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  • Dear Saydrah,
    We're still waiting for the missionaries in the pervfest thread


    Dear EQ,
    out of all the people on the board how did I get labeled "The Gay One"

    hugs and kisses
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • Dear JR

      What the fuck is your problem? First off, coming home "just a little buzzed" to go to your brother's birthday dinner was wonderful enough of you. When you got home, J was trying to talk to your mom about what happened and calm her down. She can't sleep if there's not someone else home right now. He's trying to calm her down and keep her prepared. You constantly inturupting him because you're too damn chatty (from the drinking) and then telling your mom how easy it would be to kick in the front door was the wrong fucking move. Also, when I stay at your mom's house and sleep on the couch, I'm already jumpy enough as it is. When you come home from work at 2am, don't stand there and try to chat with me. I'm trying to sleep. Also, yeah I get that you can't sleep with the lights on. So close your door a bit and put that sleeping mask over your eyes. That's why you got it. Your mom wants the front light on and you leaning on her about it makes her feel guilty about doing what she feels is inconveniencing people. Back the fuck off. You didn't even go to sleep before she woke up so what was the big fucking deal? Also, stop going on about what kind of security system she needs. You don't know shit. I get that the guy you think of as a father is a lock smith. He might be a great guy. You personally don't know shit. Stop scaring your mom and stop making the situation worse. I know J already chewed you out but since you still kept saying shit you shouldn't have I'm going to guess your dumb ass was too damn drunk to understand. Oh yeah, and you were not "less buzzed than you thought you were going too be" unless you had been thinking you were going to be smashed.
      Last edited by Shangri-laschild; 11-11-2008, 01:08 PM.
      "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


      • Dear fate

        Please let me either get custody here in Kentucky, or find a decent apartment in one of the states surrounding alabama so I can be closer to my son when they give me visitation! It would be greatly appreciated!


        PS Please I really need this... I need my baby... my sanity is going very quickly out the door!


        • Dear Body

          Didn't we have this dicussion?!?!?! STOP IT WITH THE HURTING!!!!

          Dear Thursday,

          GET HERE!! I want my days off. Plus there is a little game coming out that I want to play A LOT.

          Dear Boss (also my Uncle)

          Your are my fav uncle, but the 1500 person mailer right before I get time off is not fun. Stop with the projects, I would like to get caught the hell up. I actually love what I do, but you are about to get a beating with the Stick!

          Coffee should be strong, black and chewy! It should strip paint and frighten small children.

          My blog Darkwynd's Musings


          • Dear Smiley,

            it's because I haven't seen the offical Gay One (SheldonRS) in a while and I miss him. Sheldon come back!


            Dear Doctor I have to see in 3 hours,
            Please be good. Please make my test results happy ones. Or I'll be a very sad panda.
            Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

            Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

            Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


            • Dear land lady,

              You are a bitch. last month you came by to discuss the new lease you wanted us to sign. in the corse of that time, N told you that we had seen a mouse. you fliped out. you went searching all over the house looking at every basebord and freaked out beacuse there were spiders in the basement. you also noted there were fruit flys in the house. did you not notice the fresh fromt he garden produce in the house?

              So, i took care of all these problems. today you drop off the lease to be signed. you added a clause.

              "Landlords retain the right to do a monthly walk through & inspection of the up keep of the house"

              That was exactly how you worded it spaces and all.

              So, yeah occasionally the dishes and laundry piles up. It all gets taken care of every monday and tuesday. I do much cleaning on the work week. My house is not dirty. I do not have vermin infesting it. Granted i had some mice, but they managed to slip in somehow and are completely gone. I know I check the 20 traps every day.

              Did you know i have an anexiety over people coming over to my house?

              want to know why?

              My parents house was inspected every week when we lived on the milatary base. and my father would beat the crap out of me everytime it did not pass inspection. and yeah my parents kept a discusting house. thats why it was inspected every week.

              So, now you want to bring this up for me again? I will do some thinking the next two or so days. If I can figure it out I WILL be moving before the old lease is up on Dec. 1st. If I had known that you would have put this clase up back in october I would not have wasted this past month thinking I had a secure place to live.

              nas it stands now i would have to find a place to live find the money for deposits and move everything while working a full time job in a little over 15 days.

              Your tenant,
              the pissed off one.
              My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


              • Dear Monolayth:

                Just thought you could use that

                Much much loves

                Dear Fiance,
                You are amazing and wonderful and everything i could have ever dreamed. You cannot possibly know what it means to me that you are willing to uproot your life here to move to Alabama if the judge says it's move or no custody. What did I do that was so good to deserve you?! Please don't ever ever ever leave.

                Yours in body heart and soul


                • Mommie Dearest,

                  I hate you more than words can describe.

                  That is all.

                  Wishing to divorce my family,

                  PS You not talking to me doesn't hurt me. It does, however, hurt the grandchild you claim to "love so much". Have you ever thought about that? Or do you not care?
                  Last edited by CaroPhoenix; 11-12-2008, 12:59 AM.


                  • BoyThing,

                    I like you. I really do. But dammit, I'm drowning in this prospectus due tomorrow, and as much as I would like a little break, I don't have time to go to your house. You could come over here, y'know.

                    You can't always get delivery, sometimes you have to actually go to the restaurant.

                    And it's really too bad, because I would so pay you back this weekend for a neck rub tonight.

                    "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                    Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                    Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                    • Dear Blizzard,
                      I love your games, but for all the is holy could you please not screw up Lich King's release. Today suck and all you did for do something to the mail. Stop it!! I took time off for my mental health and that involves beating up pixels in WoW.

                      Please Please Please work on Thursday


                      PS and no I am now addicted or anything why do you ask?
                      Coffee should be strong, black and chewy! It should strip paint and frighten small children.

                      My blog Darkwynd's Musings


                      • Dear Self:

                        Guys like women with confidence. Wanting to give Baby to your ex and offing yourself soon after is NOT a sign of CONFIDENCE.

                        Get a fucking clue and grow up. Nobody loves you except your daughter, fine. Why prove them all right, about how worthless you are? Show a little of that old stubborn attitude. Don't overdose again. All you do is hallucinate anyway. And while watching the ceiling turn into sea anemone is fun as heck, it's not really productive. kthxbai

                        Last edited by SorryIsGoodEnough; 11-12-2008, 06:09 AM.


                        • Dear Kaetchen,

                          Last night was fun I hope you had a good birthday.

                          Dear J,

                          Thanks for tollerating my sudden urge to move all the furniture in your living room around for no apparent reason.

                          Dear J2,

                          Thanks for the drink. Me being a cheep drunk meant I was just barely slightly buzzed from it which was fun. Also, your girlfriend kicks serious ass.
                          "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


                          • Dear Car

                            Be good at the dealership, you'll be getting your brakes checked and the timing belt replaced. Sorry I didn't get you a check up sooner, but thanks for running great these past 85K miles.
                            "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
                            "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


                            • Dear little guy's teacher,

                              Why did it take my husband calling to get you to fill out the paperwork? I sent you TWO emails about it and you chose to ignore me, but the minute my husband calls, you can't do it fast enough?

                              You are lucky he took over, because I was getting ready to rip into you and sprinkle it on my "Bitch-O-Flakes" that I have every morning.

                              Now, you are telling my little guy that only his father can sign the little guy's work? Honey, you do not want to go there. I am that boy's mother and it will be my signature on his work. If you don't like it, you can call me and we will discuss it, in that "Kill Bill" sort of way, where the woman "discusses" her heritage with a board member. Only I do it figuratively and not literally.

                              You can ask my little guy's old teachers and you will find out that we are close, so do not try to stand between me and my son. I do what mama bears do, when someone tries to stand between them and their cub, get the picture?

                              Dear back,

                              Please for the love of all that is holy, stop hurting! I know that we haven't had the injections, but could you please stop hurting me. Please?

                              I know I should have taken the medicine when you first starting hurting, but I couldn't. So, give me a break, mmkay?

                              Dear idiots in management,

                              Could you please hire IT people who are actually in the same country as us, so that if the systems go down, we can have the person actually in the building?

                              Do not make me have to slap the stupid out of you!

                              Dear people who keep asking why I'm using a cane,

                              Your answer from now on will be "because I am going for the House look" Since it's not really any of your business, especially when you are a total stranger!

                              Dear security guy,

                              Thank you for not having me stay seated on the curb when I was waiting for my husband to pick me up from work.

                              You saw that I couldn't stand anymore and brought out a chair and put it inside the doors, so I could still look out to see if he was coming without being out in the cold.

                              That was really nice of you. You rock!
                              Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                              If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                              Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                              • Quoth Misanthropical View Post
                                Dear people who keep asking why I'm using a cane,

                                Your answer from now on will be "because I am going for the House look" Since it's not really any of your business, especially when you are a total stranger!
                                Dear Mis,

                                The proper answer is either "So I can beat the crap out of you when you piss me off" or "so I don't fall on my ass when using the flamethrower"

                                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

