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Todays news- minor medical gross

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  • Todays news- minor medical gross

    My had an emergency colon resection year last year to remove, well, cancer tumors. He hadn't been feeling well for several weeks and just didn't go to the doctor (no insurance). He self medicated with laxatives. They just made him vomit.
    Didn't tell me anything, I didn't even know he'd been ill till he asked me to take him to the ER.

    After a few hours in the ER, a C/T scan, the doctors roll on in and showed us the X-Rays (are they still called that?). There -might- be a mass but there's so much crap in there they can't tell. They pressure my dad for more details. He hasn't crapped in about a month.
    Doc's go "really? And you wait till you're almost falling over and have a distended gut before you come to us?"
    So they decide to cut it out. Cancer specialty doc's say at this point don't expect him to live even 6 months.
    My dad goes, ugh, "I don't wanna do Chemo". He's this close to going to live in some pot smoking commune.
    He ends up NOT having to do chemo.
    This week the V/A (who he started going through for care after the ER visit) told him they be able to do a colostomy reversal. So yay! In about a month he'll have no more colostomy bag!

    In other news- my doggie Buster is neutered. I'm pretty sure he's sad about it. I may have to buy him a cone, because he keeps trying to lick himself.
    The stitching is pretty gross, and he has a sad looking empty ball sack just sort of dangling there. I've read the empty sack just sort of goes away. He can barely lift his leg to pee. Poor guy.

  • #2
    WOW! You poor dad. That is both gross and sad. I hope it all works out. Good news about the colostomy reversal.
    Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

    Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
    Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.

