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  • Dear becks,
    Me too! 12 days.......

    Dear rummy,

    Clue by 4 should be in the mail soon for mr rum. Good job child rum!

    My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


    • Dear Mono,

      Thank you for the clue by 4!

      She's getting to be so smart.

      Dear Life, Child Rum, God,

      Is this some kind of conspiracy against me? Designed to drive me crazy?

      For 2 days Child Rum has been taking the antibiotic for her ear infection. She was fine. This morning, I give it to her, and she immediately throws it up? I'm going to have to call the doctor on duty this weekend to ask for advice.

      *le sigh*

      Dear Child Rum,

      Mommy's sorry that she made you take that strawberry medicine again, but the doctor told me I had to!

      You threw it up. I'm waiting for a new prescription for you so I can get you more medicine. One that (hopefully) doesn't make you throw up.

      At least now we've found at least one med you can't take!

      Looking on the bright side,
      Mommy Rum
      Last edited by CaroPhoenix; 04-24-2011, 04:46 PM.


      • Dear everyone,

        I am very very tempted to send my extra invites out to those not smart enough to know how to work an envelope. This time I will include step by step instructions on how to RSVP.

        What do you think?
        My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


        • Dear Mr. Rum,

          I am going to be activating the video feature of my iPhone around the 13th or 14th of May. You better be ready!

          Your wife,
          Mrs. Rum


          • Dear Stupid Coworker,

            Initiative. You needs it. BAAAD.

            No love,

            Dear essays,

            Please write yourselves dammit!


            Dear body,

            Please stop being itchy like crazy.

            Dear CS folk,

            Does anyone know why I am suddenly itching everywhere without actually having any signs of mozzie bites or the like? I also seem to be getting the dreaded "sausage fingers" every time I walk but that's not as much of a problem these days.
            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

            Now queen of USSR-Land...


            • Dear everyone.

              I am turning into a hot mess here.

              My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


              • Dear (not-so)BFF-(right now): I am so sick of this behavior. You do this every time I get real and tell you what I really feel about something. Why can't you accept that this is how I'm feeling right now and you don't have to fix it? Why do you take it personally that I don't need you to fix it? I just need you to listen. The stereotype is that women understand that concept, but you've thrown that one out on its ear. So thanks for bailing on me this morning; I've been feeling bad all day now. And to think, you told me I am not a good friend. At least I can listen and not absorb, but just be there. Just ask B.
                "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                • Dear Mono,

                  I agree with the hot part. As for the mess part, Take three deep breaths, step back to steps and ask if it will still matter in 10 years. If not, then don't stress over it. Everything will go as it is supposed to go.

                  Would help more if I could,



                  • Dear Shpepper,

                    Thanks! Things are really going smothly actually. I just want the packing done so it is easy to do. I am not doing any of the set up so I need to make sure the prepreations are solid. But in the end it will not matter if everything I want done happens or not because I choose a place that is beautiful on its on.

                    My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


                    • Dear lungs.

                      Could you please work correctly? I will get your meds after mom gets off work. Until then kindly let me breathe.

                      My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


                      • Dear Prostate Cancer,

                        Damn you to hell for smashing my husband's sense of sexuality. He took much pride in his ability to please his wife.

                        We got rid of you, but you will continue to cause us much grief in the months and perhaps years to come. I can only pray that one day you and your kind will be obliterated from the face of the planet.

                        Get fucked!
                        "Imagine that. Human souls, trapped like flies in the World Wide Web, stuck forever, crying out for help."-The Doctor
                        "Isn't that basically Twitter?"-Clara


                        • Dear ladies and gentlemen,

                          it is offically my weddding day. If you want the link to watch it live or recorded please feel free to click this! 4:30 pm EST.

                          My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


                          • Dear Child Rum,

                            Don't you ever, EVER fking eeeevvvveeerrrr open your bedroom window again!

                            1. Your window is in your bedroom.
                            2. Your bedroom is on the 3rd floor (top floor of our townhouse)
                            3. Do we even try to go out the house through a window?
                            4. Doors are the ONLY way to get out of the house (unless there's a fire and you have to jump/climb out the window, but even then, it'll be dangerous).

                            Fortunately your Daddy came home and did not go to the gym. I hope to God that the window lock he bought will work.

                            For Fk's sake,
                            Your Very Mommy

                            PS I never knew I'd have to use a on my daughter.


                            • Dear Parallax, Sinestro, Weaponers of Qward, or any disgruntled Sinestro Corps Member looking to get rid of his ring and power battery;

                              Please to be giving me a Yellow Power Battery and Power Ring now. Really need it! I would be a valuable asset to your Corps. I could very easily spread LOTS AND LOTS of fear and terror amongst my enemies!



                              Dan from Earth, Space Sector 2814.
                              "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."


                              • Dear everyone on CS,

                                Mr. Rum just ran his first 5K this morning. It's also his birthday. Child Rum and I cheered at the start line and we cheered him when he crossed the finish line. I am very proud of him.


