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The Foundation (IC)

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  • Quoth Kheldarson View Post
    Agent Newton
    "Black or his pets? I do hope you're not discussing me, Researcher Met, or anybody else he has brought in such a disrespectful manner. Do try to remember who assigns your duties." The researcher mumbles something to the extent of "yes, ma'am" to the black haired young lady in a white lab coat. Newton would recognize the voice from Romanza's phone.

    She holds out her hand to him. "You must be one of the new recruits. I'm Researcher Kher."
    Agent Newton - FEND Research (Forensics)

    Joey blinks a little at the sudden shift in the dynamic, looking from the researchers to the other woman. He recognizes the voice, all right. He nods a bit and accepts her hand. "Er, Agent Newton, I believe, is the name we're using for me now. Coming from the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI." He shrugs a little, looking slightly lost. "I've... got a talent for seeing what happened. As it happened."

    He glances over and spots a rollerball pen. He gestures at it, and then picks it up. He closes his eyes and his lips move slightly. Then he opens his eyes and holds it up. "Manufactured by Bic Company, purchased at a CVS by Researcher Met there," he nods to the researcher that Kher had rebuked. "In a bulk pack of four. This one was swiped by Researcher Cobb," another researcher not currently present, "so that he could fill out his income tax form. He returned it a week ago, and Met didn't realize it had been missing. Cobb tends to suck on the end here while in thought."

    He sets the pen back down, turning to Kher. "Comes in more handy on crime scenes."
    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


    • Agent Newton
      "I'm sure it does. Although I'm sure we can find a use for you here as well, if you'd like. We have a number of objects whose histories we'd love to have. It might be more happy than what you'd see at a crime scene." She pauses. "Maybe."
      My NaNo page

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      • Fred picks up the watch, not opening it, wondering what these two have in mind. "Just remember, this is not something I can control."
        Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


        • Agent Silver (and soon, Mr. Black and anyone still following him)
          Fred gets just long enough to speak the words before he gets the sudden impression of the world slowing to a crawl, and then a complete stop. At this point, reality seems to drop away completely, in a way that might remind Fred of traveling through the transport system, if the system were inside his head. Reality blurs and shifts, falling away in patterns that seem random, except for a few brief moments where he can suddenly comprehend their shapes, a feat considering the shapes are at least five-dimensional. His awareness expands through time and space, a cascade of visions both sequential and simultaneous, far too much for any human to truly comprehend at once. He sees only the briefest of flashes before they fade away, coming faster as the episode progresses. A sphere of darkness engulfs a city. Strange, misshapen near-human creatures stumbling out of holes in space. A man sitting in shadows. Black and a dark-haired woman at a grave. Cassandra and the cowboy in what seems to be the Wild West. The cowboy and the dark-haired woman holding the shadowed man at gunpoint. A dark, featureless plain of swirling reddish-gray dust. A war that seems to involve the Foundation. Again the plain of gray dust, though now with a gradual awareness of some massive form in the sky above...

          He's suddenly snapped out of this by the watch being snatched out of his hands and Mr. Black suddenly appearing in front of him. "Look up at me. Try and keep your eyes open, I need to see if you can focus properly." After a moment of waving a finger back and forth to check Fred's ability to follow motion, he looks over his shoulder at the two doctors. "Are you both complete idiots? There are rules against redoubling effects for a reason. You should know that, it's what got you both removed from Harmonics. Okay, both of you be useful. You, go find Researcher Kher, she's a strong empath and I may need her if you've gone and broken his psyche. You, keep an eye on your test subject. I need to check some things." And that point, Dr. Stern, obeying Black's orders, rather quickly runs from the room, as Mr. Black pulls out a strange, short metal rod with a small three-pronged array at one end, waving it through the air around Fred as it produces a whirring noise and a strange blue light from the prong end.

          (Doctor Who still isn't canon. Black does not possess a sonic screwdriver. It's just a phenomenal coincidence.)

          Agent Newton & Solyn Kher
          The researcher gives a mumbled "Yes ma'am" and shuts up to let the grown-ups talk, but is suddenly interrupted by another researcher running into the room. "Miss Kher!" She, at least, recognizes him as Doctor Stern, a chronically reckless and destructively curious man recently dropped from his original project into her domain. "We... Black kind of needs you over in the lab offices. We... might have done something stupid. Like that time in Harmonics stupid."
          » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


          • Solyn

            "....I am going to find an excuse to ship one of you out of here at some point! What did you do?!" She's jogging towards the offices, obviously expecting the other researcher to come with her. Newton would experience a flash of anger that didn't come from him as she leaves.
            My NaNo page

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            • Solyn Kher and Doctor Stern
              And as small and sheepishly as one can manage while running behind someone, "...Handed the Prometheus Relic to someone who sees the future?"
              » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


              • She stops and turns to look at him. "WHAT?!" The whole room flinches. If Agent Newton is following, he'd feel a wave of anger, again not his own, as she yells.

                Then she's full out running towards the offices. "Which one were you in, Stern?"
                My NaNo page

                My author blog


                • "I'm ok." Fred manages to croak. "Just..was not prepared for what happened. I .. need a recording I recall what happened..I want to document it."
                  Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                  • Kher & Stern
                    He stops and whimpers. "...379." And slowly starts following again.

                    That Place Where They Blew Fred's Mind (Room 379)
                    Black nods and puts away the rod, pointing to Doctor Rose. "Find him something, would you? As for you, Agent Silver, why not a quick explanation while you recuperate?" He holds the fob watch up, dangling it by the chain, very carefully away from him. "This little beast is something called the Prometheus Relic. We're not certain who named it, but one this we know for sure is that it's old. Impossibly old. About, oh, 600 sextillion times the current age of the universe. I'll let one of the resident scientists explain how we figured that out once you're recovered."
                    » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


                    • Josiah/Mr. Clark was, by the end of the explanation, fully geared out. He wished he'd managed to convince his old pal, Chief Petty Officer Reynolds to get him a real load-out, but that would have been seen as treasonous activity.
                      "Okay... Giant arachnid. Affirm. What assets have we got on sight? I need eyes, and if you can get 'em, ears on target. Last time I went in blind, it ended up being the russian version of Blackhawk Down. NOT a fun week."
                      It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


                      • (VERY sorry, tyger went to update a post on my computer but forgot to sign me out.)

                        Sarah follows black, though her eyes looking like a kid in a candy store. She makes note of the locations, then follows Black onward pausing as the person runs up to them saying something, then continues on his heels as he goes into the room with the others.

                        she watches with interest when they ask for a recording device, then speaks up.

                        "if he starts talking i can remember it for him at least till we get something a little more substantial"
                        It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


                        • Fred chuckles. "Remembering for myself has never been an issue. More for others if something happens to me. However, yeah somebody else with a perfect memory would do fine as long as we also got it somewhere that can make backups easy."
                          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                          • "I can type at almost 150 words a minute, tell me what you want to remember and I can put it into a computer almost as fast."
                            It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


                            • Fred nods. "Thank you, as soon as I get the all clear from these guys we will start. There is quite a lot though, it is going to take quite some time to get everything down. IF we can get it all down."
                              Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                              • Agent Newton - The Place Where They Blew Fred's Mind

                                Joey was slightly puzzled after the flashes of anger went through him, following Ms. Kher and the doctor curiously into Room 379. He caught up with what he could, and eyed the 'Prometheus Object' curiously.

                                Then he told himself, Absolutely not. Something that almost drove Fred into a coma or drove him mad, and something that impossibly old? It would break your little head. Do not touch it under any circumstances.
                                PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                                There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

