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  • Dear JG--

    WTF is your issue??

    Why do you think it's OK for you to ask me all kinds of questions like that?

    Why do you think I'll answer you, when you won't answer me?

    Anything that has to do with my life that doesn't involve you, guess what?? IT DOESN'T INVOLVE YOU! It's none of your business!

    You want the answers? Answer my questions, too.

    BTW, I couldn't care less if I never saw you again.

    --An extremely pissed off me.
    I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

    Oh, and your tool box got out again.


    • Dear Ex,

      ....LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE YOU !! Stay the outta my life and don't you dare contact me again you !

      I was so much happier and my blood pressure so much lower BEFORE you IMed me, you jerk!

      Rot in Hell,
      Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

      Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

      Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


      • Dear Economic Situation,

        You suck. It's bad enough that it's hard for anybody to get work, hell it's worse to try and get a second job which I need because I have stuff that I need to pay off but would have a hard time doing or can't since most of the money I earn from a $9/hr job goes towards food and the bills because the cost of living down here is getting pretty damn expensive, even with two other people living with me that don't make much money either. I probably won't be able to get a house down here because again, it's so frickin expensive down here in South Florida. As much as you suck, you've motivated me at the ripe age of 24 after all these years to stop fucking around and get my shit together. I will go back to school, I will do whatever it takes to make things better for me.

        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • Dear person who keeps sending me IMs under various usernames containing the word "Salmon".

          You are an idiot and you do not amuse me. Please grow up, grow a set, and get a life. Preferably one that doesn't involve you telling me 'i liek lots of things and cheerleading and mabye more!' or 'Your computer will explode in 20 seconds'.

          No love,

          LB a.k.a. BarbossaSnape.
          The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


          • Dear Hotel on the Stateline,

            Please please PLEASE CALL ME FOR AN INTERVIEW.

            It's not about making the money or the hours, I swear. I only need a part-timer to 1) supplement my income (so I can buy books, my own worse drug) and 2) I'm seriously jonesin' for the experience. If I go out Cross Country with 2.5 years of only RETAIL experience I am going to die a slow and painful and agonizing death from people who's never seen a kaleidoscope in their 60+ years on this planet (that makes 5 in the past 3 weeks).

            So please, I'm a'beggin. I am on my knees and roasting a goat to whatever coconut will get me this job.

            All my appreciation,
            The Mel
            Now a member of that alien race called Management.

            Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


            • Quoth Evil Queen View Post
              Dear Ex,

              ....LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE YOU !! Stay the outta my life and don't you dare contact me again you !

              I was so much happier and my blood pressure so much lower BEFORE you IMed me, you jerk!

              Rot in Hell,

              Dear EQ,

              Does the name "Rhonda" ring a bell? Because that's the only reason why he AIMed you and Yes, I am verbally kicking his fanny. He made your BP go up so he's got to get a talking-to.

              -Your Bro (who ISN'T in love with the Over-sized Blonde Bimbob),
              Now a member of that alien race called Management.

              Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


              • Dear [certain country] Government,

                If you do what I'm suspecting and am *terrified* you're planning to do...YOU ARE FUCKING INSANE AND SUICIDAL.

                And if, God forbid, the worst happens...all I have to say is that I *sincerely* hope you burn in the very Hell that you'd gleefully condemn us all to.

                ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


                • Dear me,

                  Enjoy the rest of the week. Crazy as the last few months have been for you, you fookin' deserve it.
                  The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                  • Dear Amethyst Hunter,

                    I'm curious... please explain.

                    Dear ArenaBoy,

                    Go CHELSEA!! ....but not before Go SPURS...(but that'd be a waste of breath, really)

                    And well done on the win the other night

                    When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


                    • Dear Boyfriend,

                      You are an idiot. I have been putting up with your shit for a year and a half - I could deal with it when it was just me. Now we have a newborn son, and I assure you, I will not tolerate your nonsense in his presence. I wish like hell I had the strength to kick your ass out and pray I never saw you again. Being with you may very well be the stupidest thing I have ever done, and now I'm stuck with your dumb ass forever because we have a child.

                      No Love,


                      __________________________________________________ ________________________

                      Dear Newborn Son,

                      I love you very much. Know that you and I will be ok no matter what happens.



                      P.S. Sleep. Please. Please?

                      __________________________________________________ ________________________

                      Dear Me,

                      Grow a pair and get your life in order. Damn it girl, you know better.



                      __________________________________________________ ________________________

                      Oh almost forgot...

                      Dear Kusanagi,

                      Thank you for being my eye candy at a time when I think most men really suck.


                      Last edited by Daisy; 05-01-2008, 03:07 PM.
                      Let it go... Daisy, let it go... Open up your fist
                      This fallen world... Doesn't hold your interest...
                      Doesn't hold your soul... Daisy, let it go


                      • Thought of one more.

                        Dear David Cook,

                        I watch you every week on American Idol. When you sang Music of the Night, I had goosebumps for two days afterward. Please stop being so damn hot so that I can concentrate on other things.


                        Let it go... Daisy, let it go... Open up your fist
                        This fallen world... Doesn't hold your interest...
                        Doesn't hold your soul... Daisy, let it go


                        • Dear Big Boss,

                          Go away. Stop standing behind me while I'm on the phone, and then staying there when I go back to running CAD. I know it must be amazing watching me work since I'm fast and good (but not cheap) and did you notice how I pulled those papers you were reading away from you? That's because I've watched you read them 12 times now and I needed them for what I was doing.

                          I'm going to have to take my after lunch pee here rather soon, would you like to come in and hold it for me?


                          • Quoth Daisy View Post
                            Thought of one more.

                            Dear David Cook,

                            I watch you every week on American Idol. When you sang Music of the Night, I had goosebumps for two days afterward.
                            off topic, i loved his performance, too, but i was really hoping to see him perform "damned for all time" from jesus christ superstar.

                            back on topic:

                            dear job,

                            some days i like you, but most days i wonder if it was a mistake to ever take you. i'm sick all the time, and i can feel you sucking my soul away. if i could find another job that would compensate me as well without a college degree, i'd be all over it in a second.

                            love (or not),

                            My Space


                            • Quoth Slytovhand View Post
                              Dear Amethyst Hunter,

                              I'm curious... please explain.
                              From what it seems he/she is in the US (from what I've read in a few other posts) which means he/she may be suspecting something big. What? Who knows.

                              War with Iran? Some controversial offshore drilling? Electing someone they don't like?
                              Quote Dalesys:
                              ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                              • Dear Sis,
                                I don't know what argument you had with our parents, nor will I ask, but you are more than welcome to cool off at my place for a few hours. I do not mind this. However, please do not complain that I'm making too much noise pushing the coolers down the hallway and out the door for my medical delivery tomorrow. The coolers may be made of styrofoam, but they are still too big for me to carry, so unfortunately, pushing them is my only option. And you know this very well.
                                Another thing, you are more than welcome to borrow my calculator for your algebra-geometry-trigonometery-whatever math class you're taking, but please ask me first. That would have saved me a good twenty minutes of looking for it so I could pay my bills. And please do not bang on the keys of my calculator while shouting at your math homework, "Make sense, damn you, make sense!" Not only is this not going to make the answer magically appear out of thin air by the banana king of candy mountin, but it will most likely cause some potential harm to my calculator. Luckily, no harm was done this time, but please don't do it again.

                                Your big sis.
                                "But I don't want to be among mad people."
                                You can't help that. We're all mad here. Every fucking one of us.

