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Random Sucky Neighbor Thoughts

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  • Well, no idea what happened but the cops have again visited condo-land. Fortunately no guns drawn this time. I just saw them in the hallway on the main floor... I would have asked what was going on but I am 99% sure they wouldn't have told me.

    Also, I got a key to the lockbox for my mail and when I opened it there was nothing inside. My dress, my beautiful dress is missing... *emo tear*


    • Quoth Aria View Post
      Well, no idea what happened but the cops have again visited condo-land. Fortunately no guns drawn this time. I just saw them in the hallway on the main floor... I would have asked what was going on but I am 99% sure they wouldn't have told me.

      Also, I got a key to the lockbox for my mail and when I opened it there was nothing inside. My dress, my beautiful dress is missing... *emo tear*
      Did you tell those cops your dress was stolen? If it was stolen from your mailbox, that is a federal offense in the US.
      "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


      • I thought about mentioning it but figured there was a very good chance Canada Post could find it. And they DID! The next day I got it! Wheee!

        Oh yeah that reminds me I have to call the Bay and let them know I got it and all is well and I love the dress.


        • I have sucky Neighbor's tho this weekend toped the cake they took down a dead 6 story high pine tree the guy climbed the tree and was only using rope to take it down with mind you theres only like maybe 100 feet between trailers..... Lets see how that turns out..... End result I am still alive and my trailer didn't get taken out by them but I did leave the house since all the videos of dead tree randomly falling over once there dead and with the added weight nope did not want to risk it. Then today my dads out side my house and the guy not watching where he is going just backs into my dads car..... So my dad does better be lucky I don't have the cops called but I drive a beat up car for a reason so it can get bumps and scratches but you have a nice car and your ruining it by not looking where your going... I almost died laughing


          • I did a standalone post:
            "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


            • Whelp, we're getting a special assessment to pay to put in cameras. I hope they put some up in the garbage area, I'm considering getting all passive aggressive and putting a note on the dumpster closest to the door: "It's FULL! Walk a few feet to the next one!"

              Also, the unit on the main floor where the cops were has some interesting damage to the door. Looks like someone took a crowbar to it.


              • Why am I hearing small children outside at 11:37 pm? And if you're in one of the middle apartments, I don't think that's legal, considering they're one-bedrooms.
                "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                • What is WITH you people?? You've spent the last 3 hours going in and out, knocking on doors, revving engines, and running up and down the sidewalk. It is 12:46 am on a Thursday. Some of us have to work in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                  • Why oh why my roommates ugh I just cant even was found unconscious wile im at work my husband was dead asleep said it sounded like a raid of military personal and them dragging out a what looked like a wet noodle and not a person. From the jist I got shes in the ICU from pancritis form her heavy drinking and if it were my choice I would have kicked her out long ago maybe this will be her wake up call and she will go to rehab. If not I have nothing to say to her.


                    • You're even more sucky because you're not even my neighbor. And yet you parked in a regular spot instead of a visitor spot. Diagonally. Partially covering the handicapped spot which our manager needs because she can't get around without a walker. Jerk.
                      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                      • Sounds like a job for.... Argabarga! (Ror the nearest unreasonable facsimile.)
                        “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged.
                        One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world.
                        The other, of course, involves orcs." -- John Rogers


                        • I'm so tired of living in this neighborhood. I'm tired of people disturbing the peace at 11:00 and midnight. Yeah, I was still up but others were sleeping and I would've been ticked had I been. If they're not revving engines or fighting on the lawn or slamming doors they are running across our courtyard to their ghetto-@&$ apartments behind us while yelling at the top of their lungs. (These were teens tonight. Who knows what the parents were doing??)

                          I now have the resources to move but not the time. I don't know what I'm going to do.
                          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                          • You've left the same load of laundry in the basement for at least 3 weeks now. I got tired of moving it from the dryer to on top of the washer, even after I mentioned to you that you had laundry in the basement. So I stuffed it in one of the cardboard boxes you left in the basement. Another week passed, and it's still down there. But at least it's not in my way any more.

                            I don't know if he just hasn't done any laundry or if he's going to a laundromat because the landlord never got the washer fixed. It still doesn't drain properly, but it's better than paying to go to a laundromat.
                            "I look at the stars. It's a clear night and the Milky Way seems so near. That's where I'll be going soon. "We are all star stuff." I suddenly remember Delenn's line from Joe's script. Not a bad prospect. I am not afraid. In the meantime, let me close my eyes and sense the beauty around me. And take that breath under the dark sky full of stars. Breathe in. Breathe out. That's all."
                            -Mira Furlan


                            • I'm actually happy that rents are going up. Maybe that will weed out the tenants with trashy behavior.
                              "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                              • My across the hall neighbor has started this new thing. First, her apartment is long and narrow, about 3/4 the length of the house. Second, I've never had any issues with sound from this apartment, except maybe hearing the whistle of a tea kettle.

                                Anyways, several days now, she must be walking up and down the length of her apartment, in some kind of heeled shoes (boots, or something). Her place has hardwood floors. And it's not like a normal walk, not like casually walking from the kitchen to the living room, or from the living room to the bathroom. It's like she's striding very quickly up and back, pacing. I keep thinking that someone's walking up the hallway, but they never quite pass my door. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's very annoying.
                                Replace anger management with stupidity management.

