way, your SUV is not much better.
    4. OK. Valid complaint. But in all fairness, he is probably trying to pass a truck the got caught in Truck complaint #1 & #2. [Screechy child's voice] The car started it! [/Screechy child's voice]
    5. These guys are professionals. You are probably driving too slow.

    Truck Complaints:
    1. If you weren't driving so slow....
    2. Yeah, like cars are the only ones. How about you trying to take one in a plastic bottle so you don't have to stop at a rest area.
    3. Your concerned about the cars? How about that long caravan you have with about 20' between each other. There is not enough room between you for a car to change lanes to get off at the next exit, or merge in. Speaking of merging in...
    4. If the car wasn't pinned in by the trucks, you wouldn't be stuck in the left lanes. If he slows down, the truck behind him will have complaint #1 and the car will have complaint #1.
    5. If you left a gap between the trucks, you would need to change lanes, given, of course that the driver of the car isn't trying to merge at 10 under the traffic speed (I am surprised that isn't on the list).

    I know you have all seen this before. I also know that you know that all cars & trucks are not like this. There are bad drivers everywhere.

    In my perfect world, there are separate highways for trucks and cars...
    Last edited by csquared; 12-07-2010, 07:46 PM. Reason: left out a line
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    • #3
      Quoth csquared View Post
      In my perfect world, there are separate highways for trucks and cars...
      Yeah, they're called railways and roads respectively.


      • #4
        For the record, drafting does save mileage as it reduces friction against your car making your car not have to work as hard. Even Mythbusters tested this and while they don't get everything right, they did with this. Not saying it's a smart thing to do because the driver of the truck can't see you and in a quick breaking situation, you will total your car, but it does work.
        "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


        • #5
          I don't think the explanation for the tire shedding is correct.New tires don't shed their treads,but re-tread tires will after X number of miles,even when manufactured by a reputable company.
          "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

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          • #6
            Quoth Frantic Freddie View Post
            I don't think the explanation for the tire shedding is correct.New tires don't shed their treads,but re-tread tires will after X number of miles,even when manufactured by a reputable company.
            This. I've been driving for...almost 8 years now? Lost the treadwall from retreads about 4 times total. Twice from a drive tire (rear set of tires on the tractor are called drives, front tires are called steers; also, steers are not allowed to be retreaded) and boy, was that loud...sounded like a gunshot because it was so close and you could feel it through the frame of the truck...and twice from trailer tires.

            Tires are part of our standard pre-trip inspection, and a tire obviously in poor shape should be replaced before hitting the highway, but this can happen to seemingly good tires as well, or an invisible hazard en route, such as a nail in the road, can change circumstances after our inspection. We do our part to keep it from happening, but it can't always be caught in advance.

