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Lost season finale ***SPOILERS***

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  • Lost season finale ***SPOILERS***











    OK, if Sayed programmed the hydrogen bomb to detonate on impact:
    1) It didn't detonate when Jack threw it on the ground.
    2) It didn't detonate when it went down below the (future) swan / hatch. (OK, the electromagnet could cause it)
    3) It didn't detonate when all the metal fell on top of it.
    4) It wasn't CRUSHED like all things metal were crushed when the hatch exploded

    It took Juliette a few whacks with a rock to get it to (presumably) detonate.

    I do not think she is dead. I think under the hatch was the same thing - a hydrogen bomb that turning the key detonated it - Desmond survived that so I think Juliette will survive.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    I really hope Juliet isn't gone, she was one of very few female characters on this show that I actually liked. And if she's dead, that'll open up the can of worms known as the Jack/Sawyer/Kate love triangle all over again and frankly, I'd be pissed. I've had enough of that little subplot to last a lifetime, and I wish they'd had the nads to off Kate last night instead of anyone else. Nothing against the actress, but her character has become like nails on a chalkboard for me.

    It makes me sad to think that Locke really has been dead all this time

    It's odd. As a whole, I really enjoyed the finale and the cliffhanger; it was all classic Lost drama and reminded me of the good ol' days. But I was wholly underwhelmed by 'Jacob'. I think we'll be stuck with another resurrection plot with him, as I find it difficult to believe he's existed for hundreds of years and is simply stabbed to death by Ben, an otherwise ordinary person.
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


    • #3
      I love this show so much.

      I cried when Juliet fell. I cried some more when Jack and Kate had to pull Sawyer away from the hole because he was just inconsolable. I really am sad to see that happen to Juliet because her relationship with Sawyer made them both better, more interesting people.

      Jacob looked so sad in his room when Esau/Locke was talking to him. I can't believe he's gone forever. The show has revolved around 'Jacob' for so long, I can't imagine him dying the first time we see him!

      Also, the producers mentioned that Christian Shepard wasn't brought back to life waaaay back. So that meant that somehow something else was inhabiting his form. Many people thought it was Jacob using Christian's body, but now I think it was the same man who has taken Locke's form now.

      Next season: I want Jacob, I want to know why Esau wanted to kill him, I want to know where Claire is, and I want Kate to GTFO because she's annoying.


      • #4
        Jacob did say to his friend / Locke that "he found the loophole".

        Maybe he had to be killed by someone who returned to the island? There had to be some stipulation to it...
        Quote Dalesys:
        ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


        • #5
          When Anna (Ana?) asked Richard Alpert "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" Richard Alpert answered in Latin.

          Translated, it comes to "He whom all will serve." That's not MY research, that's another fan's research.

          If that's true, that's pretty damn cool, I think. I can't wait for next season!


          • #6
            Quoth SorryIsGoodEnough View Post
            INext season: I want Jacob, I want to know why Esau wanted to kill him, ...
            Interesting choice of names. In most Christian and Hebrew stories, Jacob and Esau were the twin sons of Issac. Long story short, Esau was the elder, and due to inherit all of Issac's wealth and power, but Jacob got Esau to trade his birthright and tricked their father, Issac, into blessing him (Jacob) as the heir.

            Not sure if that bit has entered into Lost mythos or not (I'm not a viewer), but it sounds like it would be right up Lost's alley for it to be revealed that Esau was getting revenge for being heinously wronged by Jacob.
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              Oh I loved the finale, and can't wait for 2010! It can't come fast enough! Though having to learn about who Jacob is the same episode he dies (presumably) seemed kinda lame. And when he went to see the other Losties it was usually for a reason, but the Jack flash back I didn't get what he did there. So he gave Jack the Apollo bar that wouldn't come out, big deal? What does that have to do with anything?

              Anywho that's all minor compared to this amazing episode. So many questions now and some answers. Can't wait for Season 5!!!

