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Some days suck, some days blow

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  • Some days suck, some days blow

    Been an odd day. The weather's warmer than it has any right to be, and I'm built for the cold. Been too warm to allow me to sleep properly for some time, and as it cooled somewhat yesterday I felt the need to indulge in some prime slumber.

    Cometh the one am, cometh the call from the alarm company monitoring the alarm at your work where you're second on the call-out list.

    We have security precautions when looking to see if there was a break-in. In a mood like mine was, it's mostly don't kill them, but if you do make sure you get rid of any evidence.

    Back to bed shortly after two am and yet another false alarm, and then some pawing at the alarm's snooze function for a seven am start.

    Eight hour shift - over and done with, but one of the trucks is fashionably late so I have to work another couple of hours to get that tipped and loaded.

    Straight to parent's place where I'm the unofficial tech support. A tomtom 720 needed an update to it's maps, and that's where I came in to click two sodding buttons.

    Turned out I made the right move in backing it up just in case. Over four hours later, I left with the male parent glad I'd got the device back to working as it had before without any change. Tomtom's updating and upgrading programme really ought to have programmers on it who weren't very silly people.


  • #2
    Poor Raps! I can't sleep, either, due to heat & the annoying birds waking me at 4:30 am. Well, it's either that or the neighbors. Hope you get some sleep soon. Maybe have a fan blowing directly on you?
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      I agree with you too. Not that I'm on call for anyone, but I can't sleep in this sodding hot weather that has put the UK under panic, or at least if the BBC is to be believed.

      I find that a teatowel soaked in cold water and applied to the head works wonders. good luck!


      • #4
        I'd suggest shaving the whole body, but that would result in majorly clogged pipes :P

        I'm sorry you're feeling out of sorts, Raps. Hope you cool off soon! AND install REMOTE ACCESS to your parent's puter from your own home.

        You'd be able to sit in front of the fan, cooling off, whilst fixing their boo-boos.

        In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
        She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


        • #5
          Oh, I'll live, but a bit on the mentally fuzzy side more than anything else.

          That said, it's after one am right now and I start at work at eight am. Sometimes it's my own fault

          Not convinced that going to Italy on holiday at this time of year is a good plan, mind...



          • #6
            Quoth Cutenoob View Post
            AND install REMOTE ACCESS to your parent's puter from your own home.
            That's not a bad idea. My dad did that on my computer. He really did it to test it before putting it on his friend's computer (his friend who just simply should not own a computer, but at least it gets my parents invited for dinner quite a lot), but it's come in handy a few times when I had issues. I am at least capable of following instructions over the phone, though, unlike my dad's friend...
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

