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  • Dear the_std,

    You're not as innocent as I look.

    I know that was a nefarious plot on your part to keep Wolf with you.

    Just teaing you!


    • Dear Rummy,

      ARC is a wonderful group. I am glad that you are getting Child Rum in with some qualified sitters and will be getting some time out for yourself and Mr. Rum. Time out is so necessary. It will help bring back the barest threads of sanity.

      As hard as it is, please try not to worry too much before the tests in July. I know it's easier said than done but try a little. Play bongos with Child Rum and beat out all the bad stuff. Dress Barbie in punk rock clothes and pretend she is beating up Ken. Do something silly and giggle about it. Anything to try and relax.



      • Dear (You Know Who You Are),

        I don’t know…I just like talking to you.

        Dear Ex,

        Am I to assume you did not get my email, or that you just have nothing to say? Based on past experience, I’m leaning toward the latter.

        Thoroughly annoyed and getting angry (not that you seem to care),


        Dear MS Access,

        What the hell does that mean?!


        PS Whats the point of having fancy-schmancy Office 2007 if I have to run everything on my other computer with Office 2000 because you slow everything down? Youre very pretty but Im beginning to hate you.


        Dear Staples’ Advertising People,

        The line in your new commercial, “It makes a strange noise when I punt it across the room,” is very apropos for me lately. I wonder what kind of noise they’ll make when I toss ‘em out the window. Good thing the windows at work don’t open. My computer at home may not be so lucky.

        Thanks for the laugh,


        Dear Ex (again),

        Thank you for answering my text. You could have saved me some aggravation if you had just responded last week.

        Still annoyed but slightly less angry (for the moment),
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • Dear Rummy,

          Gasp! My evil plot has been seen through! I must strive to be more stealthy in my giggly man-dealings.

          Will you teach me? I obviously have much to learn!



          • Dear dickwads from one of my posts,

            I specifically made it clear last time that I did NOT want any messages from you. And yet you go and send me messages, attempting to throw me off of exams. Thankfully, I have none, but keep it up again and I will go to the police pressing harassment/stalking charges.



            Dear cold weather,

            Ahhh, why do you have to freeze me?

            Love, me.
            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

            Now queen of USSR-Land...


            • Dear fireheart's cold weather,

              *steals you* You are MINE. Bwa hahahhahahaaaaaaaa.

              I <3 cold. <3<3<3 !!!

              Dear fireheart,

              *gives you our warm weather*

              1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
     (A blog about everything and nothing)


              • Dear the_std,

                For it to be a truly darstadly plot you need to learn not to giggle.

                A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                • Dear the_std,

                  Please take Crazylegs' suggestion under consideration.

                  Also, don't smile, <<<<<glow>>>>>, or fly around happily whenever the object of your affection is around.

                  Try to be evil ... Just like Dr. Evil ... Hahahaha!

                  Ahem ...

                  I have more suggestions,
                  Dear Body & Mind,

                  I'm trying to deal with my stress and you're not helping!

                  Stop with the hives covering me.

                  Stop with the dreams where either Child Rum is being kidnapped or people in the family taking her away from me.

                  Just let me have a moment's peace, please?


                  • Dear self

                    stop craving chocolate. You had chocolate yesterday! Honestly!


                    Dear TTO

                    I hope your nose stops running


                    Dear everyone else

                    WOOHOO! It's Wednesday! And here, it, I just wanted an excuse to go Woohoo.....

                    The report button - not just for decoration


                    • Dear Rads,

                      WooHoo, it's Wednesday! WooHoo!

                      Many Hugs

                      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                      • Dear CL


                        Many Hugs
                        The report button - not just for decoration


                        • Dear Rummy,

                          Keep us posted. I'll be thinking about you. Daughter has had a heart murmur since birth and it's not something that's fixable. Her's is considered "normal" and not a threat. I'm praying yours is too, even if it's a recent addition to the way your body works. No matter what, we're always here if you need to rant, vent, be not okay, anything.

                          Also, I'm not specifically anemic I don't think, but I have a very very low iron count so I have to take pills. Regular drug store over the counter iron pills always made me sick, so I started ordering tablets from a company called Shaklee. They're much easier and don't make me sick and sore. So if you have problems with your pills, it's another possibility. Just so you know.


                          Dear Rummy's mind,

                          Stop stressing her out!!! That's the last thing she needs. Give her GOOD dreams, not ones that freak her out!

                          And no more making her paranoid about Child Rum. That's just plain mean!

                          No love,

                          I am Wolverine.............and Wolverine does not do high kicks.

                          He was a hero to me....and heroes are not supposed to die.

                          Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw!


                          • Dear National Institute of Standards and Technology;

                            I own both a desk clock and a wrist watch that synchronize themselves every night with the official US Government time signal that you broadcast from the US Atomic Clock in Fort Collins, Colorado.

                            For the last several nights, this signal has not been coming through, they are unable to detect it. Thus, they have not been able to synchronize themselves for the last several nights.

                            Don't know what you "geniuses" did to screw up your transmissions, but please fix it... NOW!

                            No love for you today,



                            Dear Mind;
                            1. Please stop dreaming about She Who Must Not Be Named, it's getting REALLY old. Do not want!
                            2. Please stop waking me up at 5:30 or 6 in the morning and then refusing to allow me to return to sleep. That is also getting REALLY old! Again, DO NOT WANT!
                            No love for you today, either,



                            Dear Special Someone;

                            Thank you for allowing me to become part of your life these last few weeks. I am deeply honored that you have chosen me.

                            I hope that things keep moving in the right direction and that I continue to be worthy of your attention.

                            Looking forward to what I hope will be a very
                            bright future for us both,

                            Last edited by Jack T. Chance; 06-17-2009, 04:19 PM.
                            "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."


                            • Dear persephone,

                              Thank you for the kind words. Would you mind if I PM'd you in the future?

                              I had good dreams last night. Nothing with Child Rum in them, but I was playing Dungeons & Dragons. I haven't played in ages!

                              The hives have gone away (for the time being - whew!)

                              Today is the first official day of Summer Vacation. Let's see if we can all survive it.



                              • Dear Rummy


                                that is all
                                The report button - not just for decoration

