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Stand-alone random sucky neighbor thought

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  • Stand-alone random sucky neighbor thought

    because it has background. Here goes:

    You don't even live in my building. I don't know why your kids are playing on my stairs or why they leave the tricycle on my sidewalk. It's like you want me to trip and fall over one of them or one of their things. I know the other woman on my end of the building lets you use her grill, but do your kids need to yell across the courtyard for you to hurry up with dinner at 9:30 pm? And I really appreciate having one of them tell me just now--first conversation I've ever had with any of you--that Jasmine says I'm mean. Um, I have no idea who Jasmine is, unless she's a friend of the lady who's grill you're using. She doesn't like me, either, and I'm just fine with that. And yes, I did dodge your daughter's question as to what my name is. I don't need to give a name to my detractors.

    Neighbor who's Minnesota nice to me:
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

  • #2
    I wonder if she's like my neighbor the Pterodactyl? That woman cannot stand to not know everybody's business. She hates the fact that my sisters and I don't talk to her, so she has no idea what's going on in our lives. Some people have this notion that you have to share every single detail of your life with your neighbors. I say I'll talk to the ones I want to talk to and guess what? There aren't any.
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3
      I think she might be on housing and not working. I see her home at all hours from early morning to 1:00 am. I guess her perception is that I'm unfriendly because when I am home I'm not hanging out in the courtyard. Well, no. I have a job and an undeclared disability to deal with when I get home (lose a lot of time to pain often caused by said job). On top of that I have housework and laundry and cooking to do. I know I'm making an assumption--because I don't know any of these people--that she has time to do that all day and so do the women across the way (stay-at-home-moms).

      What chaps my hide is that there are 5 other households in my building, on our side even, that are the same. They have work and school and whatnot. But none of them are being singled out. I'm actually considering moving now, even though I like this apartment so much. I need a unit with a private entrance as opposed to my semi-private one but I think that would be a townhouse and I can't afford that.
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #4
        Well, I might complain that my neighbors are loud (stompers, slammers, etc) but you know what? We're those people who live next to each other and don't know each other's names. When we walk by each other we just nod, and possibly say hey. But it's not a perfect system.

        There's this guy who bought a house kitty-corner from my building, and I can tell he's a busy-body. He's been working on the house for months and months. When he first started, he'd be on his phone kind of pacing on the sidewalk. I'd be walking to the basement to do laundry and he'd come talk to me, and also the lady who lives in the house on the other side of my house (farther away from his house). For quite a while, if I was outside at all I'd hear him yell my name from across the way. I'd wave and get the hell back in my apartment. Before you say anything, I don't get a creepy vibe from him, just a super friendly "let's all be friends like on tv" type feeling. His wife and little toddler come help on the weekends.
        Replace anger management with stupidity management.

