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Tonsil stones (kinda gross)

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  • Tonsil stones (kinda gross)

    Has anyone ever had these, or know anything about them?

    I first had one of these a couple months ago, shortly after I had my gall bladder removed (which was the end of January.) It felt like a piece of popcorn was stuck in the back of my throat; it didn't hurt, I could just feel something there every time I swallowed. After about 3 days, I finally took a flashlight and checked and there was this huge white spot on my tonsil. I didn't think I had strep throat, since I didn't feel sick and my throat hadn't hurt at all, so I did some research online and found out about tonsil stones. I poked at it with a q-tip, and it popped out (gross!) and I've been fine ever since...

    ...about a week and a half ago, when I got another one. And another. And another. I think I've removed 3 or 4 more in the last week and a half or two weeks. I just moved in with my boyfriend (in Texas) so I don't know if climate/pollen can have something to do with it...or else, I thought maybe the lack of soda that I'm drinking now. I never used to drink a lot of soda, maybe one a day at the most, when I was living back in Wisconsin, but since I've moved in with my boyfriend, I think I've only had maybe 2 sodas in the last 3 weeks. He just doesn't drink it, and if it's not around, I don't miss it. Maybe the acid in soda was helping dissolve the stuff that makes the tonsil stones?

    From what I've read, they seem to be made up mostly of white blood cells, bacteria that naturally lives in your throat, and post-nasal drip. I HAVE been kinda sick ever since I got here (cold, congestion, etc.) and the first time I had a stone a couple months ago, I had the same kind of symptoms, so maybe that has something to do with it, too. Also, I only get them in one tonsil, the other one from what I can tell is absolutely fine.

    Any advice? I don't really want to have another surgery to have my tonsils out, which seems to be the only sure-fire remedy from what I've read. Then again, my deductible for my health insurance is all paid for for the year, since my gall bladder surgery, so I guess if I did have to have surgery, now would be a good time to do it.

  • #2
    Sounds like if you want to continue popping out stones you can but I think I would get them removed.


    • #3
      I've had that...I didn't know there was a name for it. Whenever it's happened it's been along with a sore throat/tonsillitis so I just figured it was part of that.

      A few years ago I had tonsillitis so bad I had about 1/2 inch of space between them because they were so swollen. Swallowing made me want to cry and I was only eating ice cream. I still have my tonsils though. I've actually managed to get through this winter without a major cold or throat infection (knock on wood). Especially impressive since my roommate teaches in a 1st grade germ factory and has been sick more than once.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        ah, tonsil stones. what my wife and i (not so) affectionately refer to as "throat cheese." i get them fairly often. they mostly occur in my right tonsil, but occasionally in the left as well. they are annoying, and sometimes uncomfortable, and undoubtedly gross, but from all i've seen and experienced, not dangerous. unfortunately, according to my doctor, the only way to assure they don't come back is having your tonsils out, so mostly i just deal with them as they come.
        My Space


        • #5
          my doc advised to just brush your tonsil daily. sounds weird right? then again it was a military doc.........

          i think ill see into getting them out after im done breastfeeding.
          My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


          • #6
            Quoth monolayth View Post
            i think ill see into getting them out after im done breastfeeding.
            Um I had my tonsil removed when I was 22-it was worse pain than unmedicated childbirth-and I had to be on IVs for a week-couldn't eat or drink anything-the older you are when they are removed the worse it is-I do not recommend it unless medically necessary(mine were abscessed and turning septic)
            Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


            • #7
              Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
              Um I had my tonsil removed when I was 22-it was worse pain than unmedicated childbirth-and I had to be on IVs for a week-couldn't eat or drink anything-the older you are when they are removed the worse it is-I do not recommend it unless medically necessary(mine were abscessed and turning septic)
              I've heard how it gets a lot worse when you're older, which is one reason why I didn't want to have the surgery. A friend of mine had her's out when she was 23 or 24 and it didn't seem as bad as yours (still painful, but she wasn't on IV for weeks, at least) so it probably varies from person to person. I'm sorry yours was so bad.

              Anyway, I tried brushing my tonsils last night (kind of a pain, I gagged a couple of times) and the stone that's been bothering me for about a day and a half popped out! And right now everything looks clean, I don't see any stones at all. So maybe I'll try that trick for a while and see how it works.

