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Whatcha thinking right now?

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  • #76
    * Why did I wake up at 4:30 this morning?

    * Why couldn't I go back to sleep?

    * Is it possible to make this book read itself? All 234 pages? By Wednesday?

    * I really really need to drag my butt outside and go for a walk. Like..now.
    "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

    Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
    Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


    • #77
      First of all, I'm looking at This Article about how you can make money off of reading the weather to tell to people ahead of time, like a weatherman, except ... private.

      I'm also listening to This Music, thinking about ways I can turn it into boss battles. I love Video Game Boss music sooooo much. It's so dramatic. <3

      I also think some of my posts are being erased. I'm generally a paranoid person, as I am of the likely incorrect belief that I have a good memory for these things. I actually don't care either way; I just want to know just how crazy I really am. Maybe I'm just not making them, and only think up a reply instead of actually typing it. That's probably it.
      SC: "Are you new or something?"
      Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."


      • #78
        I'm thinking that Ben & Jerry's Fossil Fuel is full of awesome.


        • #79
          I'm wishing someone would play Diablo with me goddammit. My SO just reinstalled it on my machine and now won't play. grr

          At least I'm off tomorrow. Today was too nice of a day to be stuck inside. I hope tomorrow is just as nice.
          I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


          • #80
            I read that, and then randomly thought of This image. Heheheh. ^__^

            I've also been thinking of how they can make a ring of shopping carts in the parking lot. That's gotta take a lot of patience and skill.
            SC: "Are you new or something?"
            Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."


            • #81
              Im tired.

              My leg is itchy.

              My head is also itchy.

              I should stop eating these cookies.

              I dont wanna go to work tomorrow!!! RARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!


              • #82
                Ugh, now the itchyness will begin anew for me too. You know how the longer you sit, the itchier and more restless you get in your legs? The fabric of your pants slooooowwwwly shifts over time, causing the tiniest itches all over you. It's awful. I want to be dipped in wax and just ripped all off. Ugh.
                SC: "Are you new or something?"
                Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."


                • #83
                  I'm thinking about this kid who tried to give me a condom for my birthday once in high school because he heard I wasn't a virgin.

                  I laughed in his face.

                  I'm thinking that Omegle is fun sometimes.

                  I'm thinking that, no, I don't want a 30 year old man to be my 'slave'. Thanks for offering though.


                  • #84
                    I'm thinking that I don't have very good friends.
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #85
                      I thinking about why my hand hurts.

                      Why does my head hurt?

                      Why do I feel jealous about someone's strange relationship?

                      I am thinking about what I have to do tomorrow and how much I don't want to get up at 6 AM to babysit my niece. (Sorry, niece. I just want to sleep in. )


                      • #86
                        I'm thinking it would be nice if one of the twenty businesses I've given my resume to would get back to me! Even if it was just so say, "Hey, we got your resume and immediately burned it," it would be better than all of this nothing.


                        • #87
                          My vicodin is wearing off, big-time.
                          My ankle feels like a wolverine is screwing around with it and having a good time with the ligaments that just got repaired.
                          Food still isn't my friend after surgery.
                          I want to take a nap.
                          Why do I have to wait until October 11th for my new phone.
                          I still need to go laptop shopping.
                          I'm very sad because my Oma and Opa headed back to Idaho this morning.
                          When will the fantasy end? When will the heaven begin?


                          • #88
                            I'm wishing my brother would frickin' grow up already.

                            Thinking it'll be fun to give Mom her surprise (once everyone calms down and forgets what an asshole my brother, apparently, was being)

                            I can't wait til Friday for my first competition.

                            I can't wait til Sunday for my Championship competition.

                            I jumped over allllll the jumps in practice today after cantering with no stirrups for longer than I used to be able to!

                            I'm hunnnnngrrrry!!!
                            I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                            • #89
                              I'm thinking that my husband didn't comment much on me having make up on today. I usually don't wear make up because I'm allergic to most of it.

                              I'm thinking that watching "Warehouse 13" without my husband isn't as fun. I wish he hadn't been too tired to watch it with me.

                              IFashion Lad! made me think that Vicodin never works for me and now I'm jealous of Fashion Lad!.

                              I'm thinking that my big guy's high school is out of it's friggen mind. How can someone sign my son for a class that needs another class to understand. You can guess at which class he hadn't taken, so he was having a very hard time understanding it. My DH and I had to go down there and get his schedule fixed for him.

                              I'm thinking I should go to bed soon. Do you think Ree will read me a bed time story?
                              Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                              If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                              Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                              • #90
                                Right now, I'm thinking that I will NEVER understand women, and as such, I believe my best friend to be correct when he says "Show me a man who claims to understand women, and I'll show you a goddamn LIAR!"
                                "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."

