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  • Dear MotherRum,

    Thank you for turning my surprise at Mr. Rum's sensitivity into something meaner.

    I do not think Mr. Rum wants to hear the results of my MRI to see that there is absolutely nothing wrong with me and then he'll yell at me to clean the house and to stop "faking" my episodes of not feeling good.

    Thanks for nothing,
    Your Daughter


    • Dear everyone--

      Happy hugs and sadly understaing hugs as needed.

      Also, I have peppermints to hand out.

      I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

      Oh, and your tool box got out again.


      • Dear Bella,

        When I worked on a thoroughbred broodmare farm, you could always tell which horses had once raced because they liked to eat peppermints rather than carrots.




        • Dear Child Rum,

          Mommy is sorry you had to endure a strep throat test.

          And she's sorry that you have strep throat.

          Now that being said ...

          Please do not pass your strep throat germs to me. My doctor has told me that if I get strep throat again this year, he's sending me to an ENT specialist so that my tonsils can be removed.

          I have no clue what tonsils are supposed to do. However, I like mine right where they are. They are just fine.

          So please, please, please don't give me strep throat.



          • Dear Rummy,

            Tonsils are there to get tonsilitis and Strep Throat. They are also part of the immune system that can be removed if needed.

            I hope you manage to keep yours right where they are.




            • Dear BE's ex and Rummy's Mom,

              Don't make me bring over my Clue by Four.

              --Angrily, TPM

              Dear Rummy,

              No, I won't turn into a pumpkin (though that would taste pretty good!). I just won't be on call for when everything breaks after hours. I will get to sleep all night instead

              --Happily, TPM

              Dear boyfriend,

              Please don't make my christmas present an engagement ring. I know my mom suggested it, but no. That's beyond cliched and boring and you'll pop the question in front of everyone and you know I hate being the center of attention. Seriously, don't you know me better than that??
              Can we just elope to Vegas next weekend instead?

              --Annoyed-ly, your girlfriend


              • Dear Shpepper,

                Thank you for the information.

                The only thing that is missing from me are my adnoids. I had those removed at the age of 2.

                I thought only little kids got their tonsils removed anyways.

                Besides, if I had to go to hospital, I think my house would cave in.

                I just slay me,
                Dear TPM,

                Thank you for the offer of the Clue-by-Four. I really think my mother needs it.

                As for the elopement? That would be awesome!

                I wanted to do the Camelot thing and get married by Merlin. Hubs is a big King Arthur geek. But nooooo ... we had to get married in front of friends and family. It was nice and fun, but really ... I wanted Vegas!

                Hoping you get Vegas,


                • dear facer mcfacehead
                  i miss you. i hope you and your fam are doing well, including that little baby of yours. i'm planning on randomly showing up at your house some day soonish. well. soon being anywhere between now and 2020. and i plan on inviting you to my wedding, even tho i wasn't invited to yours. so look forward to that invite in the next year or so. didn't know we were planning on wedded bliss? that's whatcha get for deciding that you're a new person and your old friends won't like the new you. how are we gonna know if we don't like the new you if we don't get a chance to know the new you? oh facer mcfacehead, you silly girl you. i hope you realize soon that even tho we haven't really spoken since you were in boise last, i still count you as one of my bestest buds.
                  fries in milkshakes,
                  dear broseph
                  i miss you! i miss your face, i miss your voice, i miss your *cough*...and i can't wait 'til you're back to coming home every night instead of just on the weekends. and i am looking forward to friday. safe to say, you're gonna be walking funny on halloween. and you're gonna like it! muahahaha!!
                  dear people on this forum,
                  y'all rock. 'nuff said.
                  If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

                  i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


                  • Dear Rum,

                    I knew a woman who got hers out at 51. And when I was 15, I had tubes in my ears (little girl in the next bed was 7 - same surgery, same doctor, went in after me, and went home before I even woke up ...), there was a girl on the unit who was 18 getting her tonsils out (she ended up staying overnight...our moms were chatting while we slept).
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • Dear be,

                      I had the tubes in ears thing too. When I had my adnoids removed, they put tubes in the ears.

                      Haven't really had many earaches since then.

                      Dear Child Rum,

                      You're sick.

                      You need to go to bed!

                      Why did you have to sleep so long for nap today?

                      Mummy Rummy


                      • Dear life,

                        Please stop making my friends sad.Really.

                        Also, could you make my homework and laundry do themselves? Thanks.

                        Dear allergies,

                        1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
               (A blog about everything and nothing)


                        • Dear world,

                          Why do you seem to have it in for me?


                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                          • Dear World,

                            Leave Becks alone!

                            Swinging a Cluex4 the world's way,


                            • Dear Registered Education Savings Plan Representative Girl,

                              I simply wanted to know how long it takes after faxing the documentation to receive my money for the year. You did not need to scream at me, especially after learning I'd only sent out the documents that morning. I need that money to buy groceries so that I don't die. I just wanted to know how long it would take, so I coud plan out if I needed to get my Daddy to give me some money for groceries.

                              Thank you for eventually informing me that it takes 6 to 7 business days.

                              I hope I never had to deal with you again;
                              Dear Mommy,

                              Thank you for putting twenty dollars in my bank account so I can buy groceries. I love you so much. I may not always like you hovering, but it's good to know you'll be there when I really need you.

                              Love For always;
                              Your Baby Girl
                              Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

                              Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
                              Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


                              • Dear Becks--


                                I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                                Oh, and your tool box got out again.

