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  • Dear Child Rum,

    I'm glad you enjoyed your first major foray into the pool at the local fitness center. However, please do not be running out of the family changing room whilst Mommy & Daddy are distracted and back to the pool area. Especially do not be doing this when you are completely nekkid. You do need a bathing suit while in the pool.



    • Dear Child Rum,

      There's a slight difference between Bathing Suit and Birthday Suit. Please ask Mommy Rum what the difference is.

      Laughing on the inside!
      Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

      Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

      Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


      • Dear Lizziebeff,

        Thanks for the earrings, and you're welcome for yours...and the sandals...and the caramel.

        $15 plus approx. 5.5% sales tax is what's owed.

        Much love,



        Dear everyone,



        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • Dear Porcelain Throne,

          Erm.....yeah, sorry I tossed my cookies. Don't think I enjoyed it.


          -The Kid leaning over you

          Dear Body,

          ....Gabe? Is that you? What lovely wings you have....

          Now a member of that alien race called Management.

          Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


          • Dear EQ,

            Thank you for the support.

            Yeah, it was interesting. We even bought her some goggles for the swimming pool. She wore them whilst grocery shopping afterwards.

            I need more sleep,


            • Dear Sister-in-Law,

              Know that you can always call when you need it. But please, if you call at 10:30 PM (knowing how early we get up) crying asking me to call your mother to tell her you're going to the hospital, some details would be nice.

              Now that I know what's wrong I understand why you were having trouble talking, and why you didn't want to talk to your sister. But you could have at least told me what hospital, or what was wrong.

              Dear Mother in Law,

              I understand why you got rid of the house phone, but you need to leave your cell phone in your bedroom where you can hear it when asleep!

              SIL tried to call you for 1/2 hour before giving up and calling us. Then we tried for another 1/2 hour before you finally called back, and then called SIL's boyfriend to find out what happened.

              Dear CS,

              Since you may be going "huh" my sister in law had an ovarian cyst burst causing her all sorts of pain and making it difficult to breathe. She lives with her BF but needs her mother to sign paperwork/be present since she's the next of kin, and she wanted her mom with her since she was in pain.

              She called, we were asleep but I answered the phone. She was crying, then the above happened.


              • Dear universe,
                Please, oh please, oh please, let my mum's credit be high enough to carry out her plan. She's paid off two of those big debts, and it would REALLY help.
                Love, Setsu

                Dear CS,
                My mum's plan is to stop renting this house, and move into another house, within walking distance of this house. This 'another' house is bigger, and has an in-law suite, and she'll be making house payments instead of rent, and they'd be lower. But she has to have high enough credit so they'll let her even try. And her credit was trashed when her last husband died, leaving her with his unpaid debts even though they were legally separated.
                "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light


                • Dear milk,

                  You are heavy.



                  • Dear ex:

                    Why did you waste two hours whining about a possible medical problem to ME?! I may love watching medical shows and have two MDs as muses, but that does not mean I myself am a doctor. Don't relay symptoms that tell me you should get to a hospital and then find excuses when I tell you to do so. If nothing's actually wrong, get an actual doctor to tell you that. I am not and have never been qualified to dispense medical advice.

                    Sorry, but I have little real sympathy being that you refused to do what a sane person would. Three times (something similar happened last year, as I recall and you walked out of the ER in a huff after only waiting ten minutes...I would hope that coughing up blood would convince you to stay until they figured out what was wrong).

                    Oh, when I tell you at any time I'm hanging up on you because I need to study, that is not an invitation to try to keep me on the phone or keep calling. Just because you haven't grasped the finer points of education doesn't mean you have the right to keep me from doing so. If you prevent me from studying a critical bit and I fail the exam due to same, can I send you a bill for the cost of taking the test twice?
                    Last edited by Dreamstalker; 02-11-2009, 03:07 AM.
                    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                    • Dear musical inspiration,

                      Would you care to tell me why I have the outline (that is, chords) for five verses/sections (? or something?) of music and no notes written for sure yet? Would you also like to tell me why there is a Finale file laid out with four instruments (flute, acoustic guitar, piano, and cello) in B major at 90 beats per minute with one tentative note staring at me? Why is this?

                      That reason would be you. I love you. I've been trying not to ignore you. I will feed you with chances to play with the nice shiny musical toys in the house if you will stop walking out on me. If you ever become reliable, we can both make money, maybe, which would be awesome. This means that I can buy more shiny musical toys for you to play with, like that grand piano you've been drooling over for the last decade. Wouldn't that be cool?

                      Stop walking out on me. I don't like writing music by myself. I think about it too much.

                      --the brains of the outfit.

                      Dear homework and housework,

                      Please do yourself.

                      1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
             (A blog about everything and nothing)


                      • Dear Muses:

                        Will you guys PLEASE stop teasing me and get to work? I'll have money for bribes by the weekend I promise...where did you all develop a taste for obscure Japanese candy anyway?
                        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                        • Dear Mother Nature,
                          Please have good weather this Thursday. I really want to see my baby niece and the family. I would prefer to get there in one piece and I would prefer the husband and the boy be there with me too.

                          Dear Kitty,
                          STOP sleeping on my pillow when I'm at work. Your fur is everywhere. I love you but you make me crazy.

                          Dear Cable TV,
                          500 channels and nothing to watch! Seriously?! GRRRR....!!!

                          Dear Dumbass Former Coworker,
                          Hope you love the eval your former Bosslady has to write up for ya! HA HA HA HA!

                          Dear Current Coworkers,
                          I still say we put a grenade in the printer. Just me!
                          "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


                          • Dear Self

                            For crying in a small bucket, just GET UP when your alarm goes off! Gymming in the mornings does wonderful things for your metabolism! GRRR


                            Dear weather

                            Please don't rain today - I need to walk the fluffbutt. He was very upset yesterday and didn't understand that rain + walk = sick rads.


                            Dear TTO

                            You're amazing

                            The report button - not just for decoration


                            • Dear Father,
                              Please please do what you said you were going to do today and put my birth certificate in the mail today. I'd really appreciate it... After all, it will get me to Job Corps and out of your hair. And please, I hope you thought to have your wife notarize it, as it's preferable to have an official copy. I promise to get many copies made once it gets here, so that I won't have to ask you again, though I really DO NOT understand why you feel the need to keep my birth certificate....

                              hopefully awaiting birth certificate by Friday or Saturday
                              your daughter

                              Dear Sister,

                              Thank you for listening and letting me rant about our father, and my mother. I know, I know, I've ranted to you about a lot of stuff lately, but seeing as you're really my only family member who seems to give two shakes of a rat's tail about me, and the SO has heard more than enough of my ranting on this topic, I don't have many others to rant to. I really do appreciate it and love you. I hope we have a long layover in Atlanta, so maybe you can take a long lunch or something and come see us, and meet the SO for the first time, this time BEFORE I marry him.

                              Love you muchly
                              your grateful sister


                              • I understand your scenario. However, when one's husband is watching a TV show on the internet that he can watch at any other time, then you know what? He's a selfish pig who must just like to make his wife cry.
                                Dear idrinkarum,

                                Yes, you're correct. That is absolutely, 100% selfish of him. He could, at any point, stop and go back to it.

                                And, I'm sorry, the videogame will still be there in thirty minutes - you can replay it.

                                The problem, or I should say the main problem, men have with women that either don't get or don't want to get videogames was just now thoroughly expressed with your comment. See, you're saying I "can just replay it." Well Oprah, you may be surprised to know that "just replaying it" isn't quite that easy in most situations. I'm not going to bother drawing up another scenario that has and potentially will happen in the immediate future.

                                No, what I'm going to say is my scenario could, in fact, happen. Hasn't, no, but could. Some games are not very considerate about their savepoints. I can think of several, but that's irrelevant. The point is that, as mentioned before, if I haven't had a savepoint for hours and I'm on the final battle, knowing full well it could be an hour to fight this guy and an hour after that if I win, hell no I'm not doing whatever you want just because ZOMG UR A WOMANS!

                                I don't know you and therefore I won't make further assumptions. What I will say is you're stating I'm being inconsiderate, but really, I'd say it's the other way around.

                                Bunnies and brimstone,

                                Gun Sage, father and happily married
                                You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube

