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Death by Laughter

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  • Death by Laughter

    Thursday night we took the boy to BK for some munchies and so he could play in their playland. Hubby and I were bored waiting for him to finish playing so hubby wrote a word on a piece of paper. he wrote "bomb" so I wrote beneath it "tomb" and we just kept going along making words by changing one letter(we cheated a bit but it's not like we're keeping score). so along we go for about 15 min(it takes time to think) and he writes "make" so I write "male". he looks at the word and in a dead serious tone he screams "Malay!! That's not even a word!" He mispronounced the word badly obviously. i burst into laughter and said that's "male" not "malay". I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. i was laughing to the point of crying. Let's say I was WAAAAY beyond ! I love laughing that much. It may not sound funny but it was his tone that killed me. I still laugh thinking about it.
    "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."

  • #2
    lol I love those moments!
    1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
    ----- (A blog about everything and nothing)

