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MOLD! how I hate thee.

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  • MOLD! how I hate thee.

    So, we almost finished moving out today; we finally got someone to come and pick up the dresser we couldn't move ourselves. It was a friend from work, great guy and super amazing with wood work. He knew how to fix the varnish problems and do some minimal repair work on a far corner caused by my dropping a heavy chest on it (I have no upper body strength at all and I lost my grip during that move).

    I can't believe he and his scrawny little friend lifted that old chest like it was a sack of cotton; they lifted it up to their waists and carried it out the door in five minutes. I'm amazed.

    It took me half an hour of pushing and huffing to barely nudge it two and a half inches away from the wall.


    We discovered the most horrible thing ever.

    Okay, maybe not ever, but it was still mega gross.


    As some of you know my DH and I have been having issues with the landlord of this fucking apartment since Christmas. The amount of mold that sprung up over night (example, it was one of the wettest winters in WA in a decade and the complex STILL ran the sprinklers every day at 2 am, rain or shine. The exception was when the snow was too thick to let the sprinklers rise) was disgusting. I didn't know how to handle the mold since I was a SoCal native and my DH a NM transplant. Mold is something we hardly deal with.

    I asked for help and she said to use a bleach and water solution.

    So I did.

    It took care of the problem but it'd come back with a fucking vengeance, that mold.

    It was so bad there were two and a half inch wide rings around the windows and doors. I called the landlord and all that resulted of that was the super coming in to do a quick wipe-down, then lectured on mold-preventative precautions:

    Leave the blinds open on sunny days (HA HA HA!)
    Spritz bleach/water solution weekly (actually, his recommendation was to use lysol mold and mildew remover)
    Open up the windows every day (again, HA HA HA! We worked all day and the fucking house was drafty but okay, we opened up the fucking windows).

    Blah. Blah.

    Over Christmas I got an awful cold that wouldn't go away. The little kid developed a cough that sounded terrible. Everyone was coughing and hacking...

    But still we'd open up the blinds, clean the windowsills, open the windows....even though it was super cold, wet and miserable.

    The cat started losing her fur.

    I called the landlord again and said the mold was back and it looked like it was coming through the paint on the window sills/walls. Nobody every showed up to see that.

    We kept up the regimen of cleaning every day.

    My cold turned into a dry cough that persisted all day, every day and got worse when I came home. My husband was having asthma attacks every other day. The kid was missing a lot of school because he'd wake up in the middle of the night, throwing up. It was a miserable cycle -- I'd get better, DH would get better, ML would get better, FL would get better, BL would get sick; I'd get sick, DH would get sick, ML would get sick, FL would get sick, BL would have by now, been better but the vomiting started up again.

    We'd go out on family escursions to parks, malls, anything... and our colds would go away.

    We'd come home and BAM, breathing issues.

    By now it is January.

    I called the apartments, told them we were having MUSHROOMS growing on our carpet. I wanted to get out of the lease.

    Same lecture.

    So Hubs and I would take bleach wipes, gloves and go to town cleaning up the mushrooms in our room. -sigh- I should have taken pictures.

    Mysterious spots began to spring up along the carpet. Icky brown, cola-colored spots in odd shapes. Cat's fur began to fall off again.

    I left another frantic message saying everybody'd been sick for almost two months now. The mold was back. It was coming through the paint. Please. We need help or get released from the lease.


    Regimen continued.


    February. Still a cold, wet, snowy month. We got told the mold was our problem because we used the heaters too much and simply were not ventilating the rooms enough. So I confiscated the small space heaters for a fortnight to see if that'd help. Everybody slept huddled with their room mates like chickens in a coup on a windy day. After one particularly awful snow storm (roads were iced over and people were stuck in their driveways. Schools closed, work closed....people were just not leaving their homes), we slept huddled around the fireplace.

    The next day we ran out of combustibles (wood, paper, books ...) I said "fuck that shit, each room gets its space heater again and we're cranking up the base board heaters.)

    Baseboard heaters weren't working, by the by. It is now March and the Water Boob of late December has been drained and the drywall left to , well, dry since.. well.. December. MIL's room has had a fucking HOLE, exposed drywall laddened in mold for three months.

    Mold issue was still persistent. Since every one else had various degrees of asthma and a cough, I took the job of cleaning it out. The mold, I realize, is no longer greenish in color but black.

    In two weeks I was bedridden with a cough that made me piss my pants and my lungs ached. FINALLY I said 'fuck you' to the bills and went to the doctor. It is now late March and I have pneumonia.

    Sick, exhausted and pissed off, I leave a long, ranting letter and ask, for the upteenth time, "when the fuck is someone going to come and fix that damned wall? We got mold of all colors up on these walls-- the kid's got a cough since December, my cat is bald, my husband's asthma attacks are getting worse, everyone's vomiting and I just got diagnosed with pneumonia. I am tired of waiting. I WANT OUT!"


    And then I spent all month of May moving the fuck out. The rain has ceased since late April, the weather has been in the high 80s and I purposely left the windows open all day every day for two weeks and every day I come to that piece of shit apartment ... I am still cleaning mold off the windowsills, around the sinks and floor.

    Small amounts and I figured "well.. its over, I guess."

    until that lovely oak dresser got moved.

    That dresser, you guys, is three feet tall and seventy five inches wide.

    Half the length of the dresser (against the wall of course, the dresser was untouched, protected by its varnish) was covered in green-black and red fuzz. The full height of said dresser was cast on said walls in fuzzy shadows, its depth shared on the eastern wall.

    The spores had begun to creep toward the ceiling.

    I was horrified.

    I had a tower fan on that dresser on that corner since the last summer...and it was run every day in an effort to circulate the air since the mold issues arose because, per the landlord, the mold was caused by stale air.


    And who suffered the air on a nightly basis and worked as a wind barrier? Me.

    I cleaned the mold on my own, weekly with a bleach-based cleanser (which I come to find out is TOXIC and UNHEALTHY in a household full of asthmatics/folks with compromised respiratory systems) for months. And the spores were blown to ME for months.

    No wonder I've been so fucking sick.

    I mean.. I got better, like 70% my first night in jail. I got over my pneumonia during those four days and the headaches/coughing started up the day I came home.

    I am livid.

    Absolutely fucking livid...

    And I've no clue what to do.

    In the meantime I've taken pictures and I've left the stains there (two similar mold clouds have formed in the closet of that room too) and the moldy dry wall and I am refusing to do any more cleaning. I just.. I'm not going to subject my body to that shit anymore.

    I'm not going to get my husband sicker (since we've been going back to the apartment every day for the last two weeks to clean he's been getting asthma attacks every other day).

    What should I do now?
    Last edited by AnqeiicDemise; 06-02-2009, 06:59 AM.
    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa

  • #2
    Report them to the health authorities. I hope you've kept copies of all the times you've tried to contact them, and copies of the bills you incurred as a result. Mold is DANGEROUS, especially to those with asthma. If you can, get an expert into the apartment, or a health inspector so that they can see first hand what it's like. Show them how you've been cleaning and circulating the air as per the super/landlord's instructions, and how it's done nothing.

    They're stuffing around with your health, and you should not stand for it. The landlord needs to be hit where it hurts - the wallet.
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      Call the health department. I can't remember which county you are in here but call the health department. Also if nothing else gets done, call people helper at KOMO. They are pretty good at getting things taken care of as well. Also You might want to see about getting the little one checked out at Children's just to be sure that things are ok there. Take tons of pics and document everything that you can. All the illnesses and everything. Take that with you when you go to the health department. They should be able to help you.


      • #4
        Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
        I asked for help and she said to use a bleach and water solution.
        from this website

        "Do NOT use Chlorine bleach to kill mold or disinfect moldy areas. It is not an effective or long lasting killer of mold and mold spores. Bleach is good only for changing the color of the mold and watering the roots of the mold."

        "Current situations using bleach re-grew and regenerated mold and bacteria twice the CFU counts than were originally found before bleaching, within a short period of time"
        It makes it grow more
        Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


        • #5
          Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
          from this website

          "Do NOT use Chlorine bleach to kill mold or disinfect moldy areas. It is not an effective or long lasting killer of mold and mold spores. Bleach is good only for changing the color of the mold and watering the roots of the mold.""
          It makes it grow more
          That's partially true.

          Bleach is very effective for killing mold on non-porous surfaces such as tile or countertops.

          But nothing is going to do a good job on a porous surface, such as a wall, where the mold has taken hold like the OP described. Not bleach, not borax, not anything.

          The only thing that can be done is to find out what caused it and address that issue. Followed by completely removing the moldly drywall, wood and insulation and replacing it.

          The way the landlord is trying to address this is beyond unacceptable.
          The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

          The stupid is strong with this one.


          • #6
            I would also recommend calling the state health department. Theres a section to report slumlords. Honey, you shouldve called wayy earlier. I hope you and the family get better. That is such a health hazard.


            • #7
              Minor update:

              We haven't spoken to the apartments since we left and the more I think about it, the more guilty I feel. I have the sinking suspicion that they're just going to slap up some paint over all that crap and pass it off as clean to another sucker family.

              I still have my pictures (dated of course) and a whole roll of film I took the day we left that needs to be developed. The landlord said we weren't going to be charged damages and most likely were going to get all our deposit back. Although we were relieved at the time I'm guessing they're doing this to get out of a law suit.

              Do you guys think we should still call the health department about that?

              Ps: hubby got majorly sick after the move was over and I have this horrible sore throat too. We are unsure if it is mold related, though.
              "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


              • #8
                Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                from this website

                "Do NOT use Chlorine bleach to kill mold or disinfect moldy areas. It is not an effective or long lasting killer of mold and mold spores. Bleach is good only for changing the color of the mold and watering the roots of the mold."

                "Current situations using bleach re-grew and regenerated mold and bacteria twice the CFU counts than were originally found before bleaching, within a short period of time"
                It makes it grow more
                eww.. I did not know that. Jebus. hat explains so much!
                "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


                • #9
                  Yes. The management is knowingly sitting on what could be deadly for someone else, and it seems clear that they don't know how to properly deal with mold as evidenced by what you went through. You have documentation of everything that's happened; a doctor should be able to tell if any respiratory problems are caused by mold (if they are, that is not something to mess around with).
                  "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                  "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                  • #10
                    We just left a craptastic apartment in Auburn (down by the river) and moved to Boise, our mold wasn't as bad as yours, but it sounds like we were in the begining stages of what could turn into something similar. We found that our apartment just recaulked and painted over the mold and when we told them about the problem they came in and sprayed with bleach and said to open the windows. They were single pane windows and so basically open all the time. My window blinds were starting to disintegrate from the mold. I have a friend in the same complex, her toilet lid didn't fit properly so it sprayed water onto the wall behind it and the wall was soft (no doubt lots of mold behind it) They told her they don't replace the wall unless you can stick your finger through it..... My kids were getting massively sick every other week or two. We've been here 2 1/2 weeks and not even a sniffle from them. With my asthma I'm still getting over the effects of it, but my breathing is getting better every few days.

                    But anyways. When you signed your lease you signed a mold adendum, if you don't tell your landlord about the mold you can be held legally responsible for fixing it later and if they don't take care of it they can get into some massive massive trouble with the health board. So I would say report them to any and all appropriate government agencies, There are some serious and deadly mold issues that arise in washington (and anywhere its wet like that)
                    It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. -Office space


                    • #11
                      Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
                      Do you guys think we should still call the health department about that?
                      Definitely do that. That will establish a chain of evidence that will make things easier for the next family should they decide to call.

                      Just make sure you get every penny of your security deposit back FIRST.

                      Don't think for a second that getting your security deposit (aka YOUR money) back obligates you in any way to not report the bastiges.
                      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                      The stupid is strong with this one.


                      • #12
                        Alrightie then. I shall start printing out my pictures, developing my film and getting an overall file ready to present to the health department as soon as I get my security deposit.


                        I shall find out soon if I get it or not.
                        "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


                        • #13
                          I'm really glad that you are going to take this to the health department. This way hopefully no one else will get sick because of things not being taken care of properly.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Shpepper View Post
                            I'm really glad that you are going to take this to the health department. This way hopefully no one else will get sick because of things not being taken care of properly.

                            It just won't sit right in my mind if I don't, y'know? Its ridiculous. I can't help but wonder if they painted over the mold before we moved in-- and I wouldn't be surprsied either. It may be wishful thinking but I recall the smell of fresh paint when we moved it.
                            "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


                            • #15
                              Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
                              It just won't sit right in my mind if I don't, y'know? Its ridiculous. I can't help but wonder if they painted over the mold before we moved in-- and I wouldn't be surprsied either. It may be wishful thinking but I recall the smell of fresh paint when we moved it.
                              I wouldn't be surprised. It is such a huge cost to get rid of mold, especially in the older apartments that have had problems from before all the laws came into play. They'd have to raise their rent to well above what their clientel could afford. They would basically have to tear everything down and start from scratch. Paint is a much cheaper fix.
                              It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. -Office space

