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The Foundation (IC)

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  • Black's Team
    The transport arrives with the usual nauseating lurches in and out of reality and sudden rush of heat, air, and we-promise-it's-harmless radiation. Black, somehow, steps out like he's just getting off an elevator rather than a flagrant violation of the laws of physics. "Welcome to Division 9 - Atlanta. We've got a car waiting upstairs."

    Romanza's Team
    "I was afraid of that." She hands Fred her phone. "Dial in a pick-up for the body for me. I've already got the number highlighted. Just hit send and let them know the situation. I'm going to go check on the family."

    She starts towards the house as Fred dials and talks to dispatch.

    Lochdubh, Scotland
    A high-pitched whine approaches them from the south. At first glance, the incoming vehicle might appear to be a helicopter, but as it grows closer, anyone who's familiar with aircraft would realize this isn't any common type of craft. In fact, it seems to be more like some form of high-speed VTOL craft (think that hover-jet deal from the new Avengers movie). Both agents step back next to the car as the craft makes to land nearby.
    » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


    • Loren lurches out of the transport to the nearest wall and dry heaves for a moment. "That thing is evil incarnate."
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      • Doyle steps out of the transport slightly green smiling that he managed not to puke... then Loren starts to dry heave and Doyle quickly finds a corner of his own. "Oi don' t'ink ya need ta be tellin me twice lass."


        • Black's Team
          Black sighs and crosses his arms. "You people. You're as bad as Solyn - that would be Researcher Kher, by the way. Seriously, what's so hard about punching a hole in space-time, throwing physics out the window, and travelling at right-angles to reality for a bit?"
          » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


          • Sarah steps out grinning at the adults.

            "I completely agree with Mr Black, its not so bad....anyone hungry?"

            Sarah's grin nearly cracks her face as she looks on to black and gestures to lead the way.

            ((sorry guys I'm out of town for the weekend, so I don't know when I'll post again till monday. Assume I follow along with you, she'll be keeping an eye on anything to remember.))
            It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


            • Agent Newton (Joey Monfries) - Romanza's Team

              Joey nods as Agent Romanza goes to check on the family of the would-be hob-victim. He stands up and sweeps his pen-light over the area, just doing a basic sweep for anything else that might be of use in their investigation. He couldn't-- strike that, make that "doesn't want to"-- get anything off the hob's corpse. The thing's blood would probably show him every evil deed it had ever committed, and he didn't need THAT clogging up his nightmares.

              He waits until Fred finishes calling in the body to the Foundation, then says, "I'm going to go in with Romanza, see if maybe I can pick up anything inside that might tell us why someone here was targeted. Or heck, maybe even some tie to the gunslinger." He heads inside after the other agent.
              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


              • At the description of "breaking physics" and Sarah's question about eating, Loren nearly loses it again. But she recovers after another couple of heaves.

                "I hate you both so much right now." She looks over at her fellow sufferer. "You okay?"
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                • Josiah made every effort to keep his front to the agents, but he also remained quiet on the ride to Wherever.
                  Inside the craft, training took over. Soon, he had the cabin mapped in his head, the locations of most controls that seemed to control the cargo area, and the location of what seemed to be parachutes.
                  If I have to crack this can open, I think I know how to do so, he thought.
                  It seemed similar enough to the V-22 Osprey inside, so Josiah figured he had fairly even odds on getting out of this portion of things alive when/if the fit ever hit the shan.


                  • Doyle turns and manages a grin, "Aye, I'll live." He nods to Black, "So where to?"


                    • Black's Team
                      "That's what I was trying to tell you before you all decided you couldn't handle extradimensional movement. There's a car upstairs. A cab, actually, but the driver's one of mine, and his entire job is going to be driving us today."

                      Romanza's Team
                      Fred nods and indicates he'll stay by the body. Joey catches up with Romanza as she's talking to what seems to be the father of the family that lives here.

                      "I understand your concern sir, but I must ask that you stay inside."

                      "With what's going on out there? I heard gunshots, I know it! Who knows who could be ready to bust in here and threaten my family!"

                      "Both of the people involved in the incident were wanted men. We can't be entirely certain what happened, but one shot the other and fled. We're tracking the shooter as we speak, so it would be safest for you an your family to remain indoors."

                      Lochdubh, Scotland
                      They're soon landing at a public terminal, having received some sort of special clearance, and set down at a repurposed helipad way off in a corner of the airport. They're ushered inside and after a quick and slightly disorienting series of turns, hallways, and doors, are in a deep basement about to board a high-speed shuttle.
                      » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


                      • Aboard the shuttle, Josiah swore to himself.
                        Buggered sod. You just allowed yourself to get lost. Now all they have to do is tell you you're in al Qaeda custody and you're a dead man. You have all of what? Eight rounds? You're a buggering dead man, Wolf.


                        • After the call had been made, Fred decides to wait out by the body until told otherwise, or until the pick up is made..didn't want anything to disturb the scene.
                          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                          • (OOC: In the interest of moving things along a little I wouldn't mind a bit of a time skip ahead as long as Kheldarson and Sarlon aren't opposed)

                            Doyle composes himself and then follows Black up to the car.


                            • ((I have no objection))

                              Sarah fairly skipped along ahead of the adults, any casual advisor would think her a young girl out for the day, her long hair glimmering in the sunlight from outside.
                              It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


                              • ((No issues here either))

                                And Loren gets in the car as well.

                                There's nothing remarkable about the drive, except, perhaps the fact that the driver is an albino named Frost, apparently of French origin from his limited speech. Black explains that Frost is his personal driver in this area.

                                It's about a hour drive to the house/museum, a nice stately house who's only sign of being anything other than a residence is the sign out front.
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