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Finished pistol project- el veredicto *warning lots of pics*

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  • Finished pistol project- el veredicto *warning lots of pics*

    I few people like to see some of the side work I do so I'd though I'd post what I've been working on last couple of months. (I did WIMG to shrink them so they look goofy; click them to see full size)

    My latest project is done. This one got a name. "el veredicto"
    The guy wanted something one of a kind.
    So it's a Smith and Wesson model 686 .357 mag that had a reg Houge grip (rubber) and was kind of dingy and scratched.

    1st pass with Fritz and Dremal.

    I went over several times got it nice and shiney

    He wanted one of a kind grips- So I got some direct from Thailand

    For some reason he wanted it scoped, but being it was a first run I had to do the machine work.

    So did I say I'm not a gunsmith? This one will give anyone with a clue shivers. I used the guys car shop to work on it.
    What a shitty set up. I was in a corner of the shop. with only a drop light and uneven floor. The stand flexed like hell.
    After fucking with it for an hour I said fuck it and got it stable and did my best to make sure the gun and stand had the same bubble and somehow I drilled them straight.

    So I used this to give more options in ring sets than the $10 Wearer mount but I just couldn't make myself like the extra with the over hang on the bbl and solution on the set screw.

    So I lopped it off and cleaned it up.

    It needed a case so it's amazing what a trip to Hobby Lobby can inspire. Now I won't say what the pistol work cost but for $80 I can make a case for you.

    This is one sexy bitch

    Not bad at the range-

    ok till one of the reloads provided ended the day, but I should have it cloverleafing soon.
    Last edited by EricKei; 01-04-2017, 09:05 AM. Reason: fixed tags; added note
    Sarcasm dear, sarcasm. I’m well aware that dealing with civilians in any capacity will skin your faith in humanity alive, then pickle anything that remains so as to watch it shrivel up into an immortal husk thus reminding you of how dead inside you now are.

  • #2
    Don't you hate it when a load just goes pop and you need to get a hammer and rod to clear the barrel. Makes for a short range visit.

    Gun looks good.
    "Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are your own fears." – Rudyard Kipling

    I don't have hot flashes. I have short, private vacations to the tropics.


    • #3
      Shouldn't that name be reserved fa Taurus Judge?

      By "Cloverleafing", do you mean shooting a tight enough group so that the holes overlap, making it look like a cloverleaf?

      When you hammer out a stuck bullet, do you do it from the breech (continue direction of travel, so it comes out the muzzle), the muzzle (to knock it out the breech end), or does it depend on how far in it is (hammer it the shorter distance)? If hammering it out from the breech, any reason to not use light (quarter-load or so) blanks to provide the "push"? I'd imagine it would be safer on a revolver (cylinder gap) or straight blowback autoloader than on something that fires from a locked breech. IIRC (read about it many years ago), the procedure for a black-powder muzzleloader was to trickle a partial charge in through the touchhole and fire, repeating as necessary. Of course, on those it was impossible to get in from the breech, either to hammer from there or for the bullet to drop out (breech plug permanently installed in barrel).

      Here's one for you - saw a video about a revolver where, if a squib load lodged a bullet in the barrel, the next round would fire normally, and the one AFTER THAT would be the Bad News. Can you figure out how this would happen?
      Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


      • #4
        There's a judge, the governor.
        Yes that would be what I'm after.
        As a firearms instructor I will say NEVER EVER try to shoot out a squibbed bullet.
        They make attachments for removing projectiles from black powder guns.

        Yes if I can get a rod though the bbl from the breach side I would. If ever possible you use that end. If you mess up the muzzle using a cleaning rod and damage the lands it will never shoot straight. So if you have no choice to use the muzzle take care not the drag the rod or use a muzzle guide. So I held the rod centered and gently hammered it out. Mind you it is not stuck, just the powder load did not have the ooph to make it leave the bbl so you don't need a lot of force to clear it.

        I heard the "noticeable audible POP" vs a bang that denotes a squib. So I stopped.
        I did see a guy with a revolver stack all 6 rounds in the bbl. I didn't note his shots over mine but he kept looking confused that he was not hitting. A could on min later I walk by him and glance at the pistol and see the back of the round in the breech, then look at the muzzle and see a nose!
        I asked were his last 6 shots went -I got a shrug. So I showed him. EEK
        But for real something like this can and does happen if you keep going. (not me found off the net)

        Needless to say always wear eye protection along with ear.
        Last edited by Rosco the Iroc; 01-01-2017, 03:35 PM.
        Sarcasm dear, sarcasm. I’m well aware that dealing with civilians in any capacity will skin your faith in humanity alive, then pickle anything that remains so as to watch it shrivel up into an immortal husk thus reminding you of how dead inside you now are.


        • #5
          Any guesses on how the "squib/normal/kaboom!" pistol would do that?
          Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

