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Camel SNUS

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  • Camel SNUS

    Now that it's been out around my market area for a few months, I'm curious if anyone else here has tried the new Camel SNUS product. If you have, what's your impression? If you haven't, is it something you'd like to try? Also, have you tried the Stonewall or Ariva tobacco lozenges?

    For those who don't know about snus, it's a Swedish tobacco product. You put it traditionally in your upper lip and let it do its job, and don't have to spit like with regular chewing tobacco. It's ground into a fine powder. Some are pouches, and some are loose. I've done a lot of research on snus in the last few months.

    Here's the story behind my interest if you're wondering... I grew up in a family of smokers, so I took up the habit. My wife grew up in a family of nonsmokers, and hated the habit. She hated smelling or tasting it on me, so she asked me to quit. Then, before we got married, she demanded I quit. I agreed so far as not smoking in the house or in her car. My car was already infused with the smell since I'd had it for a while before we got together, so I could get by with it in my car. I also agreed that when we had kids someday, I would not smoke in their presence. Giving up smoking was an unsuccessful battle for me as that was an outlet for killing boredom and relieving stress, especially at work. Then, I discovered the Stonewall and Ariva lozenges when they were introduced to the local market. They didn't catch on, but I was able to order them. Then, later on, Camel SNUS was introduced. It seems to be more popular. It was a happy medium for my wife's nonsmoking habit and my desire for a regular nicotine fix, especially at work. Now, I'm on my wife's health insurance since she has the better job, and they've decided to tack on a $50 per month fee for tobacco users to fund cessation programs. My wife has been nagging me to quit because it's too expensive with that fee every month. I'm having a hard time with that because I don't want to give up my nicotine habit, especially at the convenience store. I'm even willing to give up the health insurance coverage, but she won't hear of it in case I ever need it. So, now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place in regards to my nicotine habit. Damned insurance bloodsuckers! Sorry about the ranty end.
    The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

    Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy

  • #2
    I have a few coworkers who chew the SNUS in between our breaks. Yes, our job is that stressfull that some of us can't go 2 hours without a smoke.

    It smells absolutely invigorating, for being snuff.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

