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  • Dear Worthless CoWorker
    ((no longer work with this F-head as of 9-05, thank God!))
    The next time I decide I want to suffer ANOTHER chew-session from our Department Supervisor over YOUR idiocy and f-tard-ery, I will let you know. Otherwise, please quit hiding out in the men's bathroom, or using equipment you have been told you are not qualified to use and have no need to be qualified to use.
    I have gone through the training courses, spilled more blood and patched myself up more times, and filed all the proper paperwork with the proper agencies.
    Also, I am tired of forking out the money for the entirety of the bills we are required to pay in exchange for living in company housing. You now owe me some $3,019.41, you cheap-*** b**tard.
    Oh, and I have freshly cleaned my 1911A1 .45 ACP... JUST in case you decide to go into another of your rages and throw a chair at me. I won't miss.


    • Dear M-i-L,
      Despite the fact tht you're in end stage renal failure and on dialysis, as far as I'm concerned, if you're able to drive to various large shopping centres and spend ALL day wandering through them at a fairly fast DON'T need a diasbled parking spot! Yes, you have a pass because you whinged at your doctor until she gave you one. That doesn't make you disabled, it just makes you an entitlement whore. Especially since you use it at every chance you get, and then whine/rage when you can't!

      Also, no Rascal for you!

      - Mishi
      Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

      Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


      • Dear door-to-door sales lady;

        You're not selling anything, you say? I believe you. You and your guy companion just pulled into the neighborhood in a van and split up and you're working this side of the block while he works the other.

        So you both can knock on doors and just talk. About waterproofing. Or something. Something that isn't "selling anything."

        FYNQ. Go away.

        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • Dear Job,

          Please, please back the fuck off. I am on the verge of some sort of mental break. I can't keep going at this pace, especially with all the extra crap you've got us doing now.

          If a workaholic like myself is saying this, imagine how some of the lazy-asses are feeling??

          My entire life is being affected and I seriously am OVER IT.

          No love,

          "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


          • Quoth Peppergirl View Post
            Dear Job,

            Please, please back the fuck off. I am on the verge of some sort of mental break. I can't keep going at this pace, especially with all the extra crap you've got us doing now.

            If a workaholic like myself is saying this, imagine how some of the lazy-asses are feeling??

            My entire life is being affected and I seriously am OVER IT.

            No love,


            "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."


            • Dear university,

              If you are going to provide me with a Functional Assessment Observation sheet from which I am expected to gain data from, can you please ensure that it is actually legible?

              Thank you,
              The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

              Now queen of USSR-Land...


              • Dear Rambling Guy who showed up on my doorstep yesterday:

                Next time you decide to approach someone's house, here's some advice on how NOT to appear suspicious:

                1) Don't pace several times up and down the front porch - this gets noticed around here and can end up with 911 being called to send the police to ask you what you are doing.

                Especially when I'm in the living room at the doorway to my dining room and I'm watching you through the curtains.

                2) Don't beat down the front door after doing number 1

                3) And if I open the door and ask what your business is, do NOT start talking at 90 miles/hour . . . you only make yourself look like you got caught trying to stake out a home to break into, on drugs, or possibly BOTH.

                4) And don't ask me who I am . . . you will get the same answer everybody else does "I'm the woman who LIVES HERE." And it's even stupid of you to even ask that, especially when I'm in pajamas and socks and holding a Swiffer duster in my free hand. Dumbass

                5) And don't ask if there's anyone else in my house you can speak to. I am not about to go get my mother out of bed when she's not feeling well . . . . and I still don't buy your lame excuse of you're with some organization and you come around once a year. I've never seen you before and I've lived here almost 23 years in the same house. Try again.

                So in short, you got busted. Next time I see you, I won't hesitate - I WILL pick up the phone and call 911 and have the cops dispatched immediately and you can try your sales pitch with them.


                The bitch you pissed off yesterday
                Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                • Dear Customers;


                  Every Commissioned Salesperson That Likes Their Job!
                  "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."


                  • Dear Karma,

                    I've been good! I've been making lots of deposits paying for the groceries of that random stranger in front of me.

                    I just wanna take out ONE tiny deposit.....and I'll pay it back a thousand fold!

                    so please please please please please let Mr. Angel Investor approve my application and write me a shiney check for $30,000!

                    Much love,

                    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


                    • Dear Centrelink,

                      Why must you be so confusing?!
                      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                      Now queen of USSR-Land...


                      • Dear people with pushchairs, please for the love of god (and my sanity) STOP HOGGING THE PAVEMENT. AS if it is not bad enough that it's barely wide enough for both you to walk side by side and anyone wanting to pass you is out of luck, but now you are expecting me to step off the pavement and into the on-coming traffic for your convenience. NO WAY

                        Dear teenagers, I'm very happy for you but could you please consider that not everyone wants to see you groping each other in public. Kissing is one thing but when you start getting THAT frisky in public it' s time to go indoors.
                        Last edited by MistressOfTangents; 10-13-2012, 11:51 PM. Reason: tied up paragraph format


                        • Dear Dad,

                          You don't know how badly you screwed up, do you? You cheated on Mom, after 12 years together. You fucked up, plain and simple. You don't know that did to Mom, or to me, you bastard. It's been a year. What now? Lacy*, if you are reading this, fuck you, bitch. Fuck you. You fucked up our family. Bitch.


                          *not her real name, but close
                          Shameless self promotion:
                          DeviantArt page: A Creepypasta Lover
                          Blog: A Proxy Girl
                          Best comic ever: Pasta Monsters by XcomickittyX
                          "Here's Jeffrey!" --Me, describing my favorite creepypasta


                          • Dear Mother,

                            Yes I get that somehow the car screwed up. Yes, I get that our insurance premiums are going to go up because of an ACCIDENT. Dad did not deliberately open the back just to piss you off. It was an HONEST MISTAKE. And somehow, as usual, you have this compulsive need to be perfect, to act perfect around people. Whenever something goes wrong, or you make a mistake, or similar, your response tends to be of the negative sort. And then you wonder where I get it from.

                            Therefore, when you stomp back in to get the broom, you DO NOT need to go off your nut at me. We're just lucky that nobody was hurt and it was JUST a smashed windscreen. If you're that worried about your insurance premiums going up, they go up anyway due to inflation (believe me, last I checked, my sister (who has never been in a car accident)'s insurance goes up every year for varying reasons). yes, I know that you're struggling to find a full-time job. I'm just struggling to find part-time work. Do I go off my nut at you when I've had a shitty day? No. I've learned to scream and yell in the car when I'm driving (always just me), or I take it out in other forms or in other forums. (or on occasion my sister)

                            I'll be glad in 2-3 years time when I can move out for good. When I have kids, I will not be acknowledging you as their grandmother. You will be known as the "grandpa's wife". Not as a grandma, or a nanna. Not until you receive therapy. If I can do it, then so can you.

                            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                            Now queen of USSR-Land...


                            • Dear head,

                              I hate you.


                              Dear fireheart,

                              *big squishy hugs*


                              Dear crazyclerk12,

                              *big squishy hugs, too*

                              Last edited by RootedPhoenix; 11-19-2012, 03:00 AM. Reason: fixing
                              1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
                     (A blog about everything and nothing)


                              • Dear former roommate,
                                As much as I wish I hated you I just hate that you have the emotional and mental maturity of a preschooler. I'm glad you're gone in most respects. But the apartment is kinda lonely without you. Even though I now have room to spread out. Yay. I really wish you well in life and hope you get the emotional support I was unable to give you and the therapy you so desperately need.
                                Ps. It was not classy at all the leave the apartment in such filth. Would it have killed you to take out some of the trash like I had asked. Oh well, it was wishful thinking that you'd consider anyone but yourself. :/
                                Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                                Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever

