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  • Dear M,

    Publish that information again and I walk. Simple as that, I don't care how much work you've put into this, you've crossed a line; a line that is thick, hairy and cannot be crossed back.

    You have been warned.

    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • Dear children,
      don't climb in the drawer. it will break and your grandma will me mad at me.

      dear chips,
      can you please taste better? I didn't like you when I opened the pack but I don't want to throw you away.


      • Dear Lupo,
        Hugs and condolences from me.. May not know you too well but I know how that situation is.. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.

        Dear mom,
        Please stop caring so much. Srsly. I love the fact that you've decided to try and care about my health and well-being, but your brand of care is going to KILL me. Literally. So stop it.
        If I cut carbs, natural fruit sugars, salt, fat, red meat, and cholesterol pretty much completely out, I will DIE. My doc said LOWER carb intake, INCREASE salt intake, and my cholesterol was FINE on my diet before, so with the healthier stuff I'll be even more fine. If I cut my salt intake, my blood pressure will continue to tank, and with my naturally low blood pressure, I'll start fainting again and that's really uncool.
        I know how to read labels, I know what I'm supposed to be doing, and I don't appreciate you buying all the stuff I need to be eating, and then telling me I can't have any of it because it's all for your packed lunches because you've finally been shocked into eating something other than Wendy's for lunch every day.
        Also, maybe if you quit buying six six-packs of coca-cola bottles every two weeks, plus four 12-packs of cans, plus chips and snacks, and you and your husband's pack-a-day apiece smoking.. you wouldn't have to take out a loan to pay your taxes. Don't look at me to give you a loan just because I can save up almost 1600 dollars a MONTH with my fiance's paycheck, because we already pay all of your bills except rent itself, car payment, insurance, and the water bill.
        Love you but STFU,
        "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light


        • Dear Wii Fit,

          Please work for me and the Mrs.


          • Dear Awesome Movies,

            Thank you for making me feel better! It's been a weird couple of nights, but "Earth Girls Are Easy", "Back To The Future", "Robin Williams: Live On Broadway" (yes, technically not a movie but whatever!) and "Futurama: Into The Wild Green Yonder" all rock my little girl socks!

            I don't know where I'd be without cheesy, fantastic, painfully hilarious movies. Many many hearts to all of you responsible for these pieces of love!



            • Dear Wegmans(R) Potato Chips - Salt & Vinegar flavor,

              Why do you have to taste so good? I can eat the entire bag in one sitting if I wanted to!

              at the thought of my expanding waistline,
              and needing some willpower at the moment,


              • Dear GIATZ,

                You are the most amazing man I know. You're intelligent, you're handsome, you're charming, you're funny. You can win a political or religious debate based on pure fact without lowering yourself to petty insults. You're talented musically, and you enjoy singing. You have the most wonderful voice I have ever heard speaking, and I'm sure your singing ability is amazing as well.

                You treat me as if I'm just as smart as you. You make me feel like I'm equal to you, even though I've put you on that mighty pedestal.

                I love you.

                I tell you every day, and you think I'm kidding. I know you don't feel the same way about me, so I'll let you think that way. I don't want to push you away. Over the years, I've found a man who does feel that way about me, and he could make me happy. You haven't found that woman who will do it for you, but I'll be rooting for you always.

                One day, these feelings will be behind me. Someday, I'll knock on your door and say, "Hello handsome" like I always do. We'll laugh and I'll reveal that I had the hugest crush on you way back when and it'll be like the trance I'm in will break.

                For now...

                I love you.


                Dear CS,

                Thanks for having a place for me to put that



                • Dear Mom's Doctor
                  Yay you moved the freaking test up. FINALLY. Now can you bloody find out what the hell is wrong with my Mom. This is getting old. And can you find it with just the camera down the throat. Lets not have to do the one up the leg too. But if you have to then fine. JUST FIX MY MOMMY DANG IT!!!!!!!!!!

                  Thinking good thoughts on Wednesday
                  Coffee should be strong, black and chewy! It should strip paint and frighten small children.

                  My blog Darkwynd's Musings


                  • Dear NRK,

                    Stop it Things aren't that bad. Some things have sucked, but overall, not too bad. It gives me a new appreciation though of what others have to deal with when I got into my moods in the past though.

                    Dear W,

                    You manage to make me feel beautiful and wanted and all sorts of happy without me getting attached. It's nice since neither of us want that. I wish you didn't have to work as much, but it happens. I'm still going to have you watch Firefly next time!

                    Dear K,

                    We need to have more girl time. We don't hang out nearly enough.

                    Dear Dn,

                    Before this, it had been maybe two years since we had talked. Get online again so we can talk some more! I miss you and can't wait for you to be here.
                    "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


                    • Dear CS,
                      For those of you who were wondering how my final job corps interview went yesterday (smiley :P) please click here.

                      Dear Smiley,
                      Sorry I wasn't online last night... It'd been a very very VERY long day, with no sleep... I crashed watching Fiddler on the Roof, and have only now woken up.
                      Your female soulmate :P

                      Dear (yeah OK....) Admissions Councilor,
                      that is all


                      • Dear RHPG,
                        What a raging bitch! Gah.. I hate when people get all up on their high horse and judge others, especially when they don't know f***-all about them.. >.>

                        Dear stomach,
                        Please stop craving sweets and chips, and revolting when I eat real food. I cannot live on sugar-free Jelly Belly jellybeans and veggie chips alone. I really didn't enjoy "returning" my delicious turkey and cheese sandwich. I cannot take a zantac because my new meds and zantac fight. Please stop being so mean.

                        Dear Mom,
                        I know I just wrote a lovely rant about you, but if I have to hear about how good you were on your diet one more time I am going to hit you. Seriously. Congratulations, you ate fruit, yogurt, and granola for breakfast. You ate a salad with tuna, hard-boiled egg, and low-fat ranch dressing for lunch. I know. You eat these every day, and have for two weeks. Congratulations. If only you'd apply all this mystical Wendy's-avoiding willpower to your smoking habit.. maybe then I'd be impressed.. but please stop giving me a million details on exactly what fruit you had with your yogurt, and your technique for building your salad so every bit of disgusting lettuce has something delicious on it so you will continue to eat it. For the record, using 1/4 of the bag of pre-made salad, and a whole can of solid white tuna, and a half-cup of salad dressing and two hard-boiled eggs.. you might as well leave the salad bit out for all the good it does you.
                        Your annoyed daughter,
                        "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light


                        • Dear CSers,

                          Apparently that video didn't load up to youtube all the way, so I'll add here the things that happened that it cut off. The admissions councilor had the nerve to tell Sir that he was taking on way too much, should never have tried to bring me up here, and that we aren't engaged, we're just adultering, and that he's breaking up a marriage. She's also said it's not likely we'll be going to the same Job Corps center. Well, we'll see about all that. We're going up there today to talk to her supervisor, who's the one who signs off on who goes where, and we're going to tell her what happened yesterday. We're going to be calm about it, but what that woman did was unprofessional. Once she signed my papers I should have been done, but no it was after she signed my papers that she decided to get "personal" and say "I'm not judging, but as a child who was abandoned by her mother to go to another man for a new life...."

                          Seriously Pissed off


                          • Dear RHPG,
                            >.< what a hopelessly gigantic snotwaffle she is. GRRR. *descends into snarling*

                            *massive hugs* You did NOT need that. I'm glad you've been as together as you have been, because I know I wouldn't be. I'd go to her supervisor too.


                            Dear body,

                            WAKE UP!

                            Last edited by RootedPhoenix; 02-24-2009, 04:59 PM. Reason: adding things.
                            1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
                   (A blog about everything and nothing)


                            • Dear RP,

                              Thanks, I barely ate yesterday, and despite being exhausted from having stayed up all night the night before and only having slept about thirty minutes that day, i didn't go to sleep last night until round about 1 am. I then slept till 11:30 this morning O.O But yes, we're actually on our way out now, so I will update via video when I get home.

                              to all


                              • Dear RHPG,
                                When, notice, I said when, not if, you and Sir go to the Clearfield Job Corp they will fly you into the Salt Lake Airport... it is not possible to get from Salt Lake Airport to Clearfield without passing where I work... you WILL be waving as you go past

                                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

